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Just heard breaking news that our heir to the throne Prince Charles has been confirmed as having Covid19. How do we respond to that news? It’s entirely possible that the whole close line of accession could be infected....are we “praying” for his deliverance from the illness or is the Republican in us hoping for our deliverance from this archaic over privileged dynasty?

Marionville 10 Mar 25
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Most people recover. The death rate is low compared to the result of tobacco use which kills 450,000 Americans each year. I have faith in this President that if anyone can get us to a half a million deaths he can. He is the only one who can fix it.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 21, 2020

We SHOULD be campaigning hard for the very (expensive) institution that is the British Monarchy to die with dear old Lizzy-the-Tooth! It really DOES need for us to have planning all in place to drop straight-in, and sweep aside not only Charlie III & Queen -Cammiknickers, but also Wills & Co., et al!
They, their colossal family, and string of `holiday-homes', cost us far more revenue than they ever generate. France gets around double the Tourist-Dollars, - yet just look what happened to THEIR Royal Family!
You can rest assured that the Establishment has comprehensive and extensive procedures ready, involving both the Police and, perhaps MORE importantly, H.M.Armed-Forces, and in position just needing the blue touch-paper to be lit! - The time to think it all out, to plan, prepare, and consider plans for the consequences, and how to live-stream any planned brutal suppression of the Second People's Revolt, is NOW! They will not hesitate! They will have GUNS at the ready! The least we can do is to arm ourselves with cameras! -Viva Tooting!

UncleAlan Level 4 Mar 31, 2020

I personally think a remodelled monarchy....based on the Scandinavian model would be preferable to having a Republic. I have seen too many Presidents in my lifetime, in other countries, to be enamoured of that idea. The public are fickle, and if Trump can be elected (and who would have ever thought that was a possibility?) or the British can elect a charlatan like Boris as PM...then I don’t want a president as head of state.


So we can’t get test for nhs and care workers who we rely on to help us when we get sick, taking heck knows how many out of the front line and putting moe strain on the system. But Prince Charles can get tested just fine? Something seriously messed up about that.

CRMason Level 2 Mar 27, 2020

Let’s be realistic...he is heir to the you realistically believe he would have had to wait in line like the rest of us? I live in the real world!

Now we do have a test that gives a result in 90 minutes:
Let's hope our lethargic government does not get in the way of mass testing.


Living in Aberdeenshire, I have been refused a COVID19 test despite being a front line support worker. My daughter presented with symptoms on Sunday night and Monday morning. Yet with mild symptoms, he got a test.
Now there are many replacement Princes to take over, but if I go down, I can take out some 30 staff and 8+ service users. I'd love to know if I've had it already, as if I have, I'm open to cover shifts of those who have not. Mmmm money.
Anyway, give us all a clap at 20:00 tonight

Sofabeast Level 7 Mar 26, 2020

I’ve just done the clapping...! Well done to all of you on the front line....they need to get you all tested ASAP!

@Marionville I got applauded - nice! And I applauded, because it's teamwork!


On reflection, We have been instructed for some time to stay at home and not travel anywhere. Mobile home owners and second home owners have been lambasted for travelling up to the highlands, yet this pair swan up here and put others at risk. Do you think Charles will manage to do anything for himself ?. He will have his usual servants at his beck and call. I remember hearing about him having to give a urine sample for some reason and he had his servant hold the sample bottle. I doubt if he could even make a cup of tea for himself.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 26, 2020

He’s not at Balmoral btw...his own home is Birkhall on Deeside, near Ballater, that’s where he is.. I also would not believe everything I read or hear about him...or any other gossip or nonsense like you quoted. He was sent to Gordonstoun as a boy, and lived on board ship when he was in the navy...he isn’t a namby pamby as many like to make out, although as heir to the throne he will naturally have a retinue with him.

@Marionville Yes I am aware that he is at Birkhall, one of his holiday homes in Scotland, the other being Castle of Mey in Caithness. The sample bottle story may or may not be nonsense but it is a good story.
My point is that we have been instructed not to travel and stay at our main residence. He should have set an example and stayed in London and should be ashamed of himself.

@Moravian I don’t think shame is in his lexicon! We thought yesterday that he was probably at Balmoral...that is why I mentioned Birkhall.

@Marionville I think the estates are adjacent to one another but with Birkhall being around 50000 acres and Balmoral probably about the same there should be no problems with social distancing.
It is a beautiful part of the world though. Queen Vic and Albert had good taste

@Moravian I know..I’ve been there...just not in recent years though.

