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Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book

273kelvin 8 Aug 19
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Trump has a higher IQ than Obama or for that matter most of the democrats. Comparing Trump with Hitler is absurd. Hitler was a ruthless dictator who killed millions.

Trajan61 Level 8 Sep 6, 2019

Excuse me but on what evidence do you base that statement? He certainly did say that he had a higher IQ than Obama but then he says a lot of things like "I am a stable genius" "Wind farms can cause cancer" and let us not forget "When George Washington stormed the airports". So you will forgive me if I fact-check this a little.
Here is what a quick search pulled up. Rather like his tax returns, he has never published his IQ and has gone to great lengths not have it published, so we can only surmise.
One thing that does seem odd is his obsession with it. A bit like a friend constantly saying that he is straight or has a big appendage. Methinks that he doth protest too much.
But hey, I might be wrong. Maybe that sad sack in the bar all day really was a navy seal.

An interesting thing about IQ. They did tests on cats in Spain to measure their IQ (How you measure this is beyond me but I suppose that it is possible). They found that domestic cats have about 20% less than wild ones.
With that in mind. Do you think that someone who bypassed their entrance exams to college because their dad bought them in? Would beat a student from a single mother who HAD to win scholarships in order to study. Who is on record with an IQ of 155? (Making him 8th in presidential smarty pants.)
What would the Vegas odds be? If you still want to bet on 45? Then I really want you at my poker table.

Your silence speaks volumes

@273kelvin Regardless of what his IQ is Trump has done a lot more good for America than that idiot Obama ever did. I guess the lack of a father figure was the reason Obama was so sorry. In my neighborhood people were so disgusted with the democrats after 8 years of Obama that Trump took 87% of the vote here and carried all 77 counties in my home state.

@273kelvin Sorry for the delay in answering. Guess I didn’t catch your reply.

@Trajan61 So you say something and instead of backing it up or back down because it is obviously nonsense. You say that it does not matter because..... Where have I heard that kind of rhetoric before? Let me think...

@273kelvin I did see a report showing Trump with a higher IQ than Obama but now I can’t find it. Regardless he’s a hell of a lot better president than Obama, who was an idiot.

@Trajan61 As did I look and all I could find was in those links. Just a piece of advice, if I were you I would not ask anyone on this site to take something on faith.

@273kelvin In my books IQ doesn’t count for that much. What matters is what kind of leader he is and Trump’s a hell of a lot better than Obama!

@Trajan61 Okay let's talk facts and not opinion. Obama inherited the worst economic crash since the 1930s. I would like to blame G. W. for this but there was one due around 2001 and after 9/11 he could not let the economy tank as well. So he kicked it down the road. Any leader would have done the same but the trouble with putting things off is they only get worse.
So it really would not have mattered who you had in the west wing. You would have had it bad anyway. As did the rest of the world. At least you had a leader that was respected. That goes a long way in terms of soft power. The guy tried to get you decent health care. Not before time as from what I read your system is incredibly inefficient. Not just the $700 for a $7 vial of insulin although that is bad enough. But the waste of human resources. If I get sick I just go to the doctor and think nothing of it, other than getting better. You guys have to worry whether your insurance (if you have any) will cover it. It is (again from what I read) the biggest cause of bankruptcy in the USA. And you vilify the guy that tried to help you out, go figure.
Firstly I must state that although you might think that I am a leftie. In my yard, I count as right-wing. Truth be told I am a pragmatist. Whoever is best for the job gets my vote
Now let's have a look at the republicans. In my lifetime you have elected in order.
A crook
A B-movie star
A spy
An ex-alcoholic idiot son
A reality TV star (4 times bankrupt)
Of the 5 the spy was the best of the bunch. Now your politics is your business and I would be loth to comment. However, 45 has poked his nose into UK politics too often for me to take a back seat. His comments on how Brexit would be "great for the UK" would be enough. (What he meant was that it will give the US a chance of selling us food without all those pesky EU regs that stop rat hairs in pasta, pus in milk and chlorinated chicken. Don't your politicians do a great job of looking out for you?) What really tipped the balance was when he re-tweeted a false video from a far-right group EDL. He made a big splash on how "Muslims are taking over the UK and there are no-go areas." The vid was in fact from Holland and not a Muslim after all. Did we get an apology, a retraction or anything? did we shite as like? No, he just goes on and on spouting crap and not caring what damage it does.
Well, you might think that he is good for Oklahoma (although I hear that the Chinese tariffs are hitting your farmers). But he ain't that good for the US of A as a whole and one day soon he will piss off too many people and the rest of the world might ask you to pay your debts. Do you have a spare $180.000? Because thats what each US household owes.

