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I once bought a dog from a blacksmith.

As soon as I got it home, it made a bolt for the door.

Zealandia 8 Dec 8
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Fought like hammer & tongs to get away from the anvil, did he?

I got it cheap. What a steel! Has a bit of a temper though.

@Zealandia Grab a few cool horseshoes, you may luck out.


First heard that one about 1966. And it was a bet in the pub as to who had the cleverest dog.

Has it only just reached New Zealand?

@FrayedBear Turned back at the border mate, wasn’t one of those 501 deportees.

@Zealandia 501? Is that on top of or part of the half million sent to infect Australia & raise the average IQ of both countries 25 years ago?

@Zealandia they soon learned that Brisbane was where they could maximise the effect!

@FrayedBear I actually didn’t know what a 501 was until I arrived back. Seems like a pretty tough law. Oz shipped back a 15 year old who apparently has no family in NZ.

I met a kiwi in England who was threatened with deportation, he was living in Brisbane. His mother actually worked at the deportation centre there, she joked to him that she would pass him KFC through the mesh fence to cheer him up! Good old kiwi humour eh. He had major hassles getting back to England due to the border closures, flights kept on being cancelled. Donald flew out 24 hours before he would have been picked up and caged.

@Zealandia some years ago they deported a Polish chap back to Poland. He couldn't speak a word of Polish having been brought to Australia only months old. He had served lengthy jail terms in Australia & I believe was brought back after living on the streets outside the Australian embassy in Poland.

Is 501 Australian or NZ?

@FrayedBear That’s pretty hard treatment. Presumably he’d been warned about the consequences of his behaviour.

It’s an Australian law, Section 501 of the Migration Act.

One of the reasons I came back to NZ was the 5 after 50 rule, you have to be resident in NZ for five years after the age of 50 to be eligible for the National Super pension. I imagine that there’s a fair few expat kiwis who aren’t aware of the eligibility requirements. My mate in London didn’t know and thought that I was pulling his leg at first.

So you could say that I made a bolt for home!

@Zealandia My 96 yo. mate only about 10 years ago was allowed his NZ teacher's super after his 30 years younger wife divorced him. The Australian government reduce his Oz pension by the amount & he has to report the exchange rate fluctuations monthly. In comparison he taught for 30+ years in Australia and had his money from superannuation stolen by an American & a Swedish con artist who were supposed to be controlled by the Queensland State Trustee, the money secured by debenture.
That little episode has cost the Australian taxpayers about $4.5 billion so far and the artists are still at it! But no one does anything let alone let the public know what has happened.

@FrayedBear That seems a bit unfair and suspect.

@Zealandia Australian masturbation. Polies rort millions but Joe Blo has to account every cent.

@Zealandia I'll never forget UK taxation law 45 years ago had 3 rates of depreciation (from memory 25%, 50% and 100%) to use to calculate your allowable deduction. In comparison Australia had a book listing thousands of items & rates from 1½% through to 50% from memory.

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