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This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen

Washington and European governments are cheerleading Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. The failure to intervene to halt the carnage threatens to ignite violence throughout the region.


{Gaza is such a small area — 25 miles in length and about 5 miles wide — and so densely populated that the only outcome of an Israeli ground and air assault is the mass death of those Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant calls “human animals” and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls “human beasts.” Israeli Knesset member Tally Gotliv suggested dropping “doomsday weapons” on Gaza, widely seen as a call for a nuclear strike. Israeli President Isaac Herzog on Friday dismissed calls to protect Palestinian civilians. “It is an entire nation out there that is responsible … this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved, it’s absolutely not true,” Herzog said. “They could’ve risen up, they could’ve fought against that evil regime that took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.” He added, “We will break their backbone.”

This is not a war. It is the obliteration of civilians trapped for 16 years in the world’s largest concentration camp. Gaza is being leveled, flattened, destroyed, reduced to rubble. Hundreds of thousands of its impoverished residents will be killed, wounded or left homeless without food, fuel, water and medical help. Nearly 600 children are already dead.

The Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists and religious bigots in the current Israeli government need Hamas. Revenge is the psychological engine of war. Those targeted for slaughter are rendered inhuman. They are not worthy of empathy or justice. Pity and grief are felt exclusively for one’s own. Israel vows to eradicate a dehumanized mass that embodies absolute evil. The maimed and dead in Gaza, and the maimed and dead in Israeli towns and kibbutzim, are victims of the same dark lusts.}

One must know the history of the past century. Working from the bottom to top of this paragraph this time, if you know the nearly century of the history, you know this is essentially the agenda all along beginning nearly a century ago. If it wasn't for the fact that the century's of colonialism has been one large fascist genocide campaign within its own self, this could be argued to be the largest and longest of modern history, where millions have been murdered. And as always, all westernized countries have played a part in all its deceptions and false managed perceptions that reach out into the world society.

That area Hedges is talking about above includes what is approximately half its population being a make up of refugees, their extended families, that have managed to escape the previous systematic genocidal campaigns as they were forced from their homes and lands stolen over the period of those decades. Over time walls built to trap an entire people within, with everything a society needs to properly functioned to be controlled to make life a virtual hell. It's an open air prison, and the hell fire is sent from Israel or dropped from the sky above. Hell is the production of the international ruling class corporations.

The god of Israel's Zionist comes from the book of genesis where the narrative and context suggest they are the chosen people of Earth. It's a fascistic racism belief and delivered by a people who believe they deserve to rule the world. Anyone and everyone is an enemy at any given moment because their god says so. The biggest mistake mankind has made is giving this nation of murderers the essential means to create havoc on all of us. They effect our political arena on multiple fronts. So much so that if you oppose them on any righteous level or speak negatively about them you become a target. They have been recognized as being war criminals for decades yet nothing is done to stop their murderous actions. The medias won't touch it. Their intelligence community has footprints in every nation. It has all the dirt on the world political structure, they're held hostage even if any of them wanted to speak out. They virtually do rule the world. Every claim they make about Hamas, they been doing for a century. Hamas is merely that dog I wrote about last week biting back.

And just as we have sent our own into wars, more recently, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's just another lust for resources of an ethnic people the ruling class must have to keep their ponzi schemed capitalist system working. Aways in need of more from others to keep it from total failure. Kill for it they will.

Psychologist Rollo May writes:

At the outset of every war…we hastily transform our enemy into the image of the daimonic; and then, since it is the devil we are fighting, we can shift onto a war footing without asking ourselves all the troublesome and spiritual questions that the war arouses. We no longer have to face the realization that those we are killing are persons like ourselves.

The killing and torture, the more they endure, contaminate the perpetrators and the society that condones their actions. They sever the professional inquisitors and killers from the capacity to feel. They feed the death instinct. They expand the moral injury of war.


Israel taught the Palestinians to communicate in the primitive howl of hatred, war, death and annihilation. But it is not Israel’s assault on Gaza I fear most. It is the complicity of an international community that licenses Israel’s genocidal slaughter and accelerates a cycle of violence it may not be able to control.

