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One of 20 sculptures of the history of Oklahoma


Trump and first lady tested positive for covid19. Maybe there is Karma?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Trump and first lady tested positive for covid19. Maybe there is Karma?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Trump and first lady tested positive for covid19. Maybe there is Karma?
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 2, 2020:
It's all over every national news.
Groaner coming
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Better get another house soon, or you may go mentally ill.
“Would you shut up, man?” - Joe Biden
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 30, 2020:
It was more of a put down festival, than a debate. Trump is still the world champion of lies.
Who's right?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Go beyond, I'll worship her. What else is better?
Who's right?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
A short speech. It gives me great pleasure.
According to trump
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
2nd minus the guns. The beautifully strong helping the weak or ill, is alright by me
Aren't you glad too
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
It excaped, through the cracks of hell.
Let’s go full clown 🤡
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
There is something really funny, about this message. Most don't like their jobs!!!lol
Am I? 😅😛
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 29, 2020:
You wouldn't believe how much I get hit on, wail building sandcastle on the beach. I'm into relationship, can't even handle one woman at a time.
Am I? 😅😛
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2020:
There are many would think I am a success object because I love what I do for 4 decades. Pleasure business is building sandsculptures and tiny houses. I'm someone's fantasy of sex on the beach
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2020:
About 90% of what we learn in programed school, we don't use. It's better to be yourself, as you are what you think. When you teach your children how to use common sense, and above that, good sense and creatively uncommon sense I found it gives happier results . My daughter is the living proof of that.
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Is it best to be educated about common sense or better still about good sense?
Am I? 😅😛
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Love that thought, because I am in the pleasure business, and a success object.
Scotty do it now
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2020:
There is no intelligence life down here.
Yeah Karen where
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2020:
What a shot!!! Lol.
Excellent point
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Watch the road, let the goggle map talk.
Good point she is wrong
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 27, 2020:
In the Bible women are only worth half as much as a man. In my world they are my better half and what am I without a good woman?.
It makes sense to her
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 26, 2020:
From the planet of men, yeah... yeah.
Definitely a mistake
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Heaven has to be extremely happy, like a funny farm.
Hurricane Paulette is back from the dead as a 'zombie tropical storm' - CNN
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Hurricane teddy bear
The banana slug: Is named for its resemblance to a ripe banana, it is one of the slowest creatures ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Banana slugs can grow up to 26 centimetres long or 10inches. Banana slugs can also have 27,000 teeth on a long tooth-covered “tongue”. They come in a range of colours, from yellow to brown to black and many are mottled with black spots. I once farmed them, to feed my ducks. So big that chickens can choked on them to death.
The banana slug: Is named for its resemblance to a ripe banana, it is one of the slowest creatures ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 23, 2020:
BC Canada has the biggest slugs in the world, and that's not counting welfare.
Preacher: Ruth Bader Ginsburg “Did Not Know Christ” So She’s Probably in Hell | Hemant Mehta |...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 22, 2020:
About 2/3rds in the world don't know Jesus. For all the people who have lived on earth throughout the whole history of 10s of billion of people. All in hell for fuck all.
Yup that's me
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 22, 2020:
The Devil, made me do it.
The New American Couple
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Putin helped Trump in the last election. Putin threatened war, if he didn't win.
“It is only when we think abstractly that we have such a high opinion of man.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
If we used abstractly like imagination as everything was all once imagined, it is most wise and important. Mankind has more abused, imagination, making us the most dangerous species on the planet. In reality, I am no better or worst than an animal.
Yes Virgina, there is a dog!
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
goD or Dog, same thing to me. Thank DOG!!!I am happy.
Shows how stupid he is
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Orange fuzzy on the outside, and rotten in the inside.
The New American Couple
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Nothing wholesome there.
He mixed up in the G7, during a Daily Mail interview and in a rally in Pennsylvania.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Have they ban him yet, from UK?
You have to unite behind another party to finally end this obedience of complicity.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
So true, and many people think I am the crazy one, for saying so.
What happens in a church state
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
This is more painful than my divorce.
What trump wants you to believe
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
American Citizens lay down their lives at greater numbers than all the US troops in the overseas wars since world war 2. The health care system has killed more people than the covid along with the poverty that kills most of all. This is the worst handling of a dieses and government since the dirty 30s great depression. Citizens must take care of the big stuff and let government handle the small stuff Or much greater deaths and suffering will be coming.
The insanity of today
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 18, 2020:
I would never want to bury my family from anything. A far strech form handling the Covid better. I am sure our children will handle anything like the covid, better next time.
This makes sense
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Police are people too, it's the iunjustice system I heavily guestion.
