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The Untold Story of Sheikh Jarrah

Colonialism in Israel was, and remains, a state-run project, which ultimately aims at achieving the same objective that is being carried out in Sheikh Jarrah—the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to ensure Jewish demographic majority


There are two separate Sheikh Jarrah stories—one read and watched in the news and another that receives little media coverage or due analysis.

The obvious story is that of the nightly raids and violence meted out by Israeli police and Jewish extremists against Palestinians in the devastated East Jerusalem neighborhood.

For weeks, thousands of Jewish extremists have targeted Palestinian communities in Jerusalem’s Old City. Their objective is the removal of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. They are not acting alone. Their riots and rampages are directed by a well-coordinated leadership composed of extremist Zionist and Jewish groups, such as the Otzma Yehudit party and the Lehava Movement. Their unfounded claims, violent actions and abhorrent chant “Death to the Arabs” are validated by Israeli politicians, such as Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir and the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Arieh King.

Israel, the Big Lie

Israel is not exercising “the right to defend itself” in the occupied Palestinian territories. It is carrying out mass murder, aided and abetted by the U.S.

Nearly all the words and phrases used by the Democrats, Republicans and the talking heads on the media to describe the unrest inside Israel and the heaviest Israeli assault against the Palestinians since the 2014 attacks on Gaza, which lasted 51 days and killed more than 2,200 Palestinians, including 551 children, are a lie.


{That the lie of Israel continues to be embraced by the ruling elites – there is no daylight between statements in defense of Israeli war crimes by Nancy Pelosi and Ted Cruz – and used as a foundation for any discussion of Israel is a testament to the corrupting power of money, in this case that of the Israel lobby, and the bankruptcy of a political system of legalized bribery that has surrendered its autonomy and its principles to its major donors. It is also a stunning example of how colonial settler projects, and this is true in the United States, always carry out cultural genocide so they can exist in a suspended state of myth and historical amnesia to legitimize themselves.}

Colonization. Take a real hard look around you in regards to the past year. Fall back a few years to 2008. Correlate the deaths of nearly 5000 American's in Iraq, a war built on lies. 10's of thousands maimed and suffering from various mental conditions. Over the past 5 decades we have been under a slow purposely engineered colonization within our own country. So slow many still don't see it. You should see the same sense of dehumanization right here in the US as you see going on with Palestinian's and those around the world. Only we've been slowly indoctrinated to turn on ourselves as we've become conditioned into a passive silence towards the actions of our government, who work for the ruling class.

{The Israel lobby has shamelessly used its immense political clout to demand that Americans take de facto loyalty oaths to Israel. The passage by 35 state legislatures of Israel lobby-backed legislation requiring their workers and contractors, under threat of dismissal, to sign a pro-Israel oath and promise not to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement is a mockery of our Constitutional right of free speech. Israel has lobbied the U.S. State Department to redefine anti-Semitism under a three-point test known as the Three Ds: the making of statements that “demonize” Israel; statements that apply “double standards” for Israel; statements that “delegitimize” the state of Israel. This definition of anti-Semitism is being pushed by the Israel lobby in state legislatures and on college campuses.}

We can no longer determine the difference between the US and Israel. Who can possibly recognize the US as the US when Israel has so much influence within the US? They own our intelligence agencies. To a point they have unabatedly spied on our government and managed to now be injected within our emergency systems, military and law enforcement. Large private military contractors that work hand in hand with those in the US around the globe. We share the same tactical agendas worldwide and on our own citizens. The US is now seemingly an arm of Israel. We throw enough funding to Israel so that their citizens can obtain a better lifestyle than our own.

{The investment by Israel and is backers is worth it, especially when you consider that the U.S. has also spent over $6 trillion during the last 20 years fighting futile wars that Israel and its lobby pushed for in the Middle East. These wars are the greatest strategic debacle in American history, accelerating the decline of the American empire, bankrupting the nation at a time of economic stagnation and mounting poverty, and turning huge parts of the globe against us. They serve Israel’s interests, not ours.}

{The longer the mendacious Israeli narrative is embraced, the more empowered become the racists, bigots, conspiracy theorists and far-right hate groups inside and outside Israel. This steady shift to the far right in Israel has fostered an alliance between Israel and the Christian right, many of whom are anti-Semites. The more Israel and the Israel lobby level the charge of anti-Semitism against those who speak up for Palestinian rights, as they did against British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, the more they embolden the real anti-Semites.}

I have brought this ludicrous reality up on occasion which in itself should set the world ablaze with condemnation of obviousness on both fronts. Trump and his followers who most belong to groups that advocate anti-semitic agendas, yet find favor in Israel!?! Their notorious flag (don't tread on me) while their agendas are obvious measures to tread on anyone other than them. While they degrade the meanings of the constitution and spoken religions.

William_Mary 8 May 15
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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