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Hi all, hope you don't mind me posting this here... I'm relocating to the UK (London, been there many times) from the US, and I'm just looking for new friends, tips and advice, especially when it comes to the Tier-2 visa process. Anyone here have any experience with the Tier-2?

Temporarily I'll be staying in Belsize Park but I'll be looking for more permanent accommodations. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance, feel free to PM me. Cheers!

Rocketman88 5 Sep 21
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Tell people you're Canadian aye buddy.
Learn the tube map, buy and oyster card - buses don't take cash. Enjoy London Pride - it's a beer, not a gathering of LGBTQX.
A Pint is 20oz and a gallon has 8 pints unlike the puny American ones. We use the Celsius system like all bar one other country on earth. Avoid the M25 and drive on the left. We have many roundabouts, give way to traffic coming from the right. Stop at red lights, no turning!
After drinking all night, always eat a Kebab also known as a Doner to blend in. Never tip in a pub even for food. Seldom tip over 10% in a restaurant. Avoid the night bus unless you like the smell of sick and urine.
Wanker can be a term of endearment or an insult. Chips are fat fries, Crisps are chips. The ground floor of a building is the ground floor, not the first floor. We eat a lot of curry - Korma is mild and Vindaloo is very hot.
Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own money, you may see these now and again, they are legal tender.
Black stuff is Guinness.
Calling a black person coloured is a no-no. Colour has a 'U' in it. Organised has a 'S' etc.

Sofabeast Level 7 Sep 23, 2019

Thanks for all that! Ya, familiar with most, recently returned from 6 months in London. No problem driving on the left now, still want to turn right at the roundabouts though, lol! (Much appreciate the arrow signs!)

Love all the curry places! And fish and chips!

M25, that's nothing, I grew up in DC. 😛


Moved from London 15 years ago The trick in my day was to find a place just outside travelcard Zone 2 when the accommodation costs drop, but within walking distance of a zone 2 station where the travel costs and times drop. Acton and Tulse Hill were very affordable. If you were a bit more well heeled then Camden was where all the cool kids lived. A few years ago Hoxton and it's North East London surrounds used to the up and coming place for up and coming hipsters.

Have you picked a Football (Soccer) team yet?

MattHardy Level 7 Sep 22, 2019

Thanks for your reply. I recently returned from 6 months in London where I was staying in Zone 2 right near a station, just north of Camden. Ya Camden's a pretty happening place.

I'm familiar with Acton but not Tulse Hill, I'll look into it, thanks!

Not picked a team yet, lol... Recommendations?

@Rocketman88 as far as I'm concerned, there's only two teams in London worth their salt. That's Arsenal and Arsenal Ladies.


Welcome. You are very brave.

Mcflewster Level 8 Sep 22, 2019

Good luck with the visa.....can’t offer any help there though...sorry. I live in Northern Ireland which is too far away to be of any practical help to you if you’re looking for accommodation around the London area. All I know is it’s very expensive, unfortunately! Hope all goes well with your plans to come to the are coming at a very uncertain time in our history.

Thank you. Ya, Brexit or Trump.... Tough on both sides of the pond at the moment...

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