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Harder Daddy! Nail me like Jesus.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
It makes more sense to me. When the true God is the Government and Centro banks. No body owns or rides me like that.
This seems like a reasonable resolution to a lot of our problems
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
The hard part is to get them to sign a confession that they are racist? Getting refugees is easy.
Open the flood gates. Money can fix this. []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
These two years of Covid handling will go down in human history as the greatest disaster worldwide health model within my lifetime. What happened to Fauci bin Laden? Imagine signing off your life away to trust the greatest criminals for law suits in human history. It's because Pharma is most profitable in the world also. This too will pass and be swept under the rug.
It means it's working. You should still get the shot, for humanity's sake.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Do you mean for the gene pool sake?
Take your pick...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Human being are massively ignorant. I'm fearless because I confront all of those unknowns through curiousity. Than knowing the dangers is controling the dangers in an over ego world
Pretty scary!!!
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Been happier without a TV for 12 year. Today I'm not deeply programed and free. Not living in the matrix or twililight zone
The product of an "education" system at the highest level.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 20, 2022:
I have up on Governments and only had one grant to build tiny house for 2 year. All I found out was tiny houses were more illegal than weed. Today I build under the radar and create my own self government. it's better to beg for forgiveness, than to be handcuffed asking for permission
Karl Marx was so lazy he let his kids starve to death.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 20, 2022:
During major wars, more people starved to death than were killed in actual battle. Today's problem is more people die of obesity than by starvation. One example is 78% of people died of Covid were obese. Its a new kind of war on the people.
Government jobs are welfare for people pretending to work
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I find Government public servants have the least satisfied jobs in the Nation. If you ask them so, they are trained to give us a different answer.. Artist are the poorest paid profession in the nation. Even lower than pensioners, best part is loving what you do , in any profession.
When someone begins their line of convincing me with i have a phd and a degree then i have to ask ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Had a couple of girlfriends in the pass with PHDs, they called a PHD - Piled Higher and Deeper and like being a professional student. I looked at it as a sign of strong work ethic to achieve something or doing well in academics. The only problem is if you don't love what you are doing , then it may miss the purpose in life or in mastering life. A PHD may show a sign in too many indoctrinated camp from political thinking, or over programed society. I won several international awards instead of degrees or academic papers. Kind of thought an artist teachers were the one who couldn't do the art. It's one in a million that can be an artist after 4 decades. Had to look at it as One third legistic, 1/3 business and a third Art product. Do what ever it takes, to be what ever you want to be. First step is being honest with yourself. Don't harm along the way.
Do you feel his pain?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
She hoping every day will feel like Christmas. Poor man, no money, no honey for every other day except xmass. I bet she has sex with Satan Claus.
This is fucked up.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Most everyone is complaining about gas prices, are we all losers?
19th March 2003…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US President George W.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
That is the same man who took away my US greencard for refusing him a war sculpture. It will be the same story for me being unvaxxed, Already the majority of opposing scientists and doctors who were force to shut up have proven the vaccines are deadly worst than our natural immune systems. What is next for weapons of mass distraction, Ukraine, green passport or AIDS?
This ends the debate for me
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
She is the kind of woman like me who is an assumed disease criminal. Lets be partners babi and be in crime together and share our diseases,
Some say it.... Is it true?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I straighten them out with I don't regret my pass, I can only regret what I don't do in the future. I look for women with very little baggage or in this case, little dirt on them.
I got my flu shot today.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I have not ever gotten the flu shot in my adult life and have not ever got the flu. Where others in my life time have gotten flu shots and died more overall than from Covid in Canada. That proves to me I am my own best Doctor in the world. Wail checking on both opposing views of vaccines and holistic doctors approach to healthy living. If you love your snythetic Big Pharma drug world record pushing doctors. Who will live a shorter life expectancy than generally you will. Then go for it, I don't reject the recleanzing of the gene pool. Just don't force inject me illegally or unjustly with an unhealthy road record of overly druged life programs and unhealthy doctors.
I am jumping back in.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I was kicked off two online sites for being unvaxxed, POF was one of them. Now that the majority of opposing doctors proved that vaccinated is more dangerous than natural immune system . I suppose I can go back on again, without being an assumed disease criminal. It shows me a lack of integrity and faith of members. I generally do much better attracting and keeping women in my profession as an artist than online. online is a very long shot of finding one,, who is a keeper. It does increase your chances anyway, of meeting more like minded people by their profile. The more you play the better chance of luck of finding a love one. Good luck
He is explaining why...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I asked a 12 year old why do women wear perfume and lipstick. Because women look ulgy and smell bad
That would at least make some sense.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Weed brings everyone together.
