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Armed Resistance is enshrined in international law

Western regimes would label you a terrorist for supporting the legitimate armed struggle against a settler colonialist occupation force.

The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era. "Ghassan Kanafani"

[] --- Kanafani was born in Acre, Mandatory Palestine in 1936. During the 1948 Palestine war, his family was forced out of their hometown by Zionist militias. Kanafani later recalled the intense shame he felt when, at age 12, he watched the men of his family surrender their weapons to become refugees.[2] The family settled in Damascus, Syria, where he completed his primary education. He then became a teacher for displaced Palestinian children in a refugee camp, where he began writing short stories in order to help his students contextualize their situation.[3] He began studying for an Arabic Literature degree at the University of Damascus in 1952, but before he could complete his degree, he was expelled from the university for his political affiliations with the Movement of Arab Nationalists (MAN), to which he had been recruited by George Habash. He later relocated to Kuwait and then Beirut, where he became immersed in Marxism.


Marxism. That thing that western governments go to extraordinary lengths to keep us from educating ourselves on. Their deceptively false propaganda of Marx would have one believe that there's only one way in regards to communism which they tend to relate to so many manufactured enemies. They attempt to avoid the term of socialism as much as they can. Even those who claim to be democratic socialist or the group of progressives who are often highlighted by the DSA {Democratic Socialist of America} and Jacobin Magazine rarely allow the word socialism to pass through their lips today. They both are fake socialist entities in which their agenda is to keep or herd their followers into the democratic party. Especially as 2016 came and gone as their popularity sky rocketed.

There are a number of forms of socialism/communism. We have multiple forms of it in all western societies. Globally. Quite frankly, no society exist without some form of it. When you truly understand this, one should educate themselves on which form they are living under. When you learn the truth, you'll find you're probably living under the worse form of it. Especially in the US! A form of it that is falsely placed on many nations they have you believing they are our enemies. Falsely used to manufacture wars out of their need to keep their own societies afloat within their own crimes and unethical practices. Media included! Both domestically and globally. Fiat money, precious metals, oil, a multitude of other natural resources. They are currently using stolen funds of Russia to pay off Ukraine's debts. Years of stealing Venezuela's gold and Citgo funds. While they drive our deficit well into the 10's of trillions we'll never be able to pay back. We can't even keep up with the interest!

{Decades ago, it was agreed that Resistance and armed rebellion against a settler colonial occupation and apartheid power is not just recognised under international law. It is enshrined specifically as a right for the oppressed, never to be denied.

In accordance with international humanitarian law, wars of national liberation have been expressly embraced, through the adoption of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (pdf), as a protected and essential right of occupied people everywhere.

This runs counter to what London, Washington and Tel Aviv would have you believe. Proscribing the Resistance factions as “terrorist” groups immediately distracts people from their real role in liberating Palestinian territory from the Zionist occupier and its Western backers.}

This is what America was supposedly to be facing when it broke free of the British rule. I have other theories about this though. I have pause whether we ever escaped being a colony of Britain. I'm however convince whether we did or not, still a colony. Being ruled by a structure of international elite. If you apply critical thought to our history, there's a lot of evidence that suggest such. History however, always becomes a target of false propaganda towards deceiving a citizenship, which it quickly falls into the illusions they develop. I can go through every previous president and era and build a case of the illusions every generation has been deceived by.

We're currently facing such now from the Trump camp and their supporters. It's the same atmosphere we've been facing from the GOP for decades, only on steroids. These people don't give a rats ass about the constitution or bill of rights. They want to tear that shit up and make America worse than it already is. Don't tread on me is exactly, simply, tread on everyone that doesn't want our way. They'll be Biden on steroids if they get the chance. Rumors are they Trump supporters will start a revolution if Trump falls victim to another loss. They had no room for the law in 2020. This isn't the sense of revolution in the constitution. This is a sense of what we do globally. Create revolutions towards moving a country towards the far right. Fascism! We're already there. They want to go deeper. They would by all means create the need for a sincere revolution to stop the madness they want.

{Self-determination is not a posthumous medal for helpless victims, it is a great right that must be fought for and taken from the imperial and colonial forces which try to deny and block self-determination. This is not well recognised in colonial cultures, which embed paternal myths.}

A vast majority of Americans don't seek the self determination these very few seek. Their very claims are imperialistic and a continuance of colonialism. Built on myths, a structure of lies, exaggerations, and false propaganda. Just the same as our democratic representation feed us.

{*Because of a natural instinct to avoid conflict and due to the avalanche of neocolonial propaganda, the resistance is poorly understood and poorly represented in colonial cultures. That calls for systematic popular education, stressing😘

The need to recognise anti-colonial liberation movements, in particular the Palestinian struggle, as a key contemporary expression of the right of self-determination;

There is no moral equivalence in the character of armed resistance and armed occupation; one is legitimate and the other is not; suggestions that one should be “even handed” over Palestine-"Israel" are colonial deceptions.}

{*Exposing myths around these issues is important for several reasons😘

It can blunt the ideological attacks from colonial cultures on liberation movements;

It can inform false moral equivalence arguments, by which the resistance is urged to disarm, alongside the forces of occupation and apartheid;

Wider international recognition of the right to resist colonialism, apartheid, and genocide can be an effective antidote to imperial propaganda;

Clear moral argument, with evidence, may not be decisive in the propaganda wars, but it can inform honest and curious people in colonial cultures while vindicating the political will, morale, and achievements of Resistance forces.}

I have an appointment to get to. I hope you continue to read the rest of the article. I believe I covered my correlation to our current atmosphere here in the states.

William_Mary 8 Oct 28
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