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Who else shops like I do?

EyesThatSmile 8 July 23
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We're all price conscientious to a degree; depending on our incomes.

It's a problem with the extremes in income; both the very rich and very poor are not wise shoppers.

The wealthy - even the ecological minded - tend to be wasteful if they're making good money.

Very poor are often big wasters and poor shoppers as well....often eating out "fast food" when it's much more thrifty and wiser to prep meals at home.

Robecology Level 9 July 25, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 July 24, 2019

Unless it’s Dollar Tree, the one place where I can just put anything I want in my cart, without looking at the price!😂

lol How much is this? $1 What about this? $1 Oh, and what does this cost? $1

@thinktwice Exactly...I can clean up for 20 bucks! I love it😁


I think my husband wishes I shopped that way...I get stuck at the "I want"... 😟

thinktwice Level 8 July 24, 2019

And when I go shopping with a particular friend, we show each other cute stuff and ask "how many monies would you pay?"
Inevidabley, when the price is revealed, we say. "Too many monies!" and put it back.

scurry Level 9 July 24, 2019

I do.. More people should... Prices are outrageous sometimes but if I need it, I'll buy it but ill negotiate first... 10% off is common if you speak to the manager.... 😊


I like things, just not as much as the seller.


My ex was that way. I'm the opposite.

If it's really expensive, you buy more?

@scurry No, I just go ahead and buy it if I want it. I have learned, however, to stay away from temptation for the most part. As in, if you can't afford some new books, don't go to the book store.


Oh yes, all the time. Gotta stay out of those antique stores. Lol


Pretty much.
Been "shopping" that way for decades.
I usually cannot justify spending money on anything
but the essentials.

I've got a "wish list" on Amazon, a mile long.

KKGator Level 9 July 23, 2019


Me too!


Intelligent woman

BudFrank Level 8 July 23, 2019

"This is cute!"
checks price
"Not THAT cute..."

Kynlei Level 8 July 23, 2019


glennlab Level 10 July 23, 2019
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