For the trumpers
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Stupidity is the number 1 case of death.
Hard to believe it but true
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 18, 2020:
A retard and a porn star, woweww....running a country. What we they select next.
Hard to believe it but true
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Confirmed what we think
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Suits them.
White house employment
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 13, 2020:
This breaks the idea of looking for a tall boss, so you don't have to bend down so far, to kiss his ass.
Evangelist: God Sent Donald Trump to Stop the “Flood of Evil” That is Joe Biden | Beth ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Floods follow him everywhere
Beats me but it's Florida
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Vote Green
Trump Orders Reporter To Remove His Mask At Press Briefing | HuffPost
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
They should all cough on him.
His crew of assholes
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Creepy guys, that many Americans love. Brrrruuurrrr.
White House Orders End Of 'Un-American' Racial Sensitivity Training At Federal Agencies | HuffPost
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Blinded by the white.
Some savior
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
My faith in the people will leap over this one, again.
Osama bin Laden's niece backs Donald Trump's re-election - Business Insider
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Wow, the trillion dollar man is haunting again.
WATCH: Here Is Video Of Trump Calling John McCain A "Loser"
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
I am extremely tired of never ending winning with Trump
Racism among white Christians is higher than among the nonreligious. That's no coincidence.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Many claim they witnessed Jesus. Yet, they have no idea what Jesus looks like. Or if he is black , brown or White with blue eyes. They were all born agnostic anyways, in my books.
No kidding
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
A cult is too kind, he is a cluster Fuck.
Says a lot
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 9, 2020:
If Trump needs a heart transplant, I will give him mine.
You have been played
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 3, 2020:
More proof not to have faith in religions or politics. Have faith in the collective consciousness of the people. Hope in politics goes through the fire, faith hops over the fire.
Very special stupid
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Trump won't get support from race or other religions. He gets mainly whites Christians. Health care won't support him. I think, the kind of people that would support Trump are the type that would be casted in the movie, Deliverance.
That would work
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 2, 2020:
That man would drown many times over.
The Young Turks 2020-08-31 -
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Racists is really a serious problem in the US again.
Kenosha police arrest volunteers who provide food to protesters
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 31, 2020:
No donuts for them.
Trump-Loving Anti-Mask Pastor Threatens Dunkin’ Donuts Employee With Assault | Michael Stone
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 30, 2020:
A lord sheep calling the others sheep. Using the sheep herders Guild of the Universe to nail his point. Except his voice felt like driving long nails into my forehead. You have the right to refuse customers, including sheep fuckers and nailers.
Definitely does
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Hookers are too nice and beautiful for him. He needs a pocket pussy.
Just atrocious and unlawful
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Is the white House mean where the religious white people live?
They have no standards
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I saw a man slide down a water slide with a gun in his holster at a water park in Detroit. Trump, Guns and Covid ...OH My!!! I won't be returning to the States to live any more.
This is atrocious by any standards
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Now understand why the NBA boycotted. Blacks have 6 times greater chance of being shot than whites. A US systematic racism, unlike Canada.
Malania address for RNC
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I prefer that, than her mix salad porn films.
Some company he keeps
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 24, 2020:
How much charity dose the wealthy need.
Megachurch Pastor Is Packing People Into Church In Defiance Of LA County Rules | HuffPost
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 20, 2020:
The world really sucks for them. They must pack themselves into happy heaven through a golden church. Because they can't pray themselves out of this one. It won't work, Jesus did not sacrifice himself through a dieses.
Posted before but it shows the price vets pay for protecting the country
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 20, 2020:
War and death has been a great business for the very wealthy
The Great Chicken Conundrum and How It Has Affected Our Elite Ruling Class Question: Why Did The ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 18, 2020:
My brother is a pastor and he thinks he is a chicken. I don't bother telling him, he is not a chicken, because our family needs the eggs.
Oops mistake lol
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Let there be light, that is really sick. Lol.
Weather service issued it's first firenado warning
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 16, 2020:
I watched a third of a city burn down, Ft. McMurray, Canada. You will experience alot more of that with Trump fracking all over the US.
Little kids prayer
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Certainly the Lord is not the cure.
Who Is Kamala Harris? Senator From California Is Biden's VP Pick : NPR
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Vote Green Or vote for the other Two evils. All your doing there, is given yourself a Frankenstein selfie or removing your nose to spite your face.
Huge difference
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Beauty is for a short time, brains is forever.
Trump Just Admitted on Live Television He Will 'Terminate' Social Security and Medicare If Reelected...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 10, 2020:
If he does, the old timers will go after him with axes and pitch folks.
