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Uganda’s Anti-LGBTQ Bill Threatens Tourism as Well as Lives -- Bloomberg
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
I've traveled all northern Africa. Then parts of east and west Africa. If I were gay or a woman I wouldn't tour Africa because it's most dangerous and difficult continent to travel.
Reasons why fried chicken is better than Jesus...
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
A man eating chicken sounds frightening. Religion is based on fear. It's all a stretch.
President Joe Biden said Thursday the risk of nuclear "Armageddon" is the highest it has been for 60...
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023: There is a massive shelling attrack from Russia on Ukraine right now.
President Joe Biden said Thursday the risk of nuclear "Armageddon" is the highest it has been for 60...
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
I predicted the American dallor collapse 15 years ago where the middle east, China and Russia BAIL. Larger than the BRICS has been turning away from the American petro dallor and fiat currency and US will not ever get it back. The nuclear US threat to Russia who won't back down This is like a game of chicken, ,can cost 100s of millions of lives. Or Unless we over throw the Government like many times in the pass human history. SO, OK we are the 99%, let's GO!!!. Follow me, I'll be right behind you.
All religions I know have some absurd elements, tenets the believer has to believe and reproduce in...
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
Religion and the world of gender pronouns is as opposites as any group can be. I still hear some christian saying, there was no Adam and Steve . And it's mainly religious countries and 80 of them which have made LGBT illegal. Transgender is more of a North American absurdity. Sweden who started the whole thing,, has banned puberty blockers for children. It's the Government and the pharma corporations drugs for life profiteering behind it. Because in 15 years trans clinics have boomed 300 times. How can a man have a baby, any more than a jewish virgin women have a baby. It's far beyond my logic and understanding.of bio organisms. Politicians don't even know the definition of what a woman is ? And Politicians are pushing laws around them everywhere.
Hate-preacher: Parents who let trans kids get surgery should be "shot in the back of the head"
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
Don't believe in the death penalty or killing for any reasons acept only self defense of equal force or to eat. To kill someone to prove killing is wrong or anything esle are hypocrites. Don't want learning sex from drag gueen dancers or even straight folks. Leave kids to be kids as their math and English are lacking. Drop all laws against genders suppression as all 80 countries where LGB is illegal, Everyone has a human right to love who they want as an aldult. That is my wish list, although the world will change itself.
Klaus Schwab and his vision is a worry. []
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2023:
Yov vèl do it and yov vel be happy. ... not. If I had no privacy 24/7. The only fun I would get out of life , is to flash and giggle my hairy rat at their cameras, once in awhile. WEF is very very sci- fi creepy.
LOL 😂 Seniors React To Martha Stewart Being On The Cover Of Sports Illustrated []
Castlepaloma comments on May 17, 2023:
Overweight lady in a swim suits, 2 transgender and a nearly dead. I guess anyone can be an athletic looking on sports illustrated. Airbrush helps.
This is the toxic core of liberalism and the root cause of many of our current problems: the quasi ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 17, 2023:
I"d look at my world is 50% about me as an individual and 50% about everyone and thing in life. GODS and centroism unbalance things, as I can, if too selfish or egotistical. I'm the king of my own domain, not anyone esle. Bring self serve first , not selfishness. All I have in life is what I give away. If I don't have love or money I can't give it away. God is just a word, most people would call God, the Government because they give nearly half their money away to them.. Government is not mine ultimate love and not my partner in life , it's so sad for most who trust the Government and the love is poorly returned.
This is the toxic core of liberalism and the root cause of many of our current problems: the quasi ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 17, 2023:
Certainly any group that can collect a third to half your money, is the closest thing we can call God. Think Mormon and scientology tops at 10% of a members income. I am my own boss, nobody owns me, only the Government I have to limit my engagement with.
NOTE TO A FRIEND WHO IS TRAVELING ABROAD I just heard some very interesting news.
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2023:
I couldn't bare to watch Trump haveing sex on film as evidence. I did catch a clip of his wife having sex as she did some porn before marriage.
