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Please don’t get me wrong! Especially as I am recovering from religion myself I am very tolerant of and sympathetic towards religious people, they are victims. However as a whole the lies of religion, the charlatans, just need to be called out on the bs they feed their flocks. It’s toxic.

JohnnyJohnny 5 July 31
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General apostasy worldwide!


I wish at least that we wouldn’t be the minority.


I/we concur; but we have to take the message of Trump being elected seriously...and relate it to the collective state of mind of Americans...

...they're a lot more #religulous, naive, racist, sexist, and in general ignorant, than most of us realized.

And a new president in 2020 won't change things much. This will be a slow-motion change until knowledge, learning, science, and facts catch up with most - or at least a majority of the world.

If it doesn't happen soon, I'm afraid for the young people of the world...they will have to face extinction.

Robecology Level 9 July 31, 2019

One of the best.

freeofgod Level 8 July 31, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 July 31, 2019

I believe you are right

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 31, 2019

The same can be said about American politics!

The two are intertwined together. But when we address religions lies we are targeting core beliefs based on myths. Remove those and suddenly many of us become much more humanitarian. That should be the goal. In my opinion.


well said

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