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Are there any Ancient Alien followers here? Do you believe any of their theories on Aliens?

Why has our technology seemed to hit a brick wall? To a point we feel the need to exhaust old methods?

Do you know who John Trump was?

Do you know what the OSS was?

Ever hear of Dustification?

Do you believe there is a Deep State? Many aliases. One for example, Cabal. What if you were told there may be 2 that are fighting for control over us. One having broken from the main Cabal, now against what they are.

Do or did you believe in Pizza Gate?

What do you think all the missing money from the Pentagon has gone towards?

Even more went into the 2008 recession. Printed up out of air, what did it go towards?

William_Mary 8 Dec 17
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With reference to the 2008 recession, which left us Europeans about 25% (plus) poorer, trust in the US took a 50% dive. America is haemorrhaging friendship and trust on a scale it cannot fathom, soon it will be too late to resuscitate. The CIA, which given your own media, has a very bad image, has an even worse image abroad. Contrast this, with the Apollo Moon Landing (which let us assume was true) when America had the whole world rapt in wonder, and carried the hope of all humanity. Will this ever happen again?

rcandlish Level 7 Dec 20, 2018

If life evolved on Earth, given the size of the Universe, it is likely to evolved elsewhere. I sincerely doubt that we are the most advanced species extant. Ancient Aliens remain a real possibility, though the so-called evidence is highly questionable. Technology continues to flourish in every sector, where's the brick wall? Secret Space Program - how I hope so, if not I'm confident we'll get there. Rome wasn't built in a day!

rcandlish Level 7 Dec 20, 2018

Piece2your puzzle covered all of my answers, no need to reiterate.

Did I poop on the party? Lol


The show Ancient Aliens is pretty entertaining, but they know just as much as anyone else if there are aliens out there. I have read that some of their theories have been debunked. They use some truths, stretch stuff, and also express opinion as fact sometimes. I mean it's a tv show so I expect some of that to make it more entertaining to get ratings. I do however believe that the probability of aliens existing is high given the vastness of our universe. There are galaxies and planets that we know absolutely NOTHING about. Also, life might exist on other planets in a different way that it exists here on Earth. It's not definitive proof, but just look at Earth and humans. The very possibility of other life forms, and even intelligent lifeforms, exists because we exist. We're the perfect example. This topic has so many facets to it though when you get into philosophy. Was this universe created by something as a prison for us where we are only intelligent and technologically gifted enough to not even explore most of it? Kind of like having the carrot hung in front of our faces, but never being able to attain it? Is this existence only for us to suffer and ask questions and be curious enough and not get any answers and that's our cross to bear?

After the industrial age got off to a booming start, it does seem that it might have slowed down gradually over time. I would think it's logical that our inventions involving mind blowing technology would be directly correlated to our environment, or the lack to reach and explore new environments. We went to the moon a couple of times and that's been it. Maybe if they make it to Mars, something good will come of it in terms of technology, but then again aren't the same elements and materials in every part of the universe regardless of distance traveled? Also, don't we usually "stumble" upon new inventions while looking to solve other problems?

John G.Trump? The uncle of Donald Trump? I just looked him up. He was a physicist and a professor at MIT. []

The Office of Strategic Services? It was the predecessor to the CIA. []

Dustification of steel? Dr. Judy Wood? 9/11?

There's definitely a "Deep State". The problem is when people hear this stuff they automatically think conspiracy theory. They miraculously accept establishment narrative in lieu of common sense and they accept the narrative with little to no proof. They don't even question it. Whatever the government and tv tells them is the truth. They in turn become the conspiracy theorists that they seek to ridicule. The establishment benefits from propaganda that they themselves put out and even the propaganda that is created by the public itself that the government had no hand in. They inject things like Flat Earth and fake moon landings into the public domain to make all theories that are opposite their own narrative seem crazy and invalid thus rendering any thought away from the status quo as ridiculous. It allows them to do their shady business with little to no criticism from the public, and people who might be on to their corruption are already put in a box with a label. It's pretty brilliant actually.

I did not believe in Pizzagate. I didn't really read much on it though, but I know a lot of independent organizations have supposedly debunked it. Like I said, some of these theories make the real ones look less credible and crazy. There have been many accusations of U.S. politicians in the past about child sex rings. I think there was one about the Bush family and underage boys too. I don't doubt some of it might have been true though. Just look as recently as Jeffrey Epstein and his plane trips to that island with people like Donald Trump and Bill Clinton. Do I think they would sleep with underage girls or boys? It's possible I guess. We have to have more proof though.

The missing money probably went into the thieves pockets and/or to fund their shady endeavors that they can't put on the books or else there would be proof of them. The money could have went into a number of different operations including funding Islamic extremists in the Middle East, or into investing in drug trafficking, or any other number of putrid things our government does. The government turned around and said that they just didn't know where they spent the money and that it's not "missing" in the traditional sense of the word as in lost. Why did they announce it? It would seem it's something they would want to keep a lid on being it makes them look completely fucking incompetent if it's a legitimate mistake. They announced it the day before the biggest attack on United States soil occurred too, never to be mentioned again. My guess is they knew there were people getting suspicious and were suggesting audits of the agency for a while and it was probably getting close to it actually happening. So what was destroyed at the Pentagon on 9/11?

"Classified and confidential documents also disappeared at the Pentagon, where American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into it on 9/11." [] Who knows what those documents were?

We don't know for sure, but maybe some of them were accounting papers? I would LOVE to know what these papers had in them. We will sadly never know.


Isn't it fuhny how so much of the missing Pentagon money.. disappeared the day before 9-11 happened.

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Dec 17, 2018

How convenient, right?


No to ancient aliens. We've been searching, SETI, for almost 50 years with none found, hiding ones planet appears to be impossible, and travel times are too long to come and disappear.

What technology has hit a wall?

John Trump I looked up.

OSS, which one? In WWII forerunner of the CIA.

Dustification, no.

Deep state, probably.

Pizzagate, no.

Missing money, nothing good.

EdEarl Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

@jorj You underestimate how much we know about the speed of light, time and some other things.

@jorj What have double slit experiments shown about time? What does relativity say about light?

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