We're being played like a fiddle
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 18, 2022:
Try this on for a narrative for a change.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 18, 2022:
Klaus of WEF keeps looking better , to the robots and zombies.
Un-vaxxed nurses []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
There more apposing doctors than doctors supporting the vaccines, it's been a proprrganda war all along. Vaccines handling killed more people than the cure. And the 1200 effects are not done yet.
Quite probable, actually.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Whole time of the freedom convoy, I did not see one fight, a murder nor a nazi. Just one nazi flag put up by Trudeau for an one hour media press shot with no crowds. As the stomach turns, from all the endless propaganda. wars.
I think she needs glasses, what say you?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Turn on the porn channel.
A day filled with pints of Guinness and bad decisions.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Any longer, I would look like that.
Interesting information about Covid and purpose in life.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
It has beene a double whammy, harming relationship and the economy causing greater deaths than covid. The plandemic can not defeat the power of the people for long
Forty billion in structural damage- plus the thousands of murders! $100 million for Putin's head on ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 17, 2022:
I would leave the area with my family first thing. Then rest aside wail everyone murders each, like the hell on earth as it is. Because I can't imagine running out of ideas to kill someone and war solves nothing. Murder is a mental illness except in the case of very last possible resort of equal force to defend your skin. I can always help to create a better beginning for the new community. After the mass destruction of the billionaire and trillionaires by their hands, as usual.
No skin off my nose, I totally live off grid and totally self sufficient.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Former Russian oligarch offers $1 million, dead or alive for Putin.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 15, 2022:
if one kills someone to prove killing is wrong that would make them a hypocrite. NATO is worst. Another weapon of mass distraction.
Finally, gender equality light switch!!!
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I'm turned on.
The Dalai Lama
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 13, 2022:
A simple beautiful man.
Another meme dump! 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 13, 2022:
The Canadian freedom convoy has already won. US is still working on it. Trump is tripled jabbed, who cares
Reading a news report on the number of western services leaving Russia because of the attack on ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Isn't getting rid of McDonald, coke and vaccines a good thing?
Reading a, then and now, piece in the Seattle Times magazine about a 1906 house torn down in 1950 ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Joni and Neil Young used to be for freedom and nature hippies and fought the establishment. Today they Now join the corporatism
Not sure if this is real. But it probably is.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Most Russian population is in European side, 25% of Russian population is in the Asian side.
Money is imaginary
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Only 1/5 of the imagination.. Everything we have ever achieved in life, was all once imagined.
An unseen photo
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Death numbers don't match, NATO infants are much closer.
Narrative 2.0 coming to a state near you. Goodbye masks?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Can't stand those Suffocating, Dirty, Toxic, Wasteful Bank robberies, Store robbers, Itchy, Scratchy, Smileless UnEmotional Stupid art work Spread all over everything Forgot to wash Forgotten all the time Faceless Useless Bad for environment Masks of shame I got a million of em.
Because something doesn't work the first time, why not keep trying as long as the money is good.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Only give it to the ones who want it, they deserve it, to help the gene pool.
A dirty low down rat, that's who! :-o
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I'm not allowed racists come backs because I am white.
[] Couldn't resist.. πŸ˜†
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Chucky doll is perfect.
Avital Livny introduces the new affiliate organization to the World Council for Health, The ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
More and more they will be found out.
Sting - Russians ( 2 videos ) [] []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Two players, sounds much bigger.
Where R all the trump supporters now???
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
The kid is going after Lebron James, Biden and Whoopi for calling him a murderer in a court room. Who likes to be next? He was ganged up on by prior criminal record thugs. This gang all in the mean wail chasing after Rittenhouse wail still had a gun in his hand. They hit him with a rock, a skateboard, a jump kick and a gun pointed at his head. What would you have done in the same situation? , Let yourself be murdered,? I don't like guns also, now look at Ukraine now with a lack of guns. Now look at US military with half of the world's war budget and worst terrorist invading of other countries and with the worst record in recent human history. Not a good idea to stir the shit and for the pot to call the kettle black. Let's abolish war and military all together, most wasteful and solves nothing. Or get more of the same. Just save your own skin and family for now.
In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Once tobacco, back in my youth, we were told by doctors it was healthy and cool. Still today tobacco is legal in every country in the world. I find the vaccines and pharmaceutical cartel drugs are the new tobacco they will keep pushing until 100s million deaths are noticeable by the public just to slow it down. The Ukraine war is a temporary distraction for now until they find another ceremony mass suicide again like environment passports or something like AIDS
Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Seems Nazi is more in fashion as a buzz word.