Sentence structure matters
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 8, 2020:
WC Fields quote I love kids... Fried
'Friday Night Massacre' at US Postal Service as Postmaster General—a Major Trump Donor—Ousts Top...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 8, 2020:
The true democracy is within the people. When the people reach great abuse, then 80% of their collective consciousness change things positively, not religious or politics.
No shit atrocious
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 7, 2020:
He still states, the US is at a lower rate of deaths than many countries. Lies, lies lies.
Just out of curiosity , as this is an agnostic group , why do we waste so much time discussing ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Religion is based on fear and to control the people. It's so ridiculous, it's good for some belly laughs. Maybe we can laugh most of it out of existence with funny logic. Can respect Religion because most people are religious and 80% consciousness is truly what leads the people. I respect all people, just don't like the odd one. Religion and politics are not our true leaders, so power to the people. As long as I live, I will not ever understand Religion.
Police unions going around local government to cooperate with trump
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 22, 2020:
The injustice system are policing for profit with Trump.
Whenever and wherever there is a religious group attempting to comingle their religious beliefs with...
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 14, 2020:
It's why, I find Religion and Governments, corrupted, flawed and unjust. I only agree for Governments to take care of the small stuff, not to run our lives.
Trump Statements - YouTube
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 14, 2020:
What is not listed, fracking oil. That would be my vote, because his aim is to be the Number 1 oil exporter in the world. That should kill more Americans and be the worst environmental threat to humanity, Exspeacially to Americans.
Trumps mountain
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Neil Young has condemned the use of his music by US President Donald Trump ahead of his Fourth of July speech at Mount Rushmore. Before Trump’s speech, three of Young’s songs were heard blasting from the speakers – ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’, ‘Like a Hurricane’, and ‘Cowgirl in the Sand’. Young took to Twitter to voice his disapproval
Evangelicals suggest Darwin was a racist because evolution was wrong
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Darwin was probably least racist, considering he brought attention to the fact, we are all animals. It's most major human religions who feel they are above all animals.
Mississippi Election Commissioner Complains About Black Voters
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Wish we could ship Trump back to Scotland, except they don't want him neither.
The Six Grandfathers before it was known as Mount Rushmore
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 5, 2020:
An amazing sculpture, the history may not be the liking to the natives. They are building a much bigger sculpture of Crazy Horse. Won't be done in our lifetime. I will stick to concrete and sand sculptures, don't have the patience for hard rocks.
At least 8 Secret Service agents stuck in Phoenix with coronavirus after Pence trip - CNNPolitics
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 5, 2020:
It's probably Pence's second wave of his own covid virus, he gave to them. The virus prays are being answered.🤐
And hes a republican
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I only pick the Green party, the other two are degrees of evil.
Add your own caption
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Fun for both
Exotic particle that has never been seen before found at CERN | The Independent
Castlepaloma comments on Jul 4, 2020:
The answer to the meaning of life and everything else in it, is...- 44.
Trump called on stormy
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Neither, Trump masterbates and dreams about himself.
Make your own caption
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Special delivery for Mr. Trump. The war on covid 19 breaks Americans war record,along with your world record on lawsuits.
Ironic isnt it
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Yes, what goes around, comes around.
Donnie your makeup is running
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Is that an Orange air brush tan ?
Noam Chomsky: Trump Is the Worst Criminal in History - Free Speech TV
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I agree with Norm. The covid 19 will kill more Americans than all the troops killed back to world war two. That is minor compared to nature environment destruction more connected to 15 other greater killing dieses related to our natural environment. I made a sculpture related to this topic that I will post soon. Great point Bob!!!!
Texas Pastor Arrested For Child Rape After Backing Bill Criminalizing Abortion | Michael Stone
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 18, 2020:
He can't get enough child rapping. Prison should rape him for awail.
Christian Pastor: Louisiana’s Cockfighting Ban Violates My Religious Freedom | Hemant Mehta | ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Cock fights violate animal rights.
Bruce Springsteen Wants Trump To ‘Put On A Fking Mask’ | HuffPost
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Even a white pillow case would improve Trump's looks.
Franklin Graham is Absolutely FURIOUS That SCOTUS Granted LGBTQ People Equal Rights
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 18, 2020:
What ever happened to all men are equal, in the good book. Must have been another misprinted lie
Excellent reason
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 18, 2020:
He makes Donald duck look really nice . Duffy duck acts more like Donald Trump, except much nicer too.
MAGA Cultist Bill Mitchell: Systemic Racism is a “Fantasy Created by the Media” | Hemant Mehta |...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 17, 2020:
Maybe true in Canada, but not the US. There are many wealthy whites and very few blacks are wealthy.


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