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Do we have Star Wars fans in the group? I've been watching The Mandalorian on the new Disney+ channel and it is adorable, but really a very disneyfied, 's story, with a Star Wars level of mayhem, but very simple conflict resolution, not what I consider serious science fiction.

But I am enthused about another show I just found out about; Ewan McGreggor is reprising his role of Obi Wan Kenobi, though I am not sure of the time frame yet, I think that backstory could be quite fascinating. I would love to see him still in Jedi School with Qui Gon Jin as his teacher.

Chatoyant 5 Dec 1
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My very first tabletop RPG was Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, back in 1987. Playing it back then, I learned to embrace the possibility of all kinds of different stories set in that universe. Perhaps more importantly, I realized that Star Wars is not, and never was, 'serious' science fiction. It's pulp adventure, it's fairy tales, it's space opera, it's melodrama, it's all about mashing the "wow" button.

Needless to say, The Mandalorian has TOTALLY been my jam.


I'm enjoying The Mandolorian. I don't mind that it has a serial/episodic treatment. I think the over-riding story arc will be suitably starwarsian. It has been through one season, I believe. I'm enjoying characters with some actual dialog. The character played by Nick Nolte had significant breadth and range, especially for a Star Wars character.

Om_Eye Level 3 Jan 10, 2020

The Mandalorian started off a bit slow but has become enjoyable and true it is a bit tame, though Star Wars has never really been all that gritty to begin with.

Since its been almost 15 years since Revenge of the Sith its unlikly Ewan McGreggor would play an even younger version of Obi Wan that in the movies unless he isn't actually going to be starring in the series and someone else plays young Obi. My hunch is that it will be about his time on Tattooine but years before A New Hope.

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