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Frustrations abound

Aryn 7 June 29
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Those families would still be together, if they just stayed HOME instead of coming here ILLEGALLY!!! Sneak into some shit hole of a country, and see how they treat YOU!! We do NOT owe anyone who is too stupid to obey our laws a free living! If we do, how many of these illegal immigrants are you taking into your home to clothe, house and feed, all on your dime??
Oh, I need to shut up because I'm making too much sense here now?

Logician Level 7 June 30, 2019

if they just stayed HOME instead of coming here ILLEGALLY!!

International law says if you cross the border without papers and turn yourself in immediately because you're fleeing your country, you're legal. The more reasonable way to deal with this is hire more border agents to process refugee claims than troops to shoot at them or cages for the children.

We do NOT owe anyone who is too stupid to obey our laws a free living!

Hardest people I've ever met arrived here from abroad after nearly starving to death in their own country. They'll work three jobs pennies on the dollar.

>Oh, I need to shut up because I'm making too much sense here now?

There'll come a point when your ignorance will be ignored instead.

Since WHEN does "international law" trump the sovereignty of a nation?!?! By that line of illogical thinking, no nation on Earth would be able to have its own set of laws and customs, we could just pick and choose which ones will apply when we want them to, right?
These ILLEGAL immigrants claim that they are fleeing political oppression, but yet when the mother of that retard who drowned his daughter and himself in the process of crossing a river ILLEGALLY said that he was coming here for ECONOMIC reasons!! BUUUSTED!!
If you think that wide open borders are such a good idea, then why don't you take all of the doors off of your house? How many of these ILLEGAL immigrants are you taking into your own home to house, clothe and feed? I know for a fact that it's not even one of them! Prove me wrong!



Name for me even just ONE POTUS who hasn't ticked every box on that list!!

Logician Level 7 June 30, 2019

Darn near every president. trump is an unmitigated disaster. He is an embarrassment and a horrible human being.


What the Fuck is it going to take ? Having watched Nixon implode, This Orange Communist Turd makes Nixon look like a Choir Boy .

GEGR Level 7 June 30, 2019

There's something very fishy going on in Washington, D.C. and it is bigger than djt's hair.

@Aryn Thanks for the update. You're preaching to the choir.

@Aryn Agreed .


Impeach the idiot!

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