The Mormon "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" has been running a clandestine hedge fund ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
I think it's good for religious freedom , yet churches free from taxes are in bed with the Government and non believers are not part of their onesided council. Artist are the poorest paid profession and the longest and greatest influential in all of human history. We pay taxes, where are our bread crumbs?
Christian "prophet": Climate change is God's way of pointing us to Bible verses
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
Wrong translations from an ancient book, who do not have a clue what climate change is. One hand being a natural environmentalist and pratice daily sustainable living of tiny homes and urban farming. Plus do lifelong studies on holistic living. Where the 1% makes most of the pollution and are the leaders of the world, environmentalist who are bad examples. And they are controling the 100 trillion dallors of the world's environmental investments. Their plans are by increasing carbon taxes and playing God with every aspect of our lives. The earth is actually cooling or the same. The green plants have increased by 15% growth over the last 15 years.Because they thrive on carbon , it can be harvested and controled. It's less healthy to eliminate carbons. Other species of amimal are created where other species go extinct. The natural environment alway needs help and work , Yet we cant even control our own lives. Do not put it in the hands of the worst wealthy scammers on this planet.
John Cleese - Church of JC Capitalist []
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
They are not going to heaven for living in the wealthiest countries in the world, the Vatican.
A few changes of government going on by the looks of things.
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
Alot of coup are happening.
Welcome to the Clinton promoted, US taxpayer funded Ukrainian war to benefit Blackrock, JP Morgan et...
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
If there was a true American constitution, there would not be Blackrock nor a NATO
News from ASEAN meeting held in Indonesia []
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2023:
We haven't experienced total colaspe of the dallor in our life time nor experienced a depression. The nothing is coming and I've prepared my diversity skills and products like urban farming , medicines and tiny housing for exchange.
Porter Sculpture Park Ravaged—Apparently by Vandals Fighting Satan -- The Daily Beast
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2023:
Adversary bullshit.
They really love Jesus
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2023:
No second hand man could ever take the hand of my God, my God. What a harem Jesus must have and them licking his sandals. That turns me off, left or right.
An intelligent discussion, on a range of topics with reasonable sounding people.
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2023:
If Trudeau tried to jab me with his lethal injection, I would of shoved it up his arse and charge him personal body assaults. Life here has been broken for 67% of Canadain a rewrite downturn in Canadain history. Trudeau has large investments in vaccines, he should be fired for that alone. Even though fact checkers and some celebrities alway twist these things into something esle.
Some powerful stuff here, and truth be told.
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2023:
The civil right leader makes sense to me. The greatest crime related to black families is fatherless children. Black mothers were better off collecting welfare with children than working. And 9 times out of 10, a black murderers in prison had a fatherless childhood.
Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness |
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2023:
Best thing Reagan did was spent the USSR to death in the nuclear race. USSR had a strangle hold of eastern block countries. The worst thing Reagan introduced was the trickle down theory, from the wealthy top downward for the crumbs of the poor.. Reagan wrote a book on how to win a nuclear war, All I can imagine is, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye
Is it possible to have a presidential candidate who is not compromised? []
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2023:
Pharmaceutical don't make you well. Giant supermarkets lack nutrition and unhealthy ingredients..Centro Bankster profiteering printed money, national debt and death grip mortgage . President and politicians make it all legal So no compromise.
Kids: Safety of C19 Injections "I am sharing my clinical experience, research and professional ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2023:
Most mice refused taking the vaccines, because they still are testing it on humans.
Logical fallacies []
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2023:
Funny how some people deeply down you , and they don't know you at all. And they use many of these logical fallacies
Stop praising Pastor Andy Stanley for pretending to love gay people
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2023:
From 8 years old , threw away my miltary toys. Don't think I am capable of hate, yet notice many groups are defending their over ego group in an over ego world. . Looking at the individual first. So centroism, I stay away from, or tame down this us against them, where it is never ending, then grows into hate and great disrespect. Just take the good bits from every group and incorporate it , into my world or universe, throw out the wasteful hate
As always, follow the money trail.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
That's 100% safe way to make money , same way the vaccines are 100% safe. Riggght
Transgender woman and former activists finds children puberty blockers and gender surgery is ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
There is that small risk. You can't be too careful.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
A person should wait, til crossing that bridge.
