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Does being an atheist go hand in hand with liberal politics or are some of you Tory voters ? Just wondering

unblinkered 4 June 24
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Chaotic centre here !!!!

Simon1 Level 7 June 26, 2019

I find quite a bit of libertarian politics amongst US online skeptics. A bit of research shows that in polling the UK based non religious seem markedly quire Green


MattHardy Level 7 June 25, 2019

Being a sceptic first means not believing in none evidence based ideas, or over simplified none nuanced ideas. Therefore I tend not to believe in the political spectrum anyway. For example as a rough guide I find that my views are aprox. thirty percent left, sixty centralist and ten right, in other words generally liberal. And I think that you will find that most sceptics do not fit well onto the spectrum either. However since not all atheist/agnostics are sceptical, a very few will accept some ideas on blind faith, and will therefore buy into the prejudices of either the hard right or the extreme left.

Look for only a little while on this site and you will find them.

Fernapple Level 9 June 25, 2019

Neo-Marxist, but understanding that it doesn't work!

Sofabeast Level 7 June 24, 2019

Being atheist mainly comes from a need for proof, evidence and reason.
It is very hard not to notice the similarities between right wing politics and religion, the expectation that you will defer to the judgment of your "betters" without argument, the idea of a master race/chosen people, elitism, the idea of returning to a golden age, knowing your place and being content with it on the promise of "Jam tomorrow", rampant corruption being accepted as the natural state of things, black and white thinking, rallying to symbols, etc,etc,etc.
So often there is a noticeable correlation if not a causative connection between the rejection of religion and right wing thinking.


My gut feeling is that atheists are more likely to lean to the left than the right, but I have to admit to knowing a few lefties who also have vague religious beliefs.

CeliaVL Level 7 June 24, 2019

I'm an atheist, but neither a liberal nor a Tory voter.

Jnei Level 8 June 24, 2019

I'm a labour party menber as of a few years ago but have always been left of centre


I don’t think political affiliation has anything to do with being least not in my experience. Without a properly conducted poll it would only be guesswork, so many in the UK no longer believe in god. I live in Northern Ireland, virtually everyone here believes in god....but we don’t have the same politics here as the rest of you anyway,

Marionville Level 10 June 24, 2019

Tory voters do not wonder ... they just assert.

Mcflewster Level 8 June 24, 2019
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