@Trajan61 "Trump has a higher IQ than Obama or for that matter most of the democrats"
"In my books IQ doesn’t count for that much"
You sound as contradictory and full of crap as him

@273kelvin Your the one who’s full of crap! Seeing as your from England why are you so concerned about American politics?

@Trajan61 Its in my comment read it

@273kelvin I read it already. Trump will win in 2020 again so you might as well get used to him.

@273kelvin Oil and gas and beef are the number one source of income here in Oklahoma and seeing as the looney democraps want to do away with both you’d have to be a moron to vote for those idiots!

@Trajan61 "Oil and gas and beef are the number one source of income here..and seeing as the looney democraps want to do away with both." Okay, I'm no mathematician but I count 3 and they`re idiots????

@273kelvin You are truly a moron.

@Trajan61 So Oklahomans did not vote for Hillary Clinton? Wow, I am shocked! I have not been this surprised since I found out that Freddie Mercury was gay. This is what you base how great 45 is? He took on the most distrusted and hated politician in America and could not even win the popular vote. That's like saying "I beat Stephen Hawking in a fight"
So how will he do in 2020? Well, he has the advantage in the incumbent. This is a huge home-court advantage. Since the 2 terms only amendment, only 2 elected incumbents have lost reelection. Carter and Bush senior. The ones that won are Ike, Nixon, Regan, Clinton, G.W., and Obama. That puts the form as 6-2 on or 3-1 on. Irrespective of political stances. The US system is rather like going into a bar and challenging the toughest guy to a fight but he has to prove that he really is the toughest guy. So everyone dukes it out and then you take on the battered and bloody winner.
Do you think that Trump is better than 1-3? If so I will take that bet. We could exchange funds via any online betting site but unfortunately, you are not allowed to do this in the land of the free. So let us use what may seem an alien concept to a Trump supporter, called honor. (Honesty is obviously not seen as any value).
You put up what you can afford to lose (that must be quite a lot seeing as 45 has been so good to you) and I will match it by a 1/3 winner take all.
Are we on?

@273kelvin Oklahoma has not voted for a democrat in a presidential election since LBJ who won by a landslide in 1964. Obama fared poorly in Oklahoma and didn’t carry a single one of it’s 77 counties in either 2008 or 2012. There’s a lot of good people in Oklahoma even though a lot of them are somewhat religious. Honor is something we conservative’s have a lot more of than you liberals. I’ve traded millions of dollars worth of cattle in my life on nothing more than a hand shake but I’m not about to bet anyone on the Innernet I know nothing about on a US presidential election but if you really want to bet on it I’m sure Las Vegas will take your bet. Trump’s favored though so you will have to give some odds.

@Trajan61 I looked up the odds after my comment and although he is favorite it is not by much. $110 to win $100. Considering my aforementioned form guide that is quite lamentable and the Dems haven't even picked a candidate yet.
Okay, I believe you when you talk about honor. So can I ask you how you feel about Trump's lies, and bankruptcies? Would you do business with the man?

@273kelvin All politicians lie. So what else is new.

@Trajan61 Lies are part of it but Trump takes the piss. I read somewhere that Obama was about 20% lies whereas 45 is around 68%.
You still haven't answered me. Would you trust him enough to do business with him?

@273kelvin Yes I’d trust him. He’s not as bad as the liberals say he is.

@Trajan61 Like I said I'm a pragmatist and going on his track record rather than his politics. The bankruptcies that have left contractors high and dry. Plus it seems an awful lot of his staff end up in jail. So I would count my fingers and see if I still had all my rings left after any handshake. But you make your own decisions.