([] []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
War of media now, doG forbid.
Evolution of Florida vaccine analysis YLE 04/27/2023
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
Why would the largest corporation of food and medicine be healthy. It's just not profitable. Bottom line, turn our lawns into vegetables gardens. It's the same amount of time + money and most importantly its way healthier for medicine and food. And they call me, the lunatic for promoting these natural alternatives.
Who subscribes to cable news?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
Threw out my TV 15 years ago. I trust more individuals first.
Fox News and Dominion reached a record settlement. Tucker has been fired.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 27, 2023:
Should be no penalties for free speech. If the man is often incorrect, people will not pay attention to him. I won't watch set scripts that most other networks have and they are same script without investigating reporting second rated actors. The sound bites interveiws are 5 minute with a set agenda. And sponsor by Pfizer is corruption to the Rotten core.
Even the earth is bleeding.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023:
We forget the history of the planet can do far more damage than we can.
Even the earth is bleeding.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023:
Hi Frayedbear Off topic, there was a really interesting post film you had on earlier, around in the 50s , about the second world war politics. On how these politicians discriminated on blacks, immigrants and jews. How do I find it again?
[] G 20 could add one more member, African continent, 1.4 billion people.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023: What the west refuse to hear or report.
Big Pharma's Destruction of American Journalism What the recent changes at Fox News say about the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023:
He was so big, I thought he was probably with the elites. Now he got fired or canceled, it's because he is telling too much of the truth
[] G 20 could add one more member, African continent, 1.4 billion people.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023: I saw very few Americans Traveling in China and Russia when I was working there a few times. How esle would Americans find out if they were more evil than themselves?
God's word is final and he also said ... "Life begins at birth.. Gen 2:7"
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023:
By the word, Christian abortion Genocide is false.
I do like Americans who can see the world for what it is, lots of good people there.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2023:
Sachs perspective is simple for most people to understand
Finally fox is losing in the home country. []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2023:
Don't you ultimately love politics and media, they are the very best thing for humanity. ....... Not.
Slick production. Who wants a bet Biden won't be contesting in 2024?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2023:
The last Trump and Biden debate was the worst bag of nonsense I've ever seen on film. Vote them all, they are all the same horrible fairy tales.
I work from Cuba, Mo.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2023:
Repenting something over and over again, in hopelessness. And getting the same results, is called insanity. Mainly ignore things, that are not based on good sense
Some thoughts on a current thing from Alex Berenson 'What's next for Tucker Carlson' As you ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2023:
I always support free speech, no matter how one sided or bulling the other side may get. It's the last resource from salvery. Tucker could go bigger independently.
Existential Comics The term "supernatural" is kind of funny because by definition it sort of ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
I give Aliens and Bigfoot a much greater probability than Yahweh, which a third of the world believes in.
The U.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
Could be the greedy and the national meal of a humbuger, fries and coke. And expecting a vaccine will give them super human strength.
Both cannot be true
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
An immortal jelly fish, beats both of them by 600 million years ago. And God in the Bible really discriminate against the jellyfish. How low can you go, assuming God invented everything.
How the beliefs of an exorcism-obsessed Australian church led to a deadly crash
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
No real exorcism on film will top the movie the exorcist.
What if I told you there were dark secrets behind the Christianity cult?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
International Amnesty refused JC stands in court. Although tons of witnesses testimonials.
I don't think anyone will mourn Blackrock collapsing.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2023:
Yes! the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Oh yeah, it was God's word.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 23, 2023:
Where is God dare to come down and say those words to me, face to face? That little chicken shit, rape would be the nicest thing, on that list.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 23, 2023:
I said from the very beginning , 90% herd immunity is impossible with vaccines. Since trillions of covid masks and vaccines and vaccines kits are leaked into our landfills and animal kingdom. Humans contribute a relatively small mass compared to the rest of the Animal Kingdom. People make up only 0.01% of all the biomass on the planet. Since viruses come from animals, get all animals vaccinated , and I will too. Just another impossibility.
