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Retiring Wisconsin Teacher Admits Defecating in Park for 2 Years

Retiring Wisconsin English teacher Jeffrey S. Churchwell, has been arrested local authorities on charges of defecating twice a day in a local public park for over two years, telling arresting police he was just “being an ” and that he did it “for convenience and to be disrespectful."

My gosh, he was defecating twice a day - right in the park? This guy’s obviously “full of it.” Now, I’m certainly not defending his actions, but it really sounds to me like this is a dude with a pretty serious bran muffin habit. Neighbors suspect his Cocker Spaniel’s been a bad influence on him. Whatever! Who knows, maybe President Trump will pardon him?

One thing’s for sure, you can bet his poor students are never gonna feel completely comfortable when he tells them they’ve gotta use a " 2 pencil” on their test.

Anyway, it’s probably a good thing he’s about to retire, because he’s obviously just flushed his teaching career right down the toilet. When asked about his retirement plans, he said “why, that’s pretty simple - I plan on a camper and visiting every National Park in the country.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 3
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A public pooer! Did he wash his hands after wiping his bum or did he just pull his pants up to get "tread skid marks"?

skid rider like my brother lol sorry im
my brother washes only the front half this I gleaned from the marks he leaves on my shower stool I can no longer use

@whiskywoman ugh! I haven't had skid marks for 50+ years and never ever left them on the seat! Ugh!

@FrayedBear me either sorry TMI I know my fam is tired of hearing me bitch about it lol thanks for listening

@whiskywoman No worries.

@whiskywoman I had a brother who had a habit of picking his nose and then wiping it on his bed sheet. . . Not quite but nearly as bad as picking nose or ear & then eating it. One Australian Prime Minister was filmed doing it.

@FrayedBear how do these guys forget about film we are all watched so much those things can be funny and disgusting

@FrayedBear humans are so nasty think how it was 200 yrs ago those things would be nothing
I have used an outhouse when I eas a kid they scared the heck out of me I imagined spider bites on my butt and snakes waiting to bite me as I showered them and I see what others leave on clean seats what crud must have been on those lol OMG how did we survive

@whiskywoman A mate now nearly 80 remembers toilet seats in Manchester UK tower blocks, visited when a youngster, that were simply hanging over a 100 foot chimney that was part of the building. Said it scared him shitless if you can stand the potty humour.


nasty guy

Sure that he isn't just natural and antisocial if not passive aggressively sociopathic?

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