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In regards to the middle picture-----Following the first picture a progressive president was chosen and, not only rebounded from the great depression, but also ushered in 50 years of unprecedented prosperity for the working class. The 2nd picture is present day and the current best case scenario is "Nothing is going to fundamentally change" -Joe Biden

FDR was forced to ask his fellow elite to pay for their own destruction of the economy in those days or face a revolt from a growing angered society. With the growing support of socialist and hard left progressive parties, a revolt seemed to be quite potential. Yes, I said parties! As in 3rd parties! They changed a country then!

When the criminals run free and the one's who expose them are in jail or have to flee. Add Joe Biden to that one also.

William_Mary 8 Apr 21
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If we don't get tRump and his cronies and e=nablers out of office in November, we will have it even worse than we have now.
We will be living in a Dikensian world.
Gone will be all programs to help anyone.
Privization will be even more rampant (bye bye Post Office, for example).
The department of justice (so-called) will begin prosecuting political opponents and journalists.
And the horrors go on and on.
I have voted for 3rd party presidental candidates before. BNut this time around, a vote for a 3rd party helps tRump/


F.D.R. placated the left. Not saying meaningful legislation for the people didn't get passed, but it guaranteed no left leaning policy for a century. In that time the right wing capitalists have amassed more wealth than imaginable and robbed us even more.

I like how everyone back then, no matter their position in life, wore a suit lol. Weird.

Basically, those policies didn't go far enough. Left to be weakened over time. As they have, benefiting the ruling class from start to today. It was just enough to build some dreams on, but not for all.

These are the same type of policies we would get from self proclaimed DC progressives of the like of Sanders and AOC and her squad. In which they would interact with corporations and bankers to do to little to late.


Horribly true.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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