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Who's working tonight?

scurry 9 June 2
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I hope everyone is washing their hands.

Bikes4Fish Level 7 June 2, 2019

When's Carlos going on vacation??

EricJones Level 8 June 2, 2019

Carlos is busy working on the virgins! 😍

MojoDave Level 9 June 2, 2019

Hahahahaha! Oh, that's clever! 🤣🤣

MojoDave Level 9 June 2, 2019

Carlos must not have a life.

JimG Level 8 June 2, 2019

Hey, he's got a job.

@WonderWartHog99 That's what I have instead too.

@JimG When you going place an order with the Mayan virgins for a burrito deluxe?

@WonderWartHog99 Every time I order, Carlos is the only one working. He needs to take a vacation.

@JimG Here in gringo land, there is no law an employee has to get a vacation. Many Americans refuse to take a vacation unless they hire a temp that does a better job or other such nonsense.

@WonderWartHog99 I read a couple different articles about that. The last time, I had unused vacation was in 2004. Now, I have twice as much time, and I will take every second.

@JimG Some companies try to fill their staff with temp workers using a policy that only full time workers after a year on the job can get a paid vacation. One such example is Walmart, one the largest retail company in the US along with McDonald's. Along with paying employee close to minimum wage (not a living wage) they inspire no employee loyalty. It makes employees constantly look for better paying full time work, leaving the company at a whim. That in turn forces the company to constantly hire and train new employees. Instead of paying a living wage, they spend their money a screening new workers and training them costing them more than if they paid a living wage. It's amazingly short sighted on their part.

If they're always hiring that's one of the major reasons. Naturally, those companies require a two week notice to quit but will fire an employee on a whim. Of course, those kind of companies are aggressively non-union. Because of under reported union busting activities, union memberships continue to decline in the US.

Because this is extremely common in Dixie, I consider Dixie a region wide job training program. Once you've destroyed enough heavy equipment until you know what you're doing, you hunt down a job that pays better.

We'un's crazy we is.

If I could only line up a job in Rotterdam, I'd move.

@WonderWartHog99 I have an uncle whose company sent him to supervise in a plant in SC. He was shocked with the mentality of most workers there. He said a lot of employees just quit when the wanted time off. Because it was so common for people to do that, they could always find another job.

@JimG > Because it was so common for people to do that, they could always find another job.

Yep. Another low paying job, no benefits with the company willing to fire you on a whim.

What's loyalty after that?

@WonderWartHog99 I don't blame the employees at all, loyalty to companies like that will never be rewarded. I hope that our future generations can take back the rights that workers of my generation and my parents' generation lost. Especially since the 80s.


Carlos is a virgin


Hope it’s not Carlos

BudFrank Level 8 June 2, 2019
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