@273kelvin You mentioned honor in one of your comments. What so honorable about taking money away from someone who is working their butt off trying to make a living and giving it to some druggie or dead beat who has no desire to work. That alone is a good reason not to vote for those democrap idiots.

@Trajan61 I agree that welfare is open to abuses. As someone that has been on both sides I have paid my taxes and at times received benefits until I got back on my feet. I can say that it is no picnic and from what I hear the US system is harsher.
Let us look at those hard-working people who have to pay taxes. I picked a blue-collar job at random of a bus driver. Salaries vary but the USA pays on ave about $30.000 pa. Under Trump, that person is paying MORE of their hard-earned money in tax not less. His tax breaks are incremental and heavily favor the highest incomes.
Now are am quite sure that those bus drivers would love to be part of the higher-end tax breaks but their republican representatives continually block any and all attempts to raise the minimum wage.

@273kelvin You are definitely wrong about lower income workers pay more income taxes here in the US.


Cutiebeauty, thank you very much for clarifying the purpose of these jokes. These cheesy jokes misled me to loosing hope in humanity and thinking that some people are disrespectful to our president....or worse. Thank you for steering me straight, it is jsut cheesy jokes. I feel much, much better. ArizonaJerry

Respect is a 2-way street

A lot of the people on this website are left wing Trump bashing, Obama loving, gun grabbing screwballs including cutiebeauty who banned me from the political debate group.

A lot of people on this website are disrespectful of our president and us conservatives in general. Hell a lot of them support that looney radical idiot AOC!

@Trajan61 It really should not be such a surprise that people who do not blindly follow the religious path would be less likely to follow the religious right of the republican party.
As to respect, it has always been my opinion that it is a 2-way street. Yes, a certain amount of respect is due to someone's position. Be they an officer of the law/armed forces, a doctor/nurse, etc.and a head of state is automatically due some of that. However, 45 has abused that office on so many occasions. In his time he has insulted the disabled, war veterans, women, immigrants, the press, his predecessor in the oval office MY COUNTRY!! and basically anyone who was not a Trump supporter. To my mind, people on this site and elsewhere would have a lot more respect for the office if HE respected it more. You cannot sit on the toilet all night slagging off everyone you don't like on twitter and then expect to get respect. If he kept his foul mouth to himself and acted more like a president. People would treat him more like one.

@Trajan61 Btw I looked up AOCI and all I could find was some accounting thing. Can you enlighten me, please?

@273kelvin Only you can insult yourself. If someone compares you to some undeserving animal the helpful attitude is to think WHY. Most of the time the person trying to insult anyone ios a pitiful existence trying to feel better about himself. The person may be right and we should think about our action. Only I can insult myself.
The most feeling insulted are low self-esteem losers.
I often wonder about the mental processes of Trump bashers. The only patriot in the office for a long time. The other crooks sold the country to China, Arabs, Russia, whoever paid. The stock market is up, this is the best president since Kennedy. Yes, everyone has some problems, the ideal which everyone would love does not exist. Sometimes I also think he could refrain from certain posts, but he is doing it right. The mouthpiece of the liberal party, the press is so corrupt that if they print it is dark outside I have to go to look if I want to know. Masses are so gullible, so easily led like sheep. Using the tweets is a brilliant idea, I do not know a better way to bypass thee lying media.

@69ArizonaJerry The man was elected to represent ALL of the united states of America. Not just the people who voted for him. So when for example he calls Baltimore "A shithole", he brings the office of the president into disrepute. Similarly when he slags off his political opponents by saying they should go back to their own country, even if 3/4 of them had more right to be there than his wife. It is not just him that is saying that it is the whole of the USA and it is the USA that is insulted. I well understand the short term gains that he hoped to achieve by these divisive tactics but it is a highly dangerous game. Whilst it may bring certain factions closer to him. It will alienate many more. As a president far better than him once said "A house divided upon itself, cannot stand"
Say an Olympic sportsman gets involved in a drunken brawl. The officials and press quite rightly say "You have are not just representing yourself but your country as well and you have brought dishonor upon it" I can tell you that most of the world looks upon your head of state as a spoilt, petulant, bullying brat. If you think thats okay and "presidential"? Then you deserve all you get up to and including ridicule.