Well, that went well.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 23, 2023:
There is all kinds of backlash from many other corporations like Disney and Netflix loosing tons of money promoting trans in their products. It probably the only way to push back corruption and brainwashing pushing gender industry agendas and pharmaceutical drugs for life.
I hope religions start dying faster
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
I'm surprised Africa is so non religious.
Federal judge: Mississippi must allow religious exemptions for vaccine deniers
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
I would of change my religion to Amish if it meant protecting my health away from vaccines. It's better to lie than a greater risk of harming myself or especially kids. Generally I don't break the honest rule and wont ever break the harm rule.
FDA Withdraws EUA for Original COVID Vaccines, Recommends Boosters Instead in Hope of Increasing ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
Rather catch covid than to take a vaccines. And I've tried to catch covid, don't like being alone for so long. .
The people are winning back their lives and livelihoods , which were taken away by the globalists ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
The largest protest in human history were over vaccines and farming practices the last 3 years. They were blocked, banned, and not covered by mainstream media. That kind of silence, tells a deeper hell story going on, than all these one sided totalitarian are manipulating. What slaves fought over most, was free speech.
Abortion pills: An option not talked about YLE 04/21/2023
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
I wonder how safe is an abortion pill? I'm strongly for what a person does to their own body is none of the government business. From vaccines or what goes in or out of our own bodies. When Government does extremely stupid things , they are untouchable,. We are allowed to do stupid things too to ourselves. Goverment can't have it both ways. Different states ban laws in different states. Make up my mind, if have to abort a child, I will go to another state.
Christian missionaries can no longer preach to kids in an Oklahoma school district
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 22, 2023:
Kid are too young to be taught about gender sex and religion, They are drooping their grades in math and English. Doning it all over again. Wish to be taught more on how to make money and lessons in love
“Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2023:
Many women state they are hopeful romantic. I use positive thinking as a optimistic romantic. It works better.
Only in Washington State
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2023:
I loved the northwest coast absolutely beautiful. What I find more important is sunshine my vitamin D happiness I don't tan, instead rust.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Man, many people really fear speaking out about this. like always they fear the punishment. About 85% disagree about transgender in men's sports and in public school. Being honest is the best policy for strong realationships and health.
[] US is preparing for war with Russia and China.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2023:
It's started in the middle east and will end in the west. Many weapons of mass destruction in toxic drugs, food, water air, land and military is only part of it The apocalypse, meaning the unveiling. Unveiling the head of the snake, the financial empires pyramids scams. I have faith the people will win after some more horrible times to come.
Some one please fact check this for me.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2023:
Zelensky? what kind of fuel and for what?
Death Shot Doctors Stand Down COVID-19 has so many facets to its fraud that sometimes it is hard ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2023:
I think the greatest delusion is when doctors had to check a box of cause of death on death certification. They would check covid every time, even when there was 2 or more other health conditions that could of been the cause of death. It was strongly influence the hospital were they were rewarded with money and power.
For LGBTQ Kenyans, court win prompts backlash as threats escalate | Reuters
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2023:
The T and Q are holding back the LGB. In the continent of Africa and Middle East. In fact its another big reason the East and West are separated and war have started. I personally only have a problems with sex in public schools, straight or genders. And in male and female sports
So apparently Disney is planning a live-action remake of the animated movie Lilo and Stitch, and one...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2023:
Because they got into transgender themes in their movies. Attendees dropped lowest in 24 years.
Health American Style.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 18, 2023:
She is the American woman of the year. Think she should be an America's entry into the Miss Universe Beauty contest. Someone's American dream and most of world's ultimate nightmare of the apocalypse now.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 18, 2023:
This message is the most comforting one in a long time.
