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Chillaxatives !

Nickbeee 8 May 7
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Pan flute music. The natural laxative

Livinlife Level 9 May 7, 2018

You mean Yanni don't you?

RavenCT Level 9 May 7, 2018

Maybe more deep forest! lol

@Nickbeee I own a Yanni CD thought it would be relaxing... was anything but?

Enya? Sure.

Yanni? Nope. lol

Haha Deep forest got a bit like that.. Tw songs on the album were okay the rest were pan pipes in a sampler lol @RavenCT to be fair I lived in York Uk for a year and there are a famous South American crew there

[] those dudes!! they were good.. I never shat myself!


I get paid to do that.

paul1967 Level 8 May 7, 2018


@RavenCT I sell mattresses but not to shit of course. I should have read the message before commenting lol

@paul1967 I'm dying here.... laughing.


It wouldn’t take very long to work.

Markus Level 7 May 7, 2018



I'll have to give it a go as an alternative to the brown note?

Emme Level 7 May 7, 2018

So, besides assaulting my ears & sensibilities, it will cause me to shit, too. I'll stick with beans, thanks!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 7, 2018

Haha!! Suppose pan pipe country is fought with dysentry!!


That happens? How long does it take,approximately?

1034 days!!!!

Hi Nick?You know from experience?

@Emme Yes, in the end I had to use the pan pipes internally !!

@Nickbeee soooo you had to use them internally, in your end?

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