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Alright! Sci-fi and lack of God?!! A combination about as good as the day Peanut Butter met a Milk Chocolate cup!!

Sadoi 7 July 2
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I'm also reminded of the The Twilight Zone ep, "The Little People," in which finally alone on an alien planet, an American astronaut declares himself god over a society that is extremely small in size. They even build a statue of him. Well, low and behold, other visitors to that same planet arrive, and they're taller than the mountains. One of them picks up this self-made god and crushes him by mistake.

Oh im a HUGE twilight zone (rod) fan and watch a couple of episodes Most Days so im very familiar with that one. I love Roddy! My favorites are Masks, The Eye of the Beholder and To Serve Man. Hitchhiker, After Hours also deserve some mentions here. You Drive is creepy too and its so funny to see Young Telly!

@Sadoi Same here' huge Twilight Zone and Serling fan. Like Gene R., Rod was brilliant. Do you belong to the Facebook fan page for Twilight Zone? I think you would love it.


In book sales, the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre lags far behind both Romance and Crime. I find it curious that Sci-Fi and Fantasy seems to be overwhelmingly the most popular among contributors to I am not knocking Sci-Fi and Fantasy, mind you, it is just that I don't understand its particular appeal to self-proclaimed rationalists who vehemently reject the most popular fantasy literature of all time, the Bible.

I think, and I could be wrong, that most self-proclaimed rationalists reject the popular fantasy literature of the bible because it attempts to pass as historical fact; whereas regular sci-fi fiction makes no such claims to be reality. Those are the reasons I reject the bible and and can enjoy sci-fi without any conflicts.

@Georgy303 An absolutely perfect reply. I couldn't have said it better.

@Georgy303 I like Sci-Fi myself. But why, in this group, is it more popular than romance or crime which are more popular in the general population? I wonder too if the preference extends beyond this group to atheists and agnostics as a whole.

@TravelinTom Perhaps it just means people with higher intelligence ratios scoff at romances and crime flicks??

SF tends to hinge on "What if..."

People who have a structured belief system might tend not to go there..?

That'd be my guess, anyway.


Well its interesting that God and religion very rarely feature in science fiction. Ive read a lot of sci fi books, and can think of only one where religious overtones were a thing.

Denker Level 7 July 3, 2018

Actually it is not uncommon at all, either as the God was a spaceman meme (Temple of the Crystal skull), Jesus was a time traveler (Silver machine), Fake God (star trek at least five times), or in allegorical terms (1984)
Even, or should I say especially Star Wars is openly religious, and the entire original series of Battlestar galactica is based on the Mormon Book of Abraham.

@LenHazell53 I also was going to site Star Trek. I believe Gene R. was an Atheist (I could be wrong though). There were many references to false gods or assumed gods (by a less developed people). There was one "Who Watches the Watchers" in which the leader assumed Picard was a god because he "brought someone back to life."


Gene Roddenberry was a professed humanist, he found the idea of a god that required regular worship as an insecure being in need of constant validation.
(He used this idea many times petulant, childish and child like demi god beings litter Star trek cannon, as do capricious and cruel over powerful aliens who fancy themselves gods)
Though he did not discount the possibility of deity he found organised religion an abomination and open to the exploitation and corruption of weak minded people.
Basically he saw religion as childish and something people would eventually grow out of.

@LenHazell53 He was indeed a great man, and a forward thinker.

CS Lewis is laughing his ass off...

So is Ron Hubbard...

And many others..



Godless, SciFi , and Reeses Pieces . What next ?

Cast1es Level 9 July 3, 2018
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