8 6

I found this article to be interesting. I particularly liked the interactive food choices section. Makes ya stop and think some.



DaphneDarling 7 Feb 7
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That was pretty interesting.

graceylou Level 8 Feb 8, 2019

I liked the climate impact calculator as well. I'm a consumer of almond milk and was surprised by its degree of water use.


Thanks. It isn't really new Info for me but I enjoyed the presintation. I especially liked the link to the searched vegan questions article. My wife and I have been vegetarian for almost 20 years now and have no desire to go back. ?

RichCC Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

Beer and steak. I don't care. I'm worth it.

@DaphneDarling Indeed. But then I never had children to leave a greenhouse footprint, so that more than makes up for a steak every now and then.


Soy is my goto, good to see the results.


Very interesting and I hope more people pay attention. For me I discovered a type of nut milk [] That is thick and fortified with calcium and protein. This is my favorite and it is less that $4 a half gallon. Even less than most regular milks. I have a big dairy allergy which, I think, has been a good thing. It forces me to try alternatives.
Thanks for the posting


You don't want to know.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 7, 2019

I wish they had included information on coconut milk.

Donna_I Level 8 Feb 7, 2019

Also, almond, soy, and many others.

@DaphneDarling must have read through it to fast.. ☺

@Donna_I also hempseed, I make my own milk with hempseed.

@verifiabliss that one isnt so common around here. I haven't found a consistant source locally for hemp seed yet. considering changing over to oat milk when I can get organic oats.

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