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Help, please! Whoring for points. As I post this i am 100 points from level 8. And it is another cute puppy!

EyesThatSmile 8 May 30
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I had high hopes of getting that t-shirt two weeks ago after I got a message they were sending it. They must have taped it on a turtle and pointed him my way.

This weekend I'll be hanging out with Petunia's Aunt Martha. Her husband, the missionary, died this month and if I get that shirt before I blow the pop stand . . . I might be able to skip Petunia's future family reunions.

Make a post declaring you go into uncontrollable fits of lust for old guys and have too many bonus mileage points on Delta airlines. That ought to rack up points. Either that or claim Trump will save the country because he's got Jesus in his heart.

Oh my! If she posts any of your ideas she will level up to almost 9.

@Zoohome It's my master plan to get new level 8 members bitching about the t-shirt that doesn't arrive. It's my fear of myself and others running around half naked without it.

Seriously there are some topics that bring people out of the wood works. Tell 'em guns aren't a civil right and you're more likely to shoot yourself than uphold the law or democracy with a gun. That is high on the gotta get a response. Also high on that list, defend any sexual perversity as good for society as whole, thus making child molesters secret saints. We need more stump broke horses (if you don't know, you're better off not knowing). Anal sex with chickens make tender meat! We need more stud muffins fucking chickens.

@WonderWartHog99 I need one of those topics to get me to level 8. I'm 12k points away

@WonderWartHog99 I need to have at least a little bit of enthusiasm in at least one of the topics.
Not sure I should throw a topic I think it's off the wall or get one that I believe in. I know that the field I work in brings a lot of debate. But I don't think I should use it for stirring up the pot.
Maybe guns in school would be a fun one? Or abortion?
Can you come up with a hilarious one for abortion?
Or is everyone here pretty much in favor of it?
My antivaxx friend also thinks you should vaccinate dogs. Can you believe? That would be funny to to bring it up.

@Zoohome >Can you come up with a hilarious one for abortion?

Screw the coat hangers! Let's have gun control for abortions. Blast the little bastards out of there.

>My antivaxx friend also thinks you should vaccinate dogs. Can you believe?

Ah believe! It's just a dog. So it gets autism? Better than it biting me and giving me rabies.

I know that the field I work in brings a lot of debate. But I don't think I should use it for stirring up the pot.

Oh piffle poo! Just point out the most cuddly animal you work with and say it needs ten hours in a crock pot, chili powder and cumin. After that, chop it up, put it in a taco.

>Maybe guns in school would be a fun one?

What's an eight year old without a shot gun?

@WonderWartHog99 you are on a roll!!!
I love that about the recipe. But I would get some major outrage Nd I'm not much of a confrontational person.
Ok, I have a good one that is on my plate right now and it will itch all kinds of users.
How to introduce sex education to a child?

We sure could make it fun due to my current situation. Son is 9yo, our Fergie, the giant schnauzer is current in heat.
He can't understand why she is bleeding. I told him she is now a lady and she can have puppies. I haven't come up with any other explanation, but I know it's a matter of time because he keeps asking me things here and there.

@Zoohome How to introduce sex education to a child?

Let 'em learn it from the gutter like the rest of us. Your best bet is have a student/parent conference. She'll recommend a sex ed book at his grade level. Shove it in his hands. Unless he's got reading problems, he'll take it from there. After he's asked you a few questions, he'll learn the rest "from the gutter." That means he'll ask classmates and buddies who don't know what he's talking about to fill him in. If he's smarter than the average bear, he'll start looking up all the strange stuff like whips, chains, leather, Ru Paul's drag races, putting marshmallows on women's nipples with chocolate sauce . . . .

@WonderWartHog99 I guess you don't think I should throw that topic for the lions to devote? That would give me points

@WonderWartHog99 Personally I think your reference to marshmellows and chocolate sauce would get a lot more interest from this crowd! After reading all that banter, that is what caught my eye...

@Zoohome I guess you don't think I should throw that topic for the lions to devote?

You're off on that guess. Why not start a discussion group called educating children about sex?

There'll be a few perverts who'll show up, the prissy will freak and a few parents who'd like to keep the topic on course.

@EyesThatSmile You're right. Sex sells.

Sexual accessories like marshmallows on nipples is one of a cast of thousands of things that might interest this crowd. I knew one gal who had three month run with mentioning the rampant rabbit vibrator as one of her favorite things. On the other hand, I have drawn ire for mentioning perky breasts and lurid licking lusty busty lesbians. Adding a line about the oil on a tarp trick has a so-so response with people muttering "what the fuck, over?"

@EyesThatSmile and @wonderwarthog99
The marshmallow and chocolate nipples is popular topics at the "talk dirty to me" "classic sexy pic" "sexual deviants" groups. There are plenty of that.
But you are right. I might get a group about special topics to kids going. 😊


Me too! I’m 66 points away from 6. Like me! Love me 🤪

chocbroc Level 6 May 31, 2019

More for you

>Like me! Love me

Petunia would run you off with a broom.

Love you.


Congratulations on making it.

glennlab Level 10 May 31, 2019

and a couple more

glennlab Level 10 May 30, 2019

You got it!!! 🤗

Zoohome Level 8 May 31, 2019

Way to go.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 31, 2019


JazznBlues Level 8 May 31, 2019

how about a couple new posts?

glennlab Level 10 May 31, 2019

added a few in weird places.

glennlab Level 10 May 30, 2019

and one more time.

glennlab Level 10 May 30, 2019

I'll give you a couple.

glennlab Level 10 May 30, 2019

Have a point on me


Good caption. Poor puppy.



VIKingsCFH Level 7 May 31, 2019

I have no shame. Thanks!

@EyesThatSmile as well you shouldn't


Congrats !!!

Pralina1 Level 9 May 31, 2019

I see you've already made it. Congrats! And here's some more points.


Here you go - imo a far better meme:

FrayedBear Level 9 May 31, 2019

Aww. Such a sad song! Hahaha



Dew25 Level 7 May 31, 2019

I see you got it! Congratulations!

BudFrank Level 8 May 31, 2019

Congratulations! You made it! 😊

MojoDave Level 9 May 31, 2019

Thanks, Sweetie.💋

@sweetcharlotte How are you able to give someone 40 points?


Cats are better than dogs!


Awwwww. I love puppies! 🙂


You go girl!


Cute as anything!


Puppie are cute



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