3 8

I will like to mention that this is international some how .
Wth . I don't have a single friend that has not heard that from parents ! Not a single one ! And we all grew up in Venice , Italy . And here in America , same story , every single youngster at work has stories to say about this 😂
It must snowed a lot on earth the last 80 yrs , and men , too many hills ? Is that a case to support climate change at least ???😍🙌🙌

Pralina1 9 Nov 3
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Actually, this is the story I tell my friends' children who have to be bussed 3 blocks to school these days.


Not a meme but funny

NoIdea Level 6 Nov 3, 2019

Oh this GREAT ! Omg ! I wish my father was alive !!!! He spoke English very well , he will had love this !!!!
" luxury "!
" paradise " 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂in a rolled newspaper ! Wth ! Liers !!!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

OMG! Brilliant! 🙂

@BeeHappy Don't know if this is a scene from a very early Monty Python show, or if this was where the group started, but their brilliance did not fade over the years.

@SiouxcitySue I agree!


No, no, no. It's supposed to be uphill both ways, leaving a trail of blood behind you from all bobcat attacks. 😻😂

Come to think of it, do they have bobcats in Italy or do they hide them in the back alleys?

In Italy they're called Roberto Gatti. 😛

I never seen one ! But u are right ! My father will talk like he was sooo suffering , and really , his school was IN THE CITY . I confronted him when I was 12. He said I got the story wrong , he went to school at south Italy . No he didn't !!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Now for a woman who has given me an excuse to take her to the zoo.

@Pralina1 >I never seen one !

Grow a field of catnip in the backwoods and see what happens.

Honestly, I have been led inside a screened in poach where the woman was raising bobcats. I didn't realize it until she closed the door behind me. They ignored me. One of them jumped on her shoulder and started purring.

Perhaps you've heard of this word "nervous"?

@Pralina1 >He said I got the story wrong , he went to school at south Italy .

It's hilly in Naples. 😻😂

I watch too many travel videos. I've seen too many videos on their nearest volcano.

@WonderWartHog99 oh no . He tried to tell me that he went to a village in Sicily , and dropped subject very fast Bcz none made sense when I grew smarter !! ( yeah , it took me 12 yrs or so , not the brightest in our family 😂😂😂 )

@Pralina1 Sicily is hilly, rocky island . I wouldn't count on them keeping snow plows at the ready.

So, did the family told you it was too dangerous to go to the zoo and see the bobcats?

@WonderWartHog99 my father took us to a zoo once . Both my sister and I we had very hard x understanding y the lions and the bears were behind bars like criminals we seen on tv . I was 8 and my sister almost 4, and we never went back to any zoo ever . 41 yrs for me . We had many pets thou that we grew old with . We had permanent dogs , random ones that we found / nurse / give to homes , cats , ducks , chickens , a free parrot that shit allover the house most of times ( so and the duck ), and my father drew the line when I came home w a goat . Now that I am the only one to clean a house , I only have two dogs 😂

@WonderWartHog99 my father wasn't near Sicily when young , and Bcz we had no family around us to prove him wrong , I know he lied !!!!

@Pralina1 >Now that I am the only one to clean a house , I only have two dogs

Hope you have a kennel for them and walk them regularly. Old what's her face that lives with me, had dogs and a kennel. She refused to clean the kennel, buy new litter for it and refused to walk them. We had to give them away. The Jack Russel terror turned psycho.

Got a cat now. Upkeep on Percy is a joke compared to her dogs.

@Pralina1 In Tampa, Florida they have Bush Gardens. They re-create an African savanna (savannah?) with an overhead tramp so visitors can see the animal wandering around and interacting. Similar exhibits exist elsewhere.

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