8 3

How do you respond as a vegetarian / vegan to people who say they only eat meat from locally harvested sources where the animals are treated humanely. I know at our Farmers Market we do have one meat source that is certified humanely raised.

Kojaksmom 8 May 3
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Not for me. I'm not going to contribute to the suffering of an animal.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 4, 2018

I would say none for me, I simply don’t need or want it. I became vegan to get the better health that I am in fact getting. What your doing is better but still your missing the point. At some point someone taps a pig on the shoulder and says, we have run out of bacon, please come with me. Since becoming vegan my blood pressure problems went away, an inner ear problem cleared up, I lost weight, I never get indigestion or related problems, heart burn doesn’t exist and finally I have mostly solved a 30 something year long debilitating migraine problem that doctors could not help me get under control. Meat and dairy are poison even if “Humanely procured”. The addiction to animal products is cultural and mental, if you trully pay attention to how what you eat makes you feel and be honest with yourself you would probably make some changes.

I agree. My health benefits aren't quite as obvious, some weight loss and lower blood pressure. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to run around the playground with my great grandson if I was still eating burgers and fries on a regular basis and that alone is worth it to me.?

Having said all that, I will on occasion indulge in a meat product. I'm not sure why exactly and wish I had the conviction not to but I'm just being honest.

@BeeHappy we all do our best, you are doing better than like 98% of the population 🙂

@ArdentAtheist thanks!


I say they're neither. They might think of themselves as ethical but they can't be vegan or vegetarian.


When I was younger in my vegetarianism, I used to say that I would consider going back if ethical treatment and slaughtering became the norm. I no longer feel that way -because I don’t miss meat anymore- but I would have no qualms with someone else eating meat under those curcumstances.


We have hat a lot on our island. I ask them when they go off-island do they still eat meat from grass fed and organic meat? Usually, there is no answer.


Make nice to cows, steers, sows, boars, hens & roosters THEN SLIT THEIR THROATS HANG THEM BY THE FEET BLEED THEM DRY, slice up their cadavers and EAT MEAT??????


Actually, I leave this alone. It usually means it's someone who genuinely cares about such things, and I tend to find allowing people like that to find their own way is more effective. Often, if I challenge their perspective, they just shut down.

Sometimes, if I feel frustrated, I'll ask them why they made that choice, in the vain hope that I can steer the conversation to recommending a couple of good documentaries. Rarely do I feel better.


I always use this rhetorical question:

'Is there such a thing as a humane slaughter?'.

However if one was to eat me I would actually prefer them buying from humanely sourced than factory farms.

Perhaps if all meat eaters were required to buy a hunting license AND WORK IN A SLAUGHTER HOUSE ONCE A MONTH most I predict would not look an animal in the eye and then watch the light of life go out as each "meat" dies

Yes. It's also known as euthanasia.

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