Dadeville, Alabama, left without answers after deadly mass shooting: [bbc.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 18, 2023:
Handguns were used in 62% of the nation’s gun murders, including Ty's, in 2019,. Gun deaths has increased by 8% recently. One solution is police and military reduce their gun use and so will the public The only good reason to keep guns is because the history of totalitarian from the Government. Only fire can fight fire.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023: US troops boots on Ukraine ground
I am a huge proponent of the Death with Dignity movement (my late partner opted for this) and follow...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023:
What a taboo topic.
Well, that explains it: Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lama's 'suck my tongue' comment to a boy ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Don't think a tongue equals a penis. I defend some evil people in the pass when they make good sense. And the same people, I've pointed out the negative things that can be harmful. Being the top spiritual leader in the world is like claiming someone as very intelligent. Dami Lama has been associated with many known evil people. When he told everyone, they should get vaccinated, It lowering my spirit and faith of about him.
WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY from Jeff Childers 'Whoopsies! More bad news for mask lovers.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Don't leave your house, keep butt plugs in at all times. For covid farts can get into your toilet pipelines and come up into somone esles toilet. Then create a Cranial Rectumitis symptoms. A condition where the head is stuck up one's rectum, preventing this individual from seeing and discerning facts.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Transgender people require lifelong medical support, making them ideal customers for the health care industry, and the well-documented phenomenon of "peer contagion" -- kids pressuring each other into thinking they're all trans -- ensures an endless supply of consumers.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2023:
I look at each person as an individual and an biological organism first. What ever a person chooses to be, like a gender, I respect that. Kids are stupid because they have a great lack of experiences and balance in life to make phycial alterations permanent decisions. A transgender is a symptom, not a disease like alcoholic or cancer. A human is made up of many categories yet if one over focus on one categorie, it can be very limited for a person whole well being. It's why I don't support never ending us against them or centroism and perfer observation and peaceful sharing.
Probably the only real reasoning done by those who peddle religion . . . .
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2023:
Keep God to thy self.
Climate change & fossil fuel usage.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Going all digital and carton taxes everything is a great Marxism idea. They will bring back the oil, gas and nuclear to mix it up. Wail hiding many alternatives energy for a wail yet.
Today slavery around the world is 40 million people.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2023: New face of Marxism
Today slavery around the world is 40 million people.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Go back to sleep, the authorities have everything under control. ....
Alito keeps access to abortion pill unchanged for next five days while Supreme Court reviews ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2023:
I have alway stayed the same about abortions and my own body, my choice. . It is none of Government business in what gose into my body or what comes out of my body. Period!!!. The Government is no boss of me, in real life, only to take care of the small stuff.
The hilariousness of human response is killing me. []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Interesting title though
Sanity is slowly returning.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Immunity system is making a come back, yet it never left.
Survey: US-born Latinos now more likely to be ‘nones’ than Catholic Among the 65% who said they...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Half my family are Latino and about 55%, or about 19.6 million Latinos, of the United States Hispanic population identify as Catholic.. in the Latino countries catholic is a higher rate. Latino catholics have the least knowledge of world religions where atheist have the most knowledge of any group. . I'm a middle grounds guy, that being fearless or not discriminate to either or any side. Not playing the us against them or centroism or extremes enemies game. My only deef is with the greedy bastard. Do get a kick out of reporting the freak show .
Can Artificial Art Be Attractive?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 13, 2023:
I design mostly natural and sometimes artificial 3d world's in theme park, museums, film, stage and 100s of different venues. What is really strange for me here, is robot pets rather than real pets for the elderly. It would be challenging either way, cleaning up the shit or technology stuff. I perfer natural for 90% of the time. I work in concrete, wood, sand, snow and clay sculptures and tiny houses.
If you are not outraged by the outrageous outrage of the current thing, then you are a ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2023:
This is the kind of brainwash a white, male, boomers straight breeder who has their own thoughts and truth. Gets turns into a hater, racist, far rightwing conspiracy theorists and transphobic. Like myself from the narrative bullies. That's full of nonsense of evidence and facts missing. I'm always open and not afraid of anything they throw at me. This kind of coward person can not hold up to hours of deep conversations with someone who is really smart.
