9 15

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but in case any of you want to steal it.

OldMetalHead 9 Jan 30
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If the outcome would be Donald Trump with either one I would drop both.

noworry28 Level 8 Jan 31, 2020

I'm of the school that suggests that we "become" human over the years. We are not, in fact, according to most behavioral scientists - human at birth.

We rarely can recall anything beyond (younger than) 3 years I honestly think this time; post 3 year old - is the beginning of our "human-ness".

And consider this; if birth control devices and advice were freely distributed - the number of abortions would drop drastically.

We wouldn't need "abortion rights" if family planning tools and advice were freely available.

Abortions would still exist if - for example - we discovered the embryo we had created was "faulty" - deformed, or otherwise...we'd still have an excuse to abort.

So those who fight abortions are being solidly hypocritical (as the #religulous often are) because they also fight family planning tools and distribution.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 30, 2020

>And consider this; if birth control devices and advice were freely distributed - the number of abortions would drop drastically.

Condoms are "freely distributed." I've been to student health care and gotten mine for free. Sometime I've gotten a dozen free packages at a pop while getting treated for pink eye. At the same school they put free condom dispensers in the rest room. If you attend high school, you can get them for free as well.

When I was a mere horny lad of 16 a clerk saw me studying shelves of contraceptives, when she asked me what was I doing. I said I was pondering my next purchase. She brought over a druggist who gave me the 15 minute lecture on the pluses and minuses of each product.

In this country getting birth control and advice is not a problem.


I'm guessing you don't know many poor or minority folk.

I'm also guessing you don't know much about all the anti-abortion behavior of conservatives, the #religulous, and Republicans.


@Robecology >I'm guessing you don't know many poor or minority folk.

I know about the availability of cheap birth control, When they're giving away rubbers for free, it doesn't get much cheaper.

In inner city high schools (how's that for minority?) the students can get contraceptives for free.

>I'm also guessing you don't know much about all the anti-abortion behavior of conservatives . . . .

Abortion and contraception are only vaguely related topics. The toughest woman in the world doesn't say "Hell, I want use abortion instead of contraception. It sounds like so much fun." Your premise that contraception is expensive and difficult to find is baloney.

However, because my home town leads abortion clinic bombings in America I may know way more about how much fundamentalist and their cohorts than you.

@WonderWartHog99 Did you see how you contradict yourself?

You said, above; "n this country getting birth control and advice is not a problem."

Then you say "my home town leads abortion clinic bombings"....

So do you not see the contradiction, there?

@WonderWartHog99 and what's with the "one-up-man-ship" rude comments? "I may know way more about how much fundamentalist and their cohorts than you."....yet you make contradictions like you did? I'm wasting my time. Please; no more rude remarks...or you will be blocked.

@Robecology >So do you not see the contradiction, there?


You equate abortion with contraceptives. Easy to get contraceptives; difficult (and becoming more so) to get abortions. Those who are poor/minority groups have no problem getting contraception. In this country everyone can get contraceptives.

One may seek an abortion after they forget to use contraceptives.

Nobody wants to use abortion instead of contraceptives. The two are vaguely related.

@Robecology >what's with the "one-up-man-ship"

You had claimed I didn't know about minorities, the poor, the Republicans, fundamentalists . . . . If you dish it out, expect to take it.

I'm wasting my time.

Time on social media may be amusing but over all, it's always a waste of time. You could be building crab pots and get something for your time instead.


Love it stealing

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2020

I would simply say I never make choices for other people.

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 30, 2020

And how do you flip a coin with both hands full ?

Moravian Level 8 Jan 30, 2020

I dropped them both because I’m accident prone😳

Rudy1962 Level 9 Jan 30, 2020

I'd never drop the baby.. drop the dish...


Seems simple


I'm not sure a Sophie's Choice situation captures the essence of the problem.

brentan Level 8 Jan 30, 2020

@OldMetalHead A ridiculous and irrelevant statement.
If a woman is unhappy in her marriage she could get a divorce. That is expensive and a hassle. To avoid this she could hire someone to kill her spouse. That would be Murder for Convenience and is illegal and morally repugnant.
If a woman is struggling with the behavior of an unruly teenage child, she could get counseling and therapy. Maybe it will help. That is expensive and a hassle. To avoid this she could hire someone to kill her teen. That would be Murder for Convenience and is illegal and morally repugnant.
If a woman is exhausted and stressed by 2am feedings, dirty diapers and expensive formula, she could struggle on hoping it will get better. That is expensive and a hassle. To avoid this she could hire someone to kill her child. That would be Murder for Convenience and is illegal and morally repugnant.
If a woman is pregnant, she will gain weight and a long list of other changes. Most of which are very inconvenient. That is expensive and a hassle. To avoid this she could hire someone to kill her baby. That would be legal and is celebrated by far too many as a good thing.
Abortion is by and large, murder for convenience.

@OldMetalHead She is choosing to end a life.

If I had a baby in one hand and tapeworms in a petri dish in the other, the baby can relax.

@Boxdoc All murder is murder for convenience.

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