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Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

I don’t believe it need repealing just heavily altering. Thomas Jefferson believed the Constitution was an evolving instrument which needed revision every generation. So far the biggest altering took a civil war. We need to avoid that extreme. The problem is it will take the Congress/Supreme Court to do the altering and, right now, we may not like what we may get.


JackPedigo 9 Mar 27
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"In the first place, it’s politically impossible. A constitutional amendment requires ratification by 38 states. Donald Trump carried 30. To repeal the Second Amendment, you’d have to get every state that voted for Hillary Clinton, plus 18 that didn’t, to agree. For the foreseeable future, that has zero chance of happening.

The second defect is any such effort would inflame the worst fears of gun owners and those sympathetic to gun rights. Many of them agree on the need for more regulation — or could be persuaded. Once the debate is about scrapping a constitutional right, though, many will assume that any seemingly reasonable new regulation is just a step toward total confiscation." - Commentary form the League of Women Voters.

TerriCity Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

Thomas Jefferson also believed we might need our guns to fight a tyrant in Government like that leftist arrogant idiot Obama!!

Trajan61 Level 8 Mar 28, 2018

What did Obama do that that upset you (specifically)? He was exemplary, unlike our current Odious Potus.

@TerriCity I’m afraid if you can’t figure that one out your are a hopeless cause lady.


Personally I'm against the 2nd amendment. Several countries have reasonable gun laws and educated gun owners. Japan, Australia and Canada are all ones I've learned of. They have no sacred 2nd amendment.

However, it is probably not realistic to seek a repel of the 2nd amendment at this time. Sensible gun laws are possible within the framework of the existing constitution. I'm glad Stevens mentioned this because it is something I have said for a long time. He's moved the conversation to where it needs to be. Maybe in some future political situation a repel or replace of this amendment will become politically possible.

Either way it is time for serious action on guns and particular assault weapons.

marmot84 Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

Did not need that! The 2nd amendment does not need repealing just some adjusting. All firearms are not bad and there legitimate reasons to own certain types of guns. For one thing we are not the top of the food chain in some areas of this world and going to some of these areas without bigass guns is just stupid. There are polar bears, grizzly bears, black bears, mountain lions ,wolves, coyotes, panthers and rabid animals in our country that have no problem having us for dinner and I'm not talking about invitations, I'm talking about main course being us. People live in these areas and have to protect themselves, so a total ban on guns is just not possible or necessary. There are still people in this country that use guns to put food on the table and would have a hard time surviving otherwise, which is their right in a free country.

Ammosexuals are going to run with this, especially after I just said yesterday that repealing the 2nd amendment is impossible, which it is, but that won't stop them.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

My position is that most of us live in cities or rural areas with no predators. I live in an island archipelago and we do not need guns except for sport and occasional hunting (deer mostly). Those situations can and should be controlled.

The biggest issue is not guns but the industry and especially the NRA. It has too much power and skews the issue to it's own benefit. It needs to be reigned in and the leadership (especially LaPierre) needs to be removed. We can have no sane discussion as long as these people are calling the shots.

@JackPedigo What I'm saying is a total gun ban is not a good idea, because there are people, however small, that have a legitimate reason to own guns. There is still a lot of wilderness left in this country where I wouldn't go without a gun, a bigass gun. There is a mountain lion living under the Hollywood sign in LA, been there about 2 yrs now. There is a town in Canada that is in the middle of a migratory path of polar bears, so they have to deal with polar bears walking through the middle of town twice a year. We also have a bunch of people living off the grid that have to hunt in order to put food on the table, and bears out of their house. A total gun ban isn't the right thing to do, and Remington should not go out of business.

@MikeFlora Altering the 2nd amendment doesn't mean banning guns just regulating them better. Many countries (Germany for example) place restrictions on gun ownership yet lots of people still hunt and collect weapons.


Do Not Be Afraid of What's Has To Be Done... Dont, nra is counting on you to react like that... Dont! ...FUCK the 2nd ammendment!

You sir are very radical as it would take a civil war to do away with the 2nd amendment!

@Trajan61 So labelled a Radical I am.


Wow he is sticking his neck out there for total repeal. I don't think that is realistic. Lot of hotheads with guns would take to the streets and we would have a civil war. One step at a time-delicate issue


Jefferspn also said, "The earth belongs to the living, not the dead." Scalia's judicial philosophy of "original intent"-- the we should always go by what the original intent of the founding fathers was, as expressed in the Constitution was nothing short and stultifying. And Gorsuch believes in the same horse manure. He should have never been approved for his post.

wordywalt Level 9 Mar 27, 2018

Thankfully Hillary didn’t win so we have good judges like Gorsuch and not liberal idiots like Alena Kegan and Sonia Sonimeyer who were appointed by that idiot Obama and were likely intent on undermining the 2nd amendment.

@Trajan61 Evidently you have a bad case of impaired judgment.


EXactly!! So many fail to realize the importance of the Supreme Court. Congress is the biggest problem, extremes are not good for a democracy and the going attempt to kee p the country divided is causing great harm.

Did you see my posting about tRump being a patsy. It surprised me that congress went along with some important funding which included increased Hanford clean-up money.

divide and conquer

@JackPedigo Yeah I did. I thought I commented. Did you see my post today on round-up being found in beer and wine?

@LeighShelton great meme!! The whole thing really started with Newt Gingrich and his contract with America. what and evil asshole

never trust any government as none of them has ever attempted to address some social elephants in the room. they don't care about us or they would be in the front in wars. I did see that, nothing surprises me about humans anymore.

@LeighShelton so young and yet so jaded. 😉

or aware @silverotter11

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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