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Facts be factin'.

KKGator 9 May 24
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The thing I dislike about crowds of people is that some of them will be smoking in public. Ugh. 😟


Especially the people


Sounds like you have a vampire fettish goen on.. lol

No. Just don't like bright sunlight, because it hurts my eyes, and I really don't like
people in general.

@KKGator that's why I pay for transition lenses for my glasses.

@RobertMartin I wear extremely dark sunglasses. I joke that I look like I'm "fixin' to weld something".
They go on before I go out the door.


Exactly. One or a few people, ok. A crowd? Ick.
As for the sun, it not only zaps my energy when heat/humidity is outrageous, I’m a very pale white I burn fast. I’m olden days I guess I’d have a parasol!


This is so me! lol

ballou Level 8 May 24, 2019

Introverts unite! No, wait! That’s an oxymoron.

BudFrank Level 8 May 24, 2019

Honestly, I'm not an introvert.
I just really dislike most people.
I'm actually great fun at parties. When I go.


@KKGator I’m mixed. I’m not much of a party person but do better one on one. I can be talkative and hopefully interesting in that environment.

@BudFrank It really depends on my mood.

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