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I need some sci-fi to distract me. I prefer hard sci-fi. See the list of some of my favorites below, in no particular order. Do you have a recommendation? Every now and then I find a good one I've missed!

No dragons or superheros please (Although I did like "Watchmen" ).

Blade Runner
10 Cloverfield Lane
Source Code
The Abyss
The Fifth Element
Predestination (With reservations)
2001: A Space Odyssey
2010: The Year We Make Contact
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
The War of the Worlds (1953)

OldWiseAss 7 Apr 20
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If you like a good mind bender, try Infinity Chamber.. another good one ( some minor religious undertones. But they play out ,) Paradox Alice.

wolf041 Level 7 Apr 26, 2020

Thanks! I had to look up both of those, and I see the common theme. Infinity Chamber didn't get the best reviews, but the complaints about repetitiveness and elements lifted from other sci fi films won't scare off this old programmer. Paradox Alice got terrible reviews, and I'm not sure I'll watch that one unless it shows up on free TV.... LOL

I'll try to remember to come back here and give you my review of IC after I've seen it.

@OldWiseAss Infinity Chamber does seem a bit drawn out until you realize where it's going...or not, about the time you think you're wrong. I could see a lot of people flipping it off before it gets involved.

@OldWiseAss and Paradox Alice does attempt to put the science back in science fiction. ( probably why bad reviews. everyone thinks star wars is science fiction now, but thats really fantasy...stepping off soapbox 🙂

@wolf041 I'm definitely going to watch Infinity Chamber.


Great list.
One of my faves: Happy Accidents It is a rom com. But there are some great moments. Requires attention.

a nice parody: Mystery Men

I enjoy all Dick's based movies, except the total recall remake.

JacarC Level 8 Mar 11, 2020

I'd recommend Suzanne Palmer's "Finder", I thought it was a great hard Sci-fi space opera.


The Expanse

jerry99 Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

Here are some sci-fi shows and movies that I have enjoyed

The Expanse
Altered Carbon

Pontifier Level 3 Apr 21, 2019

I've seen most of those. Thanks for your suggestions. What do you think of the dark turn on "The Orville" last episode? I liked it!

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