8 14

Smart girl.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 31
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VIKingsCFH Level 7 June 1, 2019

Now, there's an eye-full tower! 😛


sounds like one of our scammers, lol

glennlab Level 10 May 31, 2019

We got us a regular Einstein here


I appreciate the ignorance of this pic but I can't help being irritated by something else.
I can't wait for current generation to look back at their stupid fish-face pouts and think 'god what was i thinking?'


Not too hard to see how this could have happened, they're both originally or currently from France.


Devos U grad?


Chalk this up to the Republiturds gutting Education .

GEGR Level 7 May 31, 2019

I think there have always been people this stupid.

@tnorman1236 True, they are making it Much Worse .

Both parties are responsible for gutting education. Schools are teaching children what to think, not how to think.

@RobertMartin Only one party is Actively Trying to DESTROY the Education System in this Country .

@GEGR I disagree, both parties are responsible

@RobertMartin Uneducated people vote republiKKKan.
Ask tRump He loves them remember.

@RobertMartin Disagree all you want with the truth .

@Eirteacher I vote 3rd party, I don't like either party, they do nothing for me or America.

@Eirteacher what exactly makes Trump a racist. If it has to do with illegal immigration then that makes Bill Clinton a racist as well. Clinton said the same shit Trump did about illegal immigration some 20 years ago. Clinton received a thunderous applause from both parties regarding that speech.

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