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Did anyone else just watch the Belmont Stakes? Every year I'm all "why do I always watch this race for rich people's pets--RUN PONIES! RUN!!!!!"
Yep. Every year.

Emerald 7 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I watched it and also bet on the race. Gronkowski was the horse that I picked to pull the upset, and I was getting pretty excited early in the stretch run until Justify shifted into high gear. Truly a super horse, just as good as American Pharaoh was in winning the Triple Crown.

I know Justify was in a lather before the race, but once he started running he didn't even look like he was working that hard. Amazing animal.


I do that, and I never have money on the races. I wonder whether the horses give a damn or just run because they have been trained to go in circles.

UUNJ Level 8 June 9, 2018

I like to watch it too


Someone just posted something about the winning horse being from his old hood ...or something like that πŸ˜‰ I remained not rude.. Betting on animals running in circles with little people on their backs ..whipping them. Yet again, I don’t appear to fit πŸ˜•

Varn Level 8 June 9, 2018

I used to watch all the major races when I lived in Kentucky, and even used to go watch the Lexington Keeneland races just prior to the KY Derby-for free, since the same horses ran in the Derby.

Here in Thailand I sometimes get to see recaps of major horse races around the world on one or the other of the three English language news channels seen here in Songkhla, but it's random and I can't rely on it.

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