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NRA and GOP and Guns

sassygirl3869 9 June 6
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It looks like we have got a lot of new members, so I'll explain what I've been doing. I've been working with Spike Talon who hosts the Conservative Atheist group. I call it agree to disagree with respect, to see if there is common ground between us and the ammosexuals, trying to find a compromise both sides can live with. The guy is pretty cool and we have had some interesting conversations and found common ground on quite a few things. Gun control ain't one of them, there is no common ground. What I have found out is a better understanding of why they feel the way they do. It is going to come down to one thing, the side with the most votes wins. plain and simple

MikeFlora Level 7 June 6, 2018

obviously I disagree, of course misrepresenting what other's say will never lead to productive discourse...

Is the main goal fewer deaths or restrictions on guns? Those aren't mutually exclusive, but it's also false to say there's a linear relationship between restrictions and safety


I remember how people scoffed when Trump said he would round up 11 million "illegal" immigrants and deport them, saying there is no way he could find them all - and they opposed him for it (self, included). If rounding up 11 million people presents an impossible task, imagine trying to ban (which ultimately means confiscation) of somewhere between 200 and 600 million firearms. Imagine the opposition.

Keith_J Level 6 June 6, 2018

Human behavior is largely situational. We can behave based on emotion or rationality, and it can be negatively or positively. For example, this is what allows us to kill in defense (under personal attack) or offensively (as in war or police activity). If you think about it you will see that this explains what allows us to be the decision maker. Each of us is personally responsible. This is a helpful link that explains Situationalism:


Thoughts and prayers are both to see. It's almost like they are non existent.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 6, 2018

The fallacy the NRA uses is that there are good guys with guns and bad guys with guns. The truth is not that black and white. The truth is we all have some good and bad tendencies. When the good guy with a gun gets ticked off he just might use the gun.

dare2dream Level 7 June 6, 2018

A very valid statement.
Now, I'm "a guy with a gun". I carry one all the time, legally. Do I get irritated when traffic is dense, or, something doesn't go my way? Of course I do. As my cats say; "He's a hooman". I've never pulled my sidearm to defend myself here in the U.S. of A. Hopefully, I never will. And I never would unless my life, or my wife's life was threatened.
I think, Dare, it might be cold to some, but what are the odds that school and random shootings might go up if all us legal gun carriers were disarmed?
One of my favorite courses as an undergraduate was; "How to lie with statistics". So, I don't buy the NRA''s data any more than that of those desiring to disarm the civilans.
I've my personal view and it's probably in opposition to yours. I will say, whatever the law is, I'll adhere to it.

@bigpawbullets : You sound reasonable to me. Thanks for commenting.

I think if more people carried guns we would have more gun accidents and more school and random shootings. But I won't try to convince you of that. 😉

I liked your comment about lying with statistics. That's true. I'm also interested seeing how special interests and politicians lie with specious logic.


I was asked to be the local coordinator for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Reluctantly, I turned it down. Our opponents are armed and angry. I felt afraid of being shot by an angry gun zealot.

Washington State has open carry. At Fred Meyer grocery store (owned by Kroger), I abandon my cart when a yahoo with a gun walks in. Why does he need a gun to buy groceries?

Here's my trail report, "Terror on Tibbets Mountains." It begins with "Five gunshots." February 27, 2018


I joined "March for Our Lives and Gun Control." A fast walker, I returned to the starting point before most people. Hundreds of people marched. Motorists gave us thumbs-up, support, thanks and enthusiastic waves. It was heartening.

This is a public safety issue. There should be some signage indicating that there may be active shooters on the trail. There should also be warnings to wear blaze orange. This sounds like not only a dangerous situation, but a really nasty lawsuit waiting to happen.

Exactly. That's why I sent my trail report to the Cashmere Chamber of Commerce, the Wenatchee World newspaper, and the Land Trust of North Central Washington. I said they need to put up signs warning about active shooting in the area.

Funny, I did not know about the open carry rule and am disappointed. It's all because of the conservative side of the state. People there want to separate from the 'liberal' coast but fail to realize their economy depends on the west side.


I hope November elections change this

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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