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When people think about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the future by doing something small.

Why is it, then, that hardly anyone in the present thinks they can change the future by doing something small?

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misternatureboy 7 Sep 20
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Because you are unaware of the future timeline, you do not understand the full consequences of your actions. The reason why the entire planet hasn't been wiped out by a psychopathic terrorist with a nuclear bomb, may well be due to you choosing to be nice to that weird kid at school all those years ago.
Unless you weren't nice, then we're all fucked ?

Moobellob Level 4 Sep 21, 2018

Because we don't know the future????

IamNobody Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

I do small things all the time that have a massive impact on my future, such as waiting until my cycle has come to a complete standstill before I get off it, looking in BOTH directions before I cross the road, unplugging electrical equipment before attempting to fix it etc. etc.

Gareth Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

I do believe that.
That's why everyday I work toward promoting equality for all Earthlings and stopping speciesism.
Just something small -- like how I vote with my consumer dollars -- changes the future.


I actually do believe that soem of my small actions will reverberate positively into the future.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

Good thought.

I think it's partly what Kierkegaard observed: Live can only be understood backwards, but can only be lived forward. With an uncertain future, I guess we don't know how much influence we have over it.

Benthoven Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Dude, right?

Minta79 Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

That is something I had never thought about before. Maybe going back in the passed really would change much at all.

entranger Level 5 Sep 20, 2018

I think it is a good thing that people don't realize how much their future can be changed by doing something small because most people resist any change, even if they aren't happy with their present they resist changes to their situation and wouldn't make even the small changes they need to grow, let alone the large changes.

Surfpirate Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

I defiantly believe all the little things matter, some grow, some add up. We never know the impact we have on others but we can see the impact we have on the world. I recycle and reuse... it’s a small thing unless we all do it, then it’s huge.

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