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Biden’s Missing Link with Europe

While the Continent welcomed the Cold War’s end, America — which would be utterly lost without an enemy — never has.


{one can but marvel at Biden’s nerve in going anywhere near the matter of delivering for “our people.” Promised relief checks are nowhere to be found, there will be no student debt forgiveness, no “public option” incorporated into our health care system, no $15-an-hour wage, millions of Americans cannot meet their bills, there are bread lines across the country, privatized public goods are failing: Does Biden think the rest of the world does not notice and can be as cavalierly flimflammed as those suckered into voting for him last November?}

{We can also call this parrying, an activity Europeans have got very good at since it became clear, at least as far back as the Obama administration, that Americans simply do not understand the dynamics of our new century.}

{Europe welcomed the Cold War’s end as America, which would be utterly lost without an enemy, never has. During the three decades since, the Continent has faced two questions it will ineluctably have to resolve in years and decades to come. Geography is destiny in both cases, fair to say.}

You have to carefully examine, reading between the lines, what Patrick Lawrence is referring to in these 2 different statements that come at separate points in the article. The dynamics Europeans are facing are largely due to 3 decades of interference in the Middle East that were falsely manufactured by America and Britain. I imagine at this point, Europeans are quite concerned with new attempts to heighten the Syria conflict going on today. In which they were drawn into and have paid heavily via national treasure, immigration issues, and terrorist attacks. France and Germany, quite frankly, can't sell enough weapons like the US to off set the amount of deficit as the US as it has been able to avoid the other issues.

Germany also finds itself between a rock and hard place within energy needs, reliantly with Russia who is willing to help for further global recognition within good intentions. While all 3 nations are each facing growing fascist movements. While there is a worldwide growing favoritism for socialism to replace the failing capitalist system which has been implementing austerity measures for those 3 decades. Which all reverts back to the manufactured wars.

{It would be folly to suggest that any sort of decisive breach in trans–Atlantic relations is in the offing. European leaders are very clear on this point. Is the Continent likely to emerge as a separate pole of power bridging West and non–West? This is a separate question, and my answer is a cautious yes — providing European leaders cultivate and maintain a thorough grasp of history and their place in it.

The second question concerns Europe’s periphery. One way or another, the Continent will have to develop a sustainable settlement with the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. The U.S. can bomb and disrupt these nations with impunity because they are distant. Europe enjoys no such luxury, if “luxury” is our term.}

This is why we should be building our own beltway road on our Continental regions. Rather than building relationships with terrorist nations across the Atlantic, we have the same resources south of us among nations with socialized good intentions. But instead we spent 3 decades in places manufacturing false narratives towards warring to waste treasure and murder scores of innocent civilians and our own people for capitalist profits. While falsely demonizing the better of socialism abroad we're actually forced into the worse type of it for the ruling classes benefit.

William_Mary 8 Feb 24
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