@Marionville A couple of years ago I climbed Lochnagar from Glen Muick whilst the queen was in residence at Balmoral. I was a few hundred yards above a rough track from Balmoral to Glen Muick when a police landrover appeared on the track and stopped below me for what seem like ages as I climbed up. I could almost feel the eyes watching me and I felt a bit like Richard Hannay from The Thirty Nine Steps. Won't be up there this summer though unfortunately.


"World king" will be getting his hopes up!

Salo Level 7 Mar 25, 2020

Never mind. There are lots more in reserve. There's even one in Canada!

Petter Level 9 Mar 25, 2020

Though nominally a republican. A/ I do not think that any number of deaths in the line to the throne would have any effect, ( they still find another one.) B/ I do not really wish death on anyone who has not directly harmed me, especially if it achieves nothing.

Having said that, he is a really boring old fart, so if you can come up with a more amusing way of killing him off, because I suppose that being boring does count as causing direct harm. ( For the same reason don't give out my real address to anyone.)

Fernapple Level 9 Mar 25, 2020

I don’t wish him any harm either and hope he recovers was a somewhat tongue in cheek post to elicit some responses from what is not a hugely royalist supporting group here on Agnostics.

@Marionville I support constitutional monarchies because they are cheaper to run than Republics of any given size. There's also not much point in assassinating a monarch for political reasons.

@Petter I agree ...a president would cost more....and you never quite know who the fickle public will elect! No prizes for guessing whom I have in mind!

@ToolGuy That was when he was young and she was “a bit on the side”! People age and become old fogeys!!

@ToolGuy precisely!

@Marionville : Err.. actually, I think you'll find that it was actually his wife Diana, that was his "bit-on-the-side"! Camilla was his first love, his soulmate, but not of a qualiying blood-line to bear-the-heir! So despite all of his protests, he was not allowed to wed the Lady-of-the-Camellias, until he had an heir-and-a-spare, from an aprooved source. To remove her from the marriage-market, but keep her on hand, he had his old Buddy "marry" her, green-card fashion! But she was always around, -remember Diana moaning there was THREE of them, in that wedding?

@UncleAlan That’s as may’s the one who isn’t the wife that is always referred to as “bit on the side”. I do actually know that Camilla came first, but got tired of waiting for something that was never going to happen, and married Parker Bowles instead. Charles had to find a virgin...and one of blue blood...pretty thin on the ground, hence the young and innocent Diana was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb.


Viruses—and all other diseases—don’t give a fuck about royalty; they take who they want, which is, whoever is available. I expect we’ll hear about many more infected from nobility, celebrity, athletes...and sadly, healthcare workers.

How very’s no respecter of rank or title.

Most Celebrities are fake publicity hoggers. I discount them. I attach far more worth to caring people.

@Petter I do too. They are celebrities in their own eyes!


Over here on the other side of the Atlantic we are under the impression that Charles is an avid conservationist. Tho hunters are as well, I still was surprised to note that he is an avid hunter. Hmmm.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 25, 2020

My Ex husband was an avid hunter & fisherman. Nobody knew more about habitat, ecology, biology, water pollution, the weather. We ate everything he caught, and he dropped his NRA membership decades ago, as soon as they got rabid! He did not want drunken yahoos running around with guns!

The upper crusts are all into huntin”, fishin’ and fornicatin’....always’s probably in the genes! Yes he is big into conservation too...figure it out, for I can’t!

@Marionville I must be uppercrust, at least on your third criterion! 😋😋
Conservation, by the way, also means controlling populations.

@Marionville Easy: conserve all the game creatures and kill them...duh...


Well he probably deserves to get it as long as he doesn’t infect anyone else because he was probably off huntin’, fishin’ and shootin’ when he should have been in lock down playing Scrabble with Lady Camilla.

After Mrs Queen checks out they need to go!

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Mar 25, 2020

I read that he has gone to isolate in his holiday home in Scotland. I presume that this is Balmoral. I hope not as it would be a very poor example to set.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 25, 2020

As he was tested in Aberdeenshire...I suspect that he must be in Balmoral.

@Marionville I didn't know that.I presume Camilla is back in London as she apparently tested negative

@Moravian No, she’s with him apparently.

@Marionville Probably have seperate bedrooms anyway

@Moravian I’m sure they do...most royals seem to,


My sister told me. Our immediate response was "Good - hopefully he'll leave the foxes alone for a while."

Jnei Level 8 Mar 25, 2020

I do hope he post was somewhat tongue in cheek!

@Marionville I hope the whole lot of them sod off back to the Middle Ages where they belong!

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