20 12

What the actual hell?!?

scurry 9 June 10
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Christians.......still blaming women for everything. (Doncha just wanna grab satan by the ovaries and ride him home?)


This asshole was born a chromosome or two short...


This takes self loathing to a new level

Bikes4Fish Level 7 June 12, 2019

Well, the next time I'm eating a pussy I'm going to think about licking the devil's chin! I hope I don't start laughing! It'll be hard to explain!


I do realise that half the population of America are fuckwits (just look to whom they voted as President) however, I really hope this is a joke.

davers Level 7 June 11, 2019

And all of those evil women are coming for you in Caravans!

Ludo Level 7 June 11, 2019

The dodge symbol should be all the warning you need.


Whoever designed the Satanic Ram’s head had something else on their mind when they came up with that design! Bwa hahaha!😈


What?!?! Somebody actually believes this? Tell him not to do it. We don’t want this kind of person reproducing

BudFrank Level 8 June 11, 2019

I'm speechless.

Kynlei Level 8 June 11, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 June 11, 2019

I feel like he's stealing oxygen, that the rest of us could be putting to good use!

JazznBlues Level 8 June 11, 2019

Which drawing came first I wonder...


Jesus H Fucking Christ on a Popsicle Stick .

GEGR Level 7 June 11, 2019

Love this phrase, mind if I steal it?

@SiouxcitySue It's YOUR'S . I stole it from a 25 year old movie ( and use it all the time ) .


MITCH RYDER "Devil With The Blue Dress"

Sticks48 Level 9 June 11, 2019

Those thoughts never occurred to me.

BD66 Level 8 June 11, 2019

And it shouldn't.


The assumption is in error. We don't all want to go to heaven. Haven't you read Letters from the earth,you dumb shit?

I haven't thought about that book in a long, long time. Great book. I need to get another copy.


So, he should definitely only have sex with men.


What a dumbass!

noworry28 Level 8 June 10, 2019

OMG! The delusional get more delusional!

MojoDave Level 9 June 10, 2019

Waste of good air


Oh, for fuck's sakes!!!

And people wonder why I think the herd needs thinning?

KKGator Level 9 June 10, 2019

And who are those 22 people who liked his posts. More dumbassess.

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