@273kelvin If your referring to Lincoln he could have avoided the civil war if he hadn’t used such harsh rhetoric on the slavery issue. Slavery was going to go away anyway. He didn’t have to kill 10% of the US population to make it happen.

@273kelvin If you don’t know who AOC is you definitely don’t know enough about American politics to comment on it.

@Trajan61 You said AOCI, not AOC. and btw I thought that the questions she asked about vested interests and lobbying were brilliant. Any citizen who would want their representative to look after their interests and not those of some big moneyed donor would applaud that.

@Trajan61 A Trump supporter takes issue about Lincoln's harsh rhetoric. It is a shame that you yanks don't really get irony

@273kelvin Lincoln’s demand that no more slave states be admitted to the union brought about southern succession and the civil war.

@Trajan61 Yes I know. So it was not slavery as such but the expansion of slavery in the US was his case. It does not sound much like it going anywhere quickly. Even though it was a whole generation after Britain and the rest of the civilized world had already outlawed the barbaric practice. 10% of the population is lot of people but what of the % of the population that was not classed as people but as property. What about their lives?

@273kelvin If they hadn’t pushed the issue slavery would have likely went away anyway in 10-20 years. That would have been better than killing 10% of the US population in a civil war.

@Trajan61 You could have said the same thing about the cold war

@Trajan61 Let me get this straight. You're saying that by not allowing the expansion of an evil practice (and I assume that we can agree that it was evil) and merely holding to the status quo. Lincoln "forced" the southern states to secede and it was all his fault, not theirs?
That is like saying that it was the US political opposition to Japanese expansion that forced them to attack Pearl Harbor

@273kelvin Why didn’t he agree to allow people in newly admitted states to vote on the slavery issue not just ban it outright. It was going away eventually anyway.

@Trajan61 Because slavery was just plain WRONG. The founding fathers acquiesced to the compromise of allowing it but it was a running sore in the side of a country calling itself "The land of the free". You can say that it would have died a natural death but that is with the gift of hindsight. Just as we can say that communism was a deeply flawed system and there was no need to get involved in Korea or Vietnam as they would have come round to our way of thinking given time.

@273kelvin We certainly didn’t accomplish anything good in Vietnam except kill a bunch of people and cause a lot of destruction. In Korea we at least saved South Korea.


And Trump cannot read anyway.

AnthonyAus Level 6 Aug 20, 2019

@273 Kelvin You could be a mouthpiece of Washington Post, ie liberal party. I will not argue with you because to argue with a liberal is like arguing with a devoted muslim about the virtues and humanistic education of some medieval criminal. But I would have a suggestion: Sweep in front of your own threshold first. I am watching the virtues and refinement in the expressions of your MPs and it is more than amusing. I call it a Jerry Springer show. Please, be assured that our president never stooped so low, yet what some of your MPs demonstrate. Well, you are British. My late friend Phillip Whitehead, MP for labor party took me several times to the parliament and I was bewildered, amused, surprised. He was one of the true patriots and we had many interesting discussions on differences between the politics of US and UK. Anyway, I would hope that I deserve Donald as you perhaps understand that people in a country deserve the government they elected.

@69ArizonaJerry To call me a liberal is not an insult it is a badge I wear with honor. As for UK politics, we are as I type, having to deal with the whole right-wing led shambles of Brexit.
In regard to 45, I really don't give a toss what lies he tweets about the people stupid enough to have let into the white house. What put me dead against him was when he lied and insulted MY country. If you have a problem with that then come over and we can duke it out but be sure to use one of those airports that Washington stormed


We call him scump, or hitlump.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 19, 2019

He'd pay someone to write a book and take credit for it!

Already has..."The art of the Deal"

@RobertNappi2 yes, I know 😊😋

@arizonajerry69 this is the cheesy jokes group . You want facts about jokes? Lmao.. 😊😂😂😂

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