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Any Humanists amongst us?

JulianB 4 May 11
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Red_Cat Level 7 June 4, 2018

Yes! Is there a Bournemouth/Christchurch/Poole group, does anyone know?

UncleAlan Level 4 May 16, 2018

There is a new REGIONAL grouping of Humanists within Humanist(UK) . It is called South Central England Humanist Network.[SCEHN or SHEN for short]. They have pledged to get a Humanist group in every major town in their area. If a few like thinkers can get together and contact Humanist(UK) they may put your on a priority list for future development and extra resources to your town.


I thought I was and having seen you definition I know I am. Seems perfectly sensible to me and takes no effort whatsoever 🙂

ipdg77 Level 8 May 11, 2018

Humanists(UK) has just won a battle with the faith schools to disallow them from controlling their intake on a faith basis. I have been a member since 1965

Mcflewster Level 8 May 11, 2018

I did join the NHA many years ago and attended a couple of meetings. I agree with the philosophy but the practice was too politically focused to provide what I was looking for.

MattHardy Level 7 May 11, 2018


@MattHardy you should still be able to edit your original post. Press the 3horizontal bars then edit.

How do you mean politically focused?

@FrayedBear Can now, couldn't yesterday when I tried. the menu only showed "Turn off alerts"

@JulianB campaigning, letter writing protesting religious privilege, faith schools, compulsory prayer etc. Nothing wrong with that. Just not what I was looking for.

@MattHardy perhaps you had to gain extra points.


I have been a distant admirer but joined today. I was inspired by this TED talk from the School of Life. What I like about this talk is the thinking that being irreligious shouldn't preclude us from community, ritual and moral teaching. Humanism, for me bridges the gap between atheism and life's meaning and practice.

JulianB Level 4 May 11, 2018

Raises hand!

Flettie Level 7 May 11, 2018
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