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How Many of These Do You Remember?
How Many Do You Still Own?

sassygirl3869 9 June 9

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Most of that is "American" stuff so I obviously wouldn't remember them. I certainly remember the first four. I also remember galvanised sheet metal boxes with doors, that were surrounded with charcoal that was held in place by wire netting and which were kept wet by a slowly dripping tap. They were kept outside, in a shaded location but exposed to the wing, and were cool boxes for our milk, meat and butter. I also remember the big single cylinder diesel engines that drove a generator to supply electricity between sunset and 10pm. And tractors with two fuel tanks, so that they could be started on petrol, then switched to cheaper kerosene once the engine was warmed up.

Petter Level 9 June 10, 2018

Don't forget transistor radios and the flapper things on bikes or dial phones. There are probably a lot of other things that were common in the 'old days'.

I had a Hitachi pocket radio, featuring 2 "point contact" transistors, in 1957.


I remember all on that list. OMG, I'm older then dirt


I even remember penny candy and a pretzel for a penny. A dime would get a candy bar and change. I remembered all of them.


I remember it I would love a case of boone's farm...


I used to remember all of these things. Until I drank that bottle of Boone's Farm and it wiped out all my brain cells.


I plead the Fifth!


All of them...


I can't remember any of the stuff.

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