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Thanking and Honoring John McCain

sassygirl3869 9 June 10

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A mans man.... the John Wayne type.


Republicans could of supported McCain but instead chose George W. to represent the Republican party in 2000. Which got us into two endless wars. Republicans could have come out and supported McCain against Obama....but again failed in that.


Not the brightest guy, could have been president.

gater Level 7 June 10, 2018

John McCain flew 23 missions over North Viet Nam. That is a tremendous act of bravery.


Flying an A4 Skyhawk, He refused to abort an air strike because of heavy antiaircraft fire. He stayed on the bomb run and hit his target, thus, saving ground troops who were taking heavy fire. His aircraft sustained major damage and he was forced to eject. His courage saved numerous lives of his fellow Americans.


I don't know what to call the current level of the so called human beings who make up the repulsivecan party...It has totally lost it's way and integrity.


Most Conservatives and most Republicans tossed him out like yesterdays trash. They are hypocritical when it comes to support of the military.


Is this for real ? I have no knowledge of this man.

Yes, this is very for real. He may be a Republican, but he's one of the good ones.

He ran against Obama

I'm surprised. We in Kenya heard about him.

He also is terminally ill with Glioblastoma brain cancer. (I lost a brother to it two years ago). Very brave man. I respect McCain.

OK. I am not much into American politics !

Thanks !

I am not much into American politics.

Thank you.

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