11 4

I have to stay out of Normie groups? I just got called a "Snowflake" by a religious person.

Didn't I come here to leave that behind? (And yes I reported that crap).

I'm feel a bit like a hall monitor. Well I'm a geek and nerd already - so I guess it's ok.

Could I get some adorable cat memes to cheer me up? (BTW it snowed here today! It didn't stick - but wth?).

RavenCT 9 Apr 15
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Please, please, PLEASE, tell me which group. Imma go start some shit. 😀

KKGator Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

I will in future! Looks like it's been deleted.

Which is what happens when you report someone for being insulting.

I don't mind disagreement? I mind being called names though. Well names I don't like anyway?

Also this:


Shake it off, and welcome back!

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

You wanted a cat meme, here's my contribution.. 🙂



I'll kick their ass, we don't need that here.

CaroleKay Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

Oh my goodness. rofl

No we don't. Reported..... sigh


Combining snow with ya' go.
Siberian Cats that guard the farm: []

When someone can't refute your points, they often resort to ad hominem attacks and attack the message bearer rather then the message. Hang in there! (Oh wait, that was a much older cat meme wasn't it?)

RPardoe Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

Gorgeous! That's a lot of fluff.

And yes I'm aware. I think several respondents were called Snowflakes - not just me but I'm like "What this isn't FB?".

Holy cow! Those cats. I knew they weren't Wedgies or Maine Coon. Fascinating breed and gorgeous!


@RavenCT Indeed....very interesting. I think the first one below was asked what (s)he thought of religion. The rest is the "gang" ready to have your back!


You're awesome and I'll be a snowflake with you!!! Xoxo

poetdi56 Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

You're welcome to be!
I think a group of us were insulted with that one - not just me. lol

And that is an awesome Meme and I'm stealing it!

@RavenCT Oh, I unfriended some on FB for calling me that. I wear the label proudly! Let's start a Snowflakes group! 🙂


Snowflakes make avalanches eventually. Bit of a shit phrase. Reactionary passive agressive crap really ?? you can't account for the unimaginative can you. It's the most unforgivable thing of all when you can't make up your own insult's lol !! ?

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

I entirely agree with you.

I was raised to never call someone "Stupid" my Mum hated it worse then swearing.

And "Snowflake" has become an ugly term since this whole Trump cluster-F.

And I hate when people resort to name calling.

Tell me you don't want to discuss it.
Or that you don't like my opinion - but don't call me names!


you are NOT a snowflake... shame on them for even saying that to you!!! I was told to not post anything if it was cliche or something like that because the guy didn't like what I said.. in another post, I was told I was nuts because I was a gun owner. So ya, I don't go on the normie side much on here anymore because for one, they have no sense of humor, and very overly serious about every fucking thing people post, even in the silly random area. Ya we got over 8in here and I mean not in a good way either..

But sometimes I wander in trying to do good? lol

(Also a gun owner but not in the NRA). Which baffles some folks. So yup same experience there. One side or the other thinks you are nuts.

But snowflake? rofl

And it used to be such a nice word? "We're all individuals - like snowflakes!". sigh....

@RavenCT I say we take it back, then!


stay organized...

So tempted!



Dang that's adorable. Also kitty looks stoned.


Snowflakes were made unique and beautiful, by this religious person's god. I think they were hitting on you. You go girl!

Mofferatu Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

But I'm hetero? rofl

That's a nice view to take though and I appreciate it. ❤.

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