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Shamefull behaviour by Britannia hotels. The hotel manager has apologised saying that it was a decision taken by head office in London . Macdonald hotel in the town have stepped in and offered accommodation to the staff many who are from European countries and would have difficulty in travelling back home.

Moravian 8 Mar 21
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The same happened in a local Britannia hotel in Peterhead, I gather management sorted something out.

Sofabeast Level 7 Mar 21, 2020

We have had trouble with Brittannia re bedbugs !unrelated to this problem I Know but it shows how the management thinks.

Mcflewster Level 8 Mar 21, 2020

They have been voted worst hotel chain by Which ,magazine for the past seven years . I wonder why ?


I read about that disgraceful way that Britannia treated their staff yesterday. I hope the public have long memories after all this dies down and that they boycott that hotel group. Good for their rivals to step in...great public relations and humanitarian move from them.

"Well I thought yesterday was tough!! Today my team have had death threats(one can't go home and has to stay in the hotel for safety), been shamed on national TV when they had nothing to do with any decision at the hotel! People (especially locals from Aviemore) need to know nobody at this hotel chose who was leaving. I also told all my team who got letters that there is no rush at all to leave. Look after each other as I will my guys that are left and picking up the pieces."

This was posted on facebook by a manager at the hotel. I hope people have long memories and act accordingly when this is all over.

@Moravian Whoever Britannia employs in London who sent out these redundancy and eviction letters, they are the ones who need to be named and shamed. I sympathise with the manager and staff still employed at the Aviemore can’t be pleasant for them.

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