US Ambassador confirms Ukraine has been doing dangerous biological research: []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Are they now making a new virus vaccine?
A day late and 67¢ short
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Because many of them can take the house and kids too.
Sounds good to me...Cheers!!!
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
We could fuel cars on cannabis, if the Federal didn't keep it illegal.
An Irish View of the Conflict: []
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Yes, Palestine is long over due, if we can't fix this problem, we deserve many more like it
With the 'Pandemic' winding down, and vaccine uptake and stock values plummeting, Pfizer is ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Shouldn't they send all the cancer patients into that war. Since Radiation is a gold standard for a cure for cancer. Just take a pill and be tough as a water bear.
Is science dead?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
They will come back, the mandates have just failed. I'm promoting food, freedom and housing business on my artist on the beach podcast instead. No sense beating a dead horse dewormer.
Outside my window on Sunday morning ...and I shot this with my cell phone?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 9, 2022:
They know where it is safe from the hunters.
[] Couldn't resist.. πŸ˜†
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 8, 2022:
It was four protesters who were killed and a policeman die of a Stoke a day after the event. Trudeau related Freedom convoy truckers to Jan 6th They think BLM is like a non violence protest, lol.
There were so many clues. If only they'd tried to see them
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 8, 2022:
it is proof that Christian won the war of religion. Just like at the date we are always related to JESUS CHRIST.
I prefer "I'm ugly, fuck off"
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 7, 2022:
As an over crazed masochist I loved my masks and sadistic Government . I crave holding my toxicity in and cutting my oxygen off by 20%. It gives me a light headed high. like when I was a kid with pins and needles wail passing out holding my breath, better than airplane glue. . Miss going back to the car for forgetting my mask all the time, was a great workout and waste of time. . Liked dragging my mask around to every dinner table top, office desk and not washing the mask for month. To ensure to spread the Covid to everyone as I love to share my other disease as well to everyone. . Just like surgernt wearing a mask, in case someone dies, nobody knows who did it. . it was a great time for skyrocketing crime , if one robbed a bank or store, nobody knows who did it. . Smiles and 75% of human expression energy were hidden to support the Government house of cards and our real feelings of no pain for no brain policy. . The mask of shame helped disguise One third of small businesses that went under, during Covid world order, for someone like me the suffering was glorious. . It was like halloween every day without the treats yet plenty of tricks from the absence of science. I can't stand getting back to hugging, kissing and loving people again. Can't wait for green environment passport and Aids again. I am a hardcore masochist and required pharma and Government sadistic mandates. Who have the most dissatisfied job in the nation, I envy them. Excuse me,,,, wail bite my tongue. .,.not, lol.
Have you seen this man?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 7, 2022:
look under the the scum beneath the fungas beside the garbage can. I think he lives in the dark, there.
This is the best one I’ve seen in a long time.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 7, 2022:
JC better not sit on my bedside, wail I'm spanking the monkey.
Behold the dumbest vice president ever along with a senile fool ,this country is a joke run by these...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 6, 2022:
America and the world will change itself. These two fuck ups, just get in the way.
I've known this for a long time, but it is really evident today
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 5, 2022:
Times are a changin, I find NATIONISM more dangerious than Religion and most christian tells me they are more spiritaul than religious Most Nationalism actually believe CDC, Dr. Fauci, Pharma and Biden are enough evidence and factual for the covid vaccines to fit all and be all, like super humans
Ukraine is offering cash and asylum to Russian soldiers, many are conscripts who don't want to and ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 3, 2022:
Love the song, let the super rich get their hands dirty. That would solve senseless murder
Designer candles ladies?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 3, 2022:
A women's worship ritual. What ever happened to its not the size of the boat, rather it's the motion of the Ocean.
Behold the dumbest vice president ever along with a senile fool ,this country is a joke run by these...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 3, 2022:
Anybody can be a politician, if one has showmanship. yet nothing to contribute.
PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to encounter ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022:
This may hurt their bromance.
” Suppose they gave a war, and nobody came?
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022:
For Russia to win they would have to go to every door to door. Many Ukrainian say will fight to every last man or woman.
This war is not a conventional war and now cyber warfare is being used.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022: Anonymous declared war on the Russian.
Not sure if this is real. But it probably is.
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022:
I support Ukraine protecting their homeland as much as I do with the middle East protecting themselves. Just don't get Biden involved. It's a European situations.
