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Which Milk Should I Choose?

Wildgreens 8 Oct 28
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We use oat milk as it is the most local and I can even make it myself easily ( though I don't often enough) for next to nothing. Though I have recently discovered the high calorific value and that has made me stop and think a lot. Also I avoid it all as much as possible personally. I use coconut oil in cooking for a creamy flavour and oat milk in finished soups. Has anyone made 'mayo' from anything other than Soya though?

entranger Level 5 Oct 29, 2020

This is akin to asking which food to use.
Eating grass might score highly on some environmental charts. You would end up as a skinny, unhealthy (but contentedly smug) corpse!

Petter Level 9 Oct 29, 2020


Some information on some of the other milks...

JazznBlues Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

Big fan of flax and hemp milk. Sometimes hemp is too rich though. Favorite dessert milk has to be chocolate cashew milk. Yum!

JazznBlues Level 8 Oct 28, 2020

I like Oat milk.😘

Me too. 😃


You should choose soy milk...

I like soy milk too.


Why are they called milk? consistency? Effective substitute?

I agree, but also beef should be dead cow corpses instead of beef. Pork and bacon should be dead pig corpses as well. Cheese should be called death cheese considering how humans take it from a baby calf. Farmers kill the baby male calves because they cannot reproduce. Yes things should be labeled according to what they truly are, specifically when death is involved.

I guess I define "milk" as a liquid secreted from a female mammal breast...these vegetable "milks", I would probably call juices...sematics, so fun!! ;D


Almond but I love coconut. It's just too far

I love coconut milk. I always buy it and use it for smoothies. I also have almond milk from time to time. ...and I use coconut "cream" in various Indian and Thai dishes.

I wonder why they didn’t give that information.
I would think that would less water and less emissions. I like coconut milk as well.


I go with almond milk or cashew milk. 🙂

I like the flavor of the cashew milk.👍


I'm allergic to almonds which sucks. I love the flavor


Swore off any dairy long ago. Now it's a toss up between Hemp milk (and sometimes Flax milk) but my favorite is the Silk brand Almond/Cashew blend.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 28, 2020

I have tried them both.
Those are just as great. 👍

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