Yea, it has been out of control from the very beginning. Many decades ago. When the father of this Zionist nation said he wanted to turn the region into a resemblance of western nations, he meant take over western nations. They handed him the region, and today the lunatics that came after him are apparently running the world.

William_Mary 8 Oct 14
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How "cute" that the word fuck as in the written English language for more than 400 years & contained in the word fuckwit is proscribed on this site for use as a label! Hence my having to create #Fukwits, #Feckwits, & #Fckwits.
It smacks of controlling judao-christian OCD-ism.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 14, 2023

The site algorithm will not allow me to register Fuckwit as a label.


As horrific as the Hamas attack was, one key that all authoritarian governments need is someone to hate. Israelis have done a fine job with apartheid towards the Palestinians knowing they would lash out and serve themselves up as the hated.


Hedges concluding paragraph "Israel taught the Palestinians to communicate in the primitive howl of hatred, war, death and annihilation. But it is not Israel’s assault on Gaza I fear most. It is the complicity of an international community that licenses Israel’s genocidal slaughter and accelerates a cycle of violence it may not be able to control." Contains the circumspect & inadequately identified warning of international communities inviting similar violence within their own countries.
I think that I more clearly stated that risk about 4 days ago in "The Israeli philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, whom Isiah Berlin called “the conscience of ..." . . . Is it any wonder that I try to turn my back on humankind, its stupidity, its arrogant egos & blind ignorance.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 14, 2023

I also do wonder at members who supposedly proclaim politically left morals - the Clinton, Biden, Bessie Braddock supporters, the Trump Pinata, the Conservative Bashers, who are vehemently supporting the US & Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza just as they support the Ukrainians perpetrating genocide in that country the last 10 years.
The fascists like @Alienbeing & cohorts are easy to label - utter stupid fuckwits.

@FrayedBear well they all support war equally. They each simply chose their wars accordingly to who's in power as the opposing party only applies a slight opposition to them as a facade. You know full well they're all working for the capitalist system in which war is one of its primary money makers. And the western citizenship is essentially complicit within its silence. Whether it takes a little time or not as the media controls the narrative to a point it becomes slight in publication. Ukraine was under reported 11 years ago. No emphasis was really put on it for especially Americans to understand the illegality of it on behalf of the Obama administration. It was falsely used against Trump, history rewritten before it became highly publicized as it became apparent 10 years wasn't enough to conquer Russia as Biden 2.0 came back into play. Currently, after it's becoming more apparent in regards to the infiltration of Ukrainian fascist in our governments and judicial systems, the war has died down in the media. Do you find it odd that Israel is stealing the spotlight? Quite convenient?

@William_Mary I've recently posted "As usual Caitlin Johnstone states the bleeding obvious." but will add the url now for a set of suggestions to resolve the Israeli Palestinian issue without further atrocities occurring.

@FrayedBear there is no, or will be, an attempt to resolve that conflict. That went out of the window decades ago with the proposed 2 state solution that was agreed on but never addressed. The dog coming out of the corner to bite back occasionally is always used as a means to further aggression. While Israel continually steals land and forcing migration of citizens into an open air prison. Very few manage to leave that want to leave, there are no other options but poverty for the most part, death on the other hand.

Every sense of government for the Palestinians for decades now has been absorbed by the Israeli government into what is basically a compliance. Hamas is the current dog biting back. You have to ask the elephant in the room. What the fuck were they thinking!?! The next question would have to be. Was it their attack done on purpose to give the Israeli government to launch such a strong response? Are we witnessing the final chapter of the full expulsion of Palestinians because of it?

A guest on Cross Talk the other day brought up a good point. The region that Hamas attacked has more than 1 Israeli military base near it. There aren't any police forces nearby? Apparently it took 6 hours for a response. That isn't an intelligence failure, it's a purposeful allowance of a slaughter. Right about now 9/11 should be flashing through your mind? Allowing a small slaughter to provoke a larger one.

@William_Mary exactly. The whole thing reeks, like Ukraine, of plausible rationale & excusability.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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