In case you missed the subtext: Fuck you, Putin!
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022:
We forget about our own tyrants like US invading over 200 countries in it history. No worries, they only won one war the Mexican war proving that the six shooter was a game changer. Yet stolen much of the spoils as usual. War solves nothing from NATO and as Putin looks on from these worst of hell on earth situations . And 9 times out of 10 soldier are murderer in a uniform except for defense of family directly. I'm sure many of you would like to hang Putin, yet it would only make a hypocrite out of them and be as bad as he is. It's acceptable to put him in prison for life and make him work for any once of freedom he gets, all locked up in a cage I used Gandhi quote about the inhumanity in history of vaccines. Then they told me how he is a religious nut job. Vaccine and Religion are just tools for the banks and State to used against the people for crowd control and media for mind control.
I read that wrong....
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 2, 2022:
I'm safer with my word, my bitch.
COVID-19 Vaccine Codes Preview Posting of COVID-19 Vaccine Codes and Crosswalk for Currently ...
Castlepaloma comments on Mar 1, 2022:
If I was going to make two horror film, I would call them. Night of the living Karen's 6uild,6ack,6etter The WEF has a few hands in this separating the world into Vaxxers vs unvaccinated half and half world population. Vaccine Mandates and passports is the most horrible living nightmares worldwide health model. That has ever made up in my entire life history and for most others.
Narrative 2.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 28, 2022:
In 3 weeks mandates will be shutting down in Canada also Don't know when in Australia and US will be doing it. The US Trucker's Freedom convoy shut down due to a lack of trucks and funds. I talked about WEF a year ago, of course most told me I'm a tin hat nut job.
Enochlophobia: the fear of crowds.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 28, 2022:
I'm the opposite, feeling weaker without the crowds all time around my sculpture events. Expect for living in a big cities it's annoying,. Living in the country is just right, then visiting a big cities can be fun.
Funny but true.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 28, 2022:
I lived in BC where at lease confronted with bears on 50 occasions. One was so strong he would push in car window open , to get at the food. Once he ate everything in a kitchen at Boston Pizza Whistler BS . Of course Everyone in the kitchen and dining room ran for their lives.
Remember when Trudeau went into hiding because people were honking their horns?
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 27, 2022:
In Trudeau cabinet they were calling honking for the truckers a nazi code. Ever since they had a Nazis flag shot for media, that was planted with no crowd around. They have been calling the Truckers white supremacy and Racist. Freezing bank accounts harmed 20% damage to the banking system and bank run was off the chart. I can only take out 1/3 of own money out of my account. The truckers have won, in a few weeks the mandates and masks come off.
The average dog is pretty cleaver.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 26, 2022:
There are the odd dog that can speak words. Centainly dogs connect better with emotional communication than most humans, which can be more important.
The CDC Is Withholding Covid Vaccine Hospitalization Data. Why? - []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022: Fauci uses CDC as a gold standard for science.
I plan on being on the winning side this time
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
I've always had a Good time on illegal drugs, just not too much of it
Are you currently enjoying the squeals of outrage around the world over Russia's protective\ ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
BRICS is going in a better direction than NATO countries due to more the 3 times their populations and better economic growth. War is the most dislike and natural environment is most liked worldwide. Although green won't come as the lead from WEF or the 1%. My faith has always been with the loving selfish independent individuals who win out throughout human history as everyone has been natural born anarchist. America today is older, crankier and more ripe for a break-up. It is one nation, divisible. Americans are more split than at any time since the civil war – by geography, history, religion, values and, increasingly, politics Same for Countries who are breaking up into smaller countries because they are happier.
This hour has 22 minutes give Tucker a boot to the head. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 25, 2022:
One lady from 22 minutes was fired for her protest against vaccine mandates on the show. She joins us in the Protest in Halifax wail I podcast it from Nova Scotia Canada, soon to be released. The Canadian truckers have already won, Trudeau emergency act was concealed from him trying to make it permanent. And the frozen bank account has backfired because the Canadian bank run who puppet Trudeau along with WEF really didn't like that. Trudeau Castro is more of a joke. Who knows with Trudeau family tree as a disfuncional family of loving tyrants. Where most of Canadian population is cancelled the mandate vaccines and the rest of the sheep will follow. Much of Europe is cancelled mandates. Canada has been leading alot of freedom movements like gay sex and same sex marriage, heart surgery, Marrijanna legalization, Mix marriages, Transgender laws and now trucker freedom convoys that has caught on around the world.
