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Because poverty like incest is all relative right?....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 23
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There are states and people who are Democrat leaning that are poor, not just Republicans.

I take you are talking about ones like West Virginia?.... Hate to burst your bubble but the Democrats there are Republicans.... Look at Joe Manchin....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz how about California where roughly 20% of the population are living in poverty . I get why, taxes are high and housing/ rents are high. Same thing in New York.

@RobertMartin Really... FAUX news isn't real.... Look at Texas their poverty rate is higher than CA and they brag about "low taxes" when what they really do is penalize the middle class for owning a home...

FYI in 2017 the poverty rate here was 13.3% and dropping since we now have raised the minimum wage.... Texas according to the US census was at 14.9% for the same year and is reportedly climbing again....


We'll teach them libards who's the boss.

morlll Level 7 Jan 23, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 Jan 23, 2020

They shoot themselves in the foot and blame everyone else 😋😊


None of the memes mention incest. Mentioning incest seems to be one of your favorite topics.

California, your home state, has 14% of the population living in poverty. One of the five top states for poverty (20%) is New Mexico. Does 6% difference between the two states cause Trump support and incest? Your logic is a non sequitur.

Source: []

Poverty is relative to the cost of living but you don't understand the comparison do you?.... Try ba non-biased academic quality site that deals in economics not pandering to biased people looking to "prove" their foolish concepts are real...


I understand none of your memes refer to incest.

I understand none of your claims come from a source that is an educational institution.

My source didn't not call me up and go "want to get pandered?" There's a whole different web sites for that but they're unrelated to the topic.

I suspect you just like to bring up the subject of incest because it sounds like so much fun.
No details are required to justify my theories, as bizarre as they are.


And let's not forget Lot who united with his daughters or that Spanish king Charles II the last of those good Catholics, the Hapsburgs.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 23, 2020

Weren't the Hapsburgs the ones behind the 30 years war that ravaged Europe, killed off half the civilian population of the Germanies, and caused plagues in most of the rest of Europe?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The throne of the Holy Roman Empire was continuously occupied by the Habsburgs from 1438 until their extinction in the male line in 1740. + the 30 years war

@FrayedBear My point exactly....


"I love the poorly educated" pretty much sums it all up

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