American veterans discard their medals in protest.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2023:
There has been plenty of cases where war verterns have thrown away their metals or guit their carreers. Like mandating vaccines or having to kill women and children. Or I don't work for the Government bullies any more.
Thoughts upon getting advice from an ex-lover, or, the Buddha and the elephant You could compare ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2023:
I subscribed to the book of toaism, based on nature and still haven't found flaw being obvious. Where the Bible is a book of fairy tales and some experiences mix in with tons of wrong translation.
Top three most ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2023:
All my conspiracy theories have come true. It a matter of patterns,, evidence, facts and very intuitive. Funny how I get these tin hat conspiracy thrown at me, even when my conspiracy theories became true each time.
Cash is no good at Dunkin Donut. [] Can't buy me lunch, oh no no nooo
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 12, 2023:
Nobody will be laughing when it is a cashless society.
Satan Klaus, the Ether Bunny, the Rotten Tooth Fairy, and the Man on the Moon, the Covid , ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 11, 2023:
If todays vaccines led by politicians, media,, pharma and technology hasn't created the greatest criminal blunder in modern human history yet. Wait till we experience the wealthy spending a 100 trillion dallors of our survival money to the biggest problem in the world. Climate change!, where carbon tax every product imaginable. From our digital banks and social credit scores. The woke and Saint Greta are worried that the earth will increase 1 degree by the end of this century . The BRICS and most of the world population are more concerned about getting out of poverty, not climate change. Over one so called biggest problem where there are 1000s of other solutions. The same climate change was present in Moscow in 1972, saying the world would end in 10 years, same with AL Core and now Greta. They have a self life of pure fear. Poverty is the greatest killer and that is about to change. Humans can't save themselves, let alone the whole planet. I'm going for the other 1000s of solutions.
The Dalai Lama asked a child to suck his tongue. His apology didn't help.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Could say, that was a slip of the tongue. Anyone can have a little playful outrageous moment at times, especially at age 87. Look at Biden, smelling kids hair and called Pedo Pete by his family. The man needs to be rushed to a nursing home. Wouldn't put Dali in the same category as catholic priest child molesters.
"The shooter was neutralized " That's the common USA response to a shooting, implying that the ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Anders Behring Breivik, Killer in 2011 Norway Massacre, Is Denied Parole Feb 1, 2022 — Mr. Breivik, who killed 77 people in two attacks, has served 10 years of a 21-year sentence.
[] Beyond Reset Animation short
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 10, 2023:
In the end he excapes in the garbage truck.
5 reasons to suspect that Jesus never existed |
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 10, 2023:
It's based on fear and why more people have been killed in the name of God than any other reason . Today's new God's are the financial pyramids empires
There is a definition in an old dictionary I had, called "The Penthouse Sexicon".
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 9, 2023:
The Ten Commandments is patchy, regardless of whether you believe the Biblical version or prefer sceptical history And since it's a novel, that means the tale of Ben-Hur is 100 percent fiction, wholly created by Wallace. So what is Jesus doing in the story?
A Global Conundrum Ironically, the conundrum of humanity's dependence on foreign oil is an ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 8, 2023:
Just moved to a new and improved way of pollution ans slavery
Jesus carrying a cross to good friday []
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 8, 2023:
Beer helps the burden of pain of the cross. Happy to swallow the BS to go down smooth.
Filipinos nailed to crosses despite church objection -- ABC News
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 7, 2023:
Hope they went through the same hole of that one guy that did it the 34th time. I suggest an airgun machine that would be less painful. Knowing Christians they prefer suffering the old fashion way. Wouldn't caught me dead in that line up. . If that is what iit takes, for faith and God's love? Rather watch and worship boxers than a pure tortured event, sick bastards.
Please remember Jesus this Easter
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 7, 2023:
I'll call amnesty international


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