Yes. Yes, he should.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Kyle is sueing Biden, Whoopi, The veiw show and Lebron for calling him a murderer. Wail from known criminals, who were trying to kill him. Unless many of you were not closing eyes during the action tape, I call out bs. Personally I wouldn't be promoting guns or war at all and youth having guns is of a stupid mistake a youth could do, Yet not ever stupid enough let myself be killed. His self defense also approved in a court of law.
Abortion and the 'holy' books.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Every God wants to steal my soul, coming and going.πŸ˜†
Trudeau financial freeze of truckers bank accounts.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 23, 2022:
Wait til they freeze your bank accounts.
Trudeau financial freeze of truckers bank accounts.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 23, 2022: Doug Ford leader of Ontario , said we are done with Covid Mandates.
Support capitalism the VOLUNTARY exchange of goods and services.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 23, 2022:
I totally support free trade capitalist, not oversized and centralized corporationism
What's your super power...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 23, 2022:
I think good sense or uncommon sense of being unique vs fighting the competition. Would be closer to a superpower vs the crowded narritive of the kings of mediaocracy
Watch and learn. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 23, 2022:
I can see how one can prove crime against humanity with plenty of facts and evidence. It's another thing to charge or arrest the untouchable wealthy well connected in a world order end game.
Soon the occupiers who feel privileged will realize that privileges are not rights and hopefully ...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
That is lying politician telling us we have freedom. When we have privileges and they even break them. Only people who do nothing about their freedom, deserve horrible Tyranny and their safety salvery.
You are free to believe whichever narrative fits your preconceived opinions.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
You don't hear politiscan or media talk about this or even most opposing news don't. For fear of being sued, attacked, blocked or banned. How do you know when a politician is lying,,? When he opens his mouth.
February 3, 2022: A recently published study indicating the anti-parasitic ivermectin worked well as...
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
if it's good enough for the queen, it's good enough for me, or even better, Joe Rogan.
Now a few months old but only just seen by me.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Most sins are sexual related. No wonder their sexual behaviour is all fucked up and the greed too.
Canada is getting tough with the recent mandate protestors. []
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
I've watched mainstream properganda news draw a horrific dark pictures of the freedom convoy to provoke trumped up charges of terrorism. The 100s of podcaster in the streets show a whole different of the reality of joy and loving fest. Trudeau plans is to make this emergency act permanent. I hope he gets tared and feathed and thrown into a funny farm. Then not sent back to his three kids, unless his behavior changes or a cured from being a tyrant
Not sure where to put this.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Real cool
Unverified - Well, the Queen of England who now has COVID is receiving Ivermectin.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
The Queen can be cruel to others, yet she is not stupid.
My original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Puts a little rock and roll into a Buddhist lifestyle.
Random headlines. All vaxxed, most boosted.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Trudeau caught Covid twice, one time when tripled vaxxed. And recently his entire family got Covid and this is what he wants to force a mandate on us. Monkey sees and monkey hears and when he sees something that harms, he won't do. Except Trudeau's sheep.
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand”…………..Albert Einstein.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
He has a point there, I must have one too.
22nd February 1997.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2022:
All Government has to do for the next level is clone sheep with sheelps to keep world order.
“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 21, 2022:
Peter Dogs and chickens is about the most plentiful animals you will find around the world. From my personal experience traveling 6 continents and many third world countries. Have not heard about one story where a starving dog will eat another starving dog and have seen plenty of dead dogs with starving dogs around. Unlike other dogs, huskies are disciplined when it comes to their feeding. Dogs like Beagles and Labradors will eat whatever you put in their plate which usually leads to obesity. But when it comes to Huskies, they watch their food intake very carefully. Here are some of the distinct and interesting characteristics of this breed: it's possible Huskies being the wildest of dogs, may trust their master more than the trust themselve for whatever they will eat. Yet normally dog won't eat dog
“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 21, 2022:
Are there starving dogs in the USA on the street? ,Must be a different time period. There are Humans who will eat humans if they are starving. There is a saying : It's a Dog eat Dog world: which came from human thought. Dogs won't eat other dogs even if they are starving and dogs won't humans because they don't taste good, they taste funny like eating a Clown.
More elder abuse?The question really is "who was abused in this situation? The woman or the man?"
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 21, 2022:
Ii cried from the movie Notebook. The compassion between and senior couple in love for most of their lives, that can not be described or lived in a court room or by law. I find it a crime and for others the fact I can not visit my parents on their death bed because of Covid.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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