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You have to make love to my mind..before you can make love to my body. Does anyone else require the
emotional connection first ?

Wildgreens 8 June 9

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49 comments (26 - 49)

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Women do, men don' I am sure there has to be exceptions both ways


To sustain a relationship that is more serious, yes, of course. But for less serious? Not so much.


Emotional conection and mind stimulation are prob two different things. But i can count on the fingers of one hand ( i won't say how many fingers ?) the women i have been with whom i had NOT known for quite a considerable time before we became intimate. Regarding mind stimulation, i am turned by women with wit. Cerebral foreplay, be it visual or verbal also greatly enhances the sensual experience.


This just seems a bit condescending.


My only answer is " You don't know what you are missing " ?


Yes....totally agree. I've told a few men over the years that the sexiest part of their body was between their ears. Some got it.....some, sadly, didn't...


Isn't this what wine is for?

I love wine, but I need more than that.
Just wine is not going to do.

And really good cannabis


Vodka. 😉


I'm an introvert, so I need there to be an emotional connection before I can even think about pursuing someone.

If I the one being pursued then I think, in theory, that it would be (slightly) less important.


Mostly..there have been exceptions..???


My earlier response was just an initial reaction to the question.
I have been thinking about it for a while now, and have decided to amend
my original post.
My answer is still 'no', but I learned to separate sex and love.
They generally have very little to do with one another, and I spent far too
much of my youth confusing sex with love. Usually to my own detriment.
Sex is sex. It's a physical need. Emotional connection is unnecessary to
feed the demon. It's something else entirely.

Personally, if all I want is sex, I really don't want there to be any kind of emotional connection involved, at all.
If I'm in a relationship with someone, that's where emotional connection is
part of the scenario.

There isn't a damned thing wrong with having sex just for the sake of having sex.
I think women have been far too conditioned to think it's wrong to have sex if
they aren't emotionally involved. I eschew that kind of thinking.
Everyone gets to follow their own path.

I'm not a woman..but I agree with that, is just ..yes it absolutely fine and dandy if you are emotionally connected..but as a natural urge..its not unlike eating food you adore..or fast food because you are hungry...


Yes definitely. If you can't carry on an intelligent conversation not interested.


Is emotional connection sufficient? I have lots of male friends with whom I have deep emotional connections, but I am not sexually attracted to them.
For me, forming an emotional connection is basically making friends and if I make friends so that I can sleep with them, that would be deceptive and insincere. So, what does forming an emotional connection mean to you?


Last time I tried that aproach I drove her Crazy and that ruined the Carnal Knowledge part. Nah, nah. Like my ex wife used to say.. "marriage can wait for tomorrow, just shut up, some music and let's do it"


Yes. It doesn't have to be a committed relationship, but I know I have to have a connection.


I hope not repeating self Kind of apples and oranges
Women can and are as emtionally unavailabke as men
Please Gtbeans up!
Women (sex workers) enjoy sex and are not attached nor give a Fk about that Women want equality and equity Own your shit. Its ok to not feel "feel in live " every time you make sweet music
Men need to cut the condescending shit... We arent are so full of yourselves..Hello GTFU


To me, the are one and the same. Making love physically must be an extension of the mind. I was once asked, "Can't you just enjoy a good f**k and forget all the love stuff?
My answer was, "I supose not."


Funny no one mentioned Sapiosexual!

One who finds the content's of someone else's mind to be their most attractive attribute, above and before their physical characteristics. From the Latin root "sapien", meaning wise. The term is now becoming mainstream with dating apps such as OkCupid and Sapio giving users the ability to define their sexual orientations as "Sapiosexual."

For many, defining oneself as Sapiosexual is also a statement against the current status quo of hookup culture and superficiality, where looks are prized above all else.
"Give me a deep conversation or a passionate debate over brainless beauty any day. Someone who makes me reconsider my long-held beliefs and challenges my mind is a person I can easily fall for. There is no doubt that I'm a sapiosexual."

URL: []

You're right.


For the record, I was simply responding to what someone wrote and sought response to; I had no intention, NONE, of offering any advice to anyone, and I was not talking about marriage, deep emotional connection, or what have you. If I don't have some feeling for the person who is a potential sexual partner, I'd likely be better off just purchasing an inflatable or, like Portnoy, buy a bit of liver wrapped in some meat shop paper. It interests me that there are people who can interact with others without the least concern for them or themselves. No wonder killing someone has become an act that seems so much more easily done by so many in today's society. I have also had the experience of NOT showing any emotional connection to the other person, and have avoided doing so intentionally, so as not to imply feelings that were not there, only to discover that thte other person read into my behavior all kinds of serious emotional meaning that I wanted to avoid. It's so easy to hurt someone inadvertently, when you had the best of intentions---just some carefree, easy sex that would be pleasurable for both people, but it's difficut to imagine being more personal with another than engaging in sexual activity. Sure, it's not that way for some, but it is for many. Many have come to believe that submitting to that is to be taken as a sign of serious intentions. In conclusion, I would say that it is rather obviously up to both parties, and the wishes of both must be respected, but if one is going to engage in sex with absoutely no care whatsoever about the other person--and note that by "care" I do not mean to feel love or whatever--then it doesnt really matter who the other person is. That falls into the same category as masturbation, using the dildo, hiring the prostitute or handsome male escort. Yes, we are animals, but one reason we invented romance and romantic love is part of that "thin veneer of civilization" that is so often mentioned as separating us from the other animals. But even among many of the other animals, there are gestures of caring and wanting to satisfy needs other than simply the physical. If you take my remarks to indicate that I am condescending, I am sorry, because I certainly do not mean that to be the case. Perhaps I am an emotional deviant.

I appreciate your insight.


I prefer emotional connection before sex. Tried prostitutes and was not that good.



xyz123 Level 7 June 12, 2018

Yup. It's just part of who I am. A demisexual that does not do one night stands and avoids the hookup culture like th plague.


To some degree at least. Who would want to have sex with a complete bitch?


Yes absolutely.



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