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Mike Pence doesn't get enough play in memes..... So here's one about his wife.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 27
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Never watched Mad TV - Second City yes.


Sure because attacking people’s families is awesome. Nice.

jperlow Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

He, uh, he uh, he uh look-a like-a man!

ballou Level 8 Mar 27, 2018

Careful. Comment could be considered transphobic..implying that women who look mannish are inherently ugly or unnatural. There are many cis normal women who look mannish and many feminine males, but no need to ridicule either..

@birdingnut Obviously, you have never watched Mad TV? The comment and meme were taken from the show. I'm not ridiculing anyone.

@balou Nope never have watched it, although I read the magazine while growing up, but I am partially transmale with several close transwoman and transmale friends.Before the LGBTQ community started standing up for itself, they were considered fair game to ridicule in movies, TV, comedy, etc. Now, not so much. Kind of like how racist and gay jokes are now considered gauche..

@birdingnut this was only supposed to be published in our's only a glitch that it was posted in the general discssion.


Alex Borstein (right) is the voice of Lois Griffin. Pence would stroke out if people
started mistaking her for Alex. I think we should all start doing that. Immediately.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

She's just watching to make sure her husband isn't alone with a woman at any time...

birdingnut Level 8 Mar 27, 2018


BeeHappy Level 9 Mar 27, 2018
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