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Dudes a douchebag

Rudy1962 9 July 14
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Tie him in a chair and have a slutty white bitch stuff his mouth with black tar heroin - a real gift for the whiole world


I hate this son of a bitch about as much as trump. I hope to meet him one day here in Texas so I can spit on him.


Duh, where else would they come from?
I'm sorry, calling him a douchebag gives real douchebags a bad name. And they can I'll afford it, being the butt of jokes and all.
Now if you would like to call him a sick bastard, I'm pretty sure we can get that approved, in a heartbeat.


He didn't say that. But he's an asshole con artist anyway!

MojoDave Level 9 July 14, 2019

Very definitely a douche bag

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019

I think I’ll be asking Santa for my Christmas gifts this year. I don’t like what Jesus has to offer!

Plan to sit on Santa's lap and ask him to lite your chemicals?


I don't know if he actually said this or not, but I can't stand him anyway

Livinlife Level 9 July 14, 2019

I just can't believe here in 2019 that sheeple have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by this ass clown.


I despise that motherfucker.

KKGator Level 9 July 14, 2019

What she said.


Given the new MAGA messiah, sounds pretty reasonable

I’ll help crucify him

The Passion Of The Trump?

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