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I broke one of my own rules yesterday, after a while without eating and being on the road accepted the offer of food that my friend just brought from a restaurant (Nandos). It was a sweet potato mash. I had my suspicions that it would be tainted with come sort of animal bi-product but with no easy way to confirm at the moment and feeling rather hungry I succumb 😟. This morning after a good night's sleep recollecting the bad decisions of the previous day I decided to do some research and found the mash contained milk :'(. I'm sorry vegan God, please forgive me. Warning to the rest of you. Take heed to assure all the food you get from alien sources are VE certified.

JoelLovell 6 May 6
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Awe, at least you're aware. All you can do is to make the best decisions for yourself. My mom
slipped chicken broth in my rice once, she wanted flavor according to her.
Others don't mean to hurt us.

Wildgreens Level 8 May 22, 2018

OK. I/we forgive you.
My dear. One does not need to be extreme or obsessive concerning a friends sweet gesture. An exception is not the end. A relapse is not the end. Yes vegan is a desirable position & you are blessed to be pursuing the lifestyle. I am as near as one can be. I do not purchase or order animal products except insects (lots of protein). Forgive yourself as there is no fault or purpose in what happened.

Mooolah Level 8 May 9, 2018

No vegan is perfect. Don't sweat over what's happened because you can't undo it. With milk though, if you haven't consumed it in a very long time, you can/will become more and more intolerant of the lactose. You could be sick from consuming dairy. I have always been lactose intolerant but my parents still forced milk on me growing up believing it's necessary for my health. I got sick to my stomach often if I consume a large enough amount especially on an empty stomach. When I started becoming vegan I might very infrequently eat ice cream when I go out. I would get sick almost immediately. I have heard of longtime vegans/vegetarians feeling sick after accidentally being served meat. I am extremely vigilant these days and try to check ingredients of everything, read ingredients list, googling ingredients I'm not familiar with. It can get very complicated. Not all regular flour is vegan, not all plain ole sugar is vegan, yup beer and wine as mentioned are often not vegan, hell, even diet Pepsi apparently is not vegan. For some things, the same product is vegan in one country and isn't in another (slight difference in ingredients). Doing your best is all you can do, and know that some non-vegan things will slip into your life no matter how hard you try.

graceylou Level 8 May 9, 2018

Thanks for your comment, I'm sure I used to be lactose intolerant too I always used to feel sickly after drinking milk and have never been the kinda guy to drink milk by itself. People say they miss cheese and some other stuff but tbh I went cold turkey and havnt missed a thing. Now the sight of cheese makes me feel sick.

@JoelLovell Me too. I never liked milk in the first place and never drank a glass of milk. It was more my mom adding it to hot chocolate or her cooking and baking. And in stuff like ice cream. And yes, I can’t stand cheese now though I used to love cheese before going vegan. I rarely even use vegan cheese. I don’t miss the taste of cheese at all.


It’s a labrtanth, you do your best. I recently found out the wine I’ve been drinking is not vegan... I try to not have even the slightest trace of animal product in anything, fraught with pitfalls... 6 months vegan and still learning as I will be after 6 years, cheers


It's down to Nandos to clearly label their products.

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