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Name one thing you want to try in the bedroom.

HippieChick58 9 June 10

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I'm thinking of filling my CPAP reservoir with tequila.

I never thought of that!

Sapphire Gin for me

@Paul628 I guess I misunderstood the question or my mind is in the “gutter “

I'll have to try this! Maybe it will help me sleep longer than 4 hours.

@LetzGetReal are you kidding I’m preoccupied with cunniligus

@LetzGetReal are you teasing me of my chioce in.bed.... oral pleasure to a woman when you referred to “ bush” or have I inspired you just a wee bit


A restful sleep


Beat me to it!

@Holysocks ha!


Convince the dust bunnies to give me some privacy.

MikeEC Level 7 June 10, 2018

Then you might be lonely!

@HippieChick58 Hmmm, well they are quiet and soft, but not very cuddly.


Try not to be there by myself.........


Before I started current job I had some time off between jobs, so I did some painting. I had always wanted to try an ombre wall, and I wanted a bedroom strictly in my taste, my fantasy, my sanctuary. I love the ombre wall, and I made the quilt as well. My bedroom makes me happy. I haven't had any visitors since the painting was done.

You are our next Mary Cassatt

I did something similar. I call it "the box".


I would like to put the bed along side the south wall....but I don't have anyone to help me move the very heavy box frame. 😟


Sleep for eight hours at a time.

To dream, the impossible dream...

@ailurophile Lucid dreaming, I used to be able to do it, but no longer. It was fun.

Hey, I got seven last night, a lot for me. 🙂


A new man. 😉 Or maybe a new vanity table.....that would probably last longer....every pun intended! 😉


I've been considering red curtains.

Jnei Level 8 June 11, 2018



Have company

lol ! 😉


Sleeping! I haven't been sleeping well lately.

I understand what you mean. Last night I was up until 3:30am. It seems the only time I can sleep is when the alarm is going off.


Sleeping a good solid 8 hours.


A comfortable bed.

My mattress molded in storage, and I couldn't afford another one. So, a friend loaned me a twin mattress. Comfortable, but it molded too. I think one of her dogs had an accident on it before they brought it over, and none of us caught that.

@LetzGetReal Heh! Thanks for the advice, but this is a rental and has a sump pump in the basement. Vermont, in general, is a mold factory. A dear friend who is allergic to just about everything installed central AC to help with the problem. I've tried convincing my ex, as well as various housemates that cleaning is a good idea, but... Once I get my own place, they can all mold in peace.

Added later: I have a bunkbed I bought used that is in various bits... as soon as I clear some room in my room, I'll assemble it. If I could afford a new mattress, I'd have bought one long ago.

Here in Spain one can buy pretty cheap aerosols of anti-mould spray for walls, etc, that allow one to re-enter the room after a couple of hours.
Surely a land as advanced as the USA would have an equivalent.

@Petter Yes, please... a url or brand names would be much appreciated.

@LetzGetReal I don't have a URL. I just go into a hardware shop and buy some if I want it. I thought it would be universal.

@LetzGetReal I know Zinc Sulphate is effective against many fungi. (It is the active ingredient in many foot powders, for example). Perhaps this would work? either as a fine powder sprinkled on to a mattress, etc, or as a solution dissolved into pretty hot water then sprayed onto walls.


Getting it finally cleaned up.


Since I can't get a man...Houseplants. 😀

I used to have houseplants, and then I got kittens. Before the kittens I had a senior kitty that was blind and didn't bother the plants. I had lots of plants. I love my kittens but I miss my house plants.

and why can't you get a man?seems odd

...coming from @lookinhard, lol! 👍

@Byrdsfan My cats don’t bother my plants and I have a few, houseplants that is.


Hanging my nautical light.. I could put it on a timer, but would really like a switch near the bed. Had it in a prior bedroom … it was haunting. I love the ocean, so couldn’t help purchasing it decades ago, it’s the real thing - red on one side, blue-green on the other.. Otherworldly, and so cool in a bedroom ~

Varn Level 8 June 10, 2018

I love to start with long deep whole body messages. I was trained in structural integration, working on the engineering of the human body. It is the type of body work that makes one feel great the next day, as tight connective tissues and fascia will only cause chronic pain. Rolfing is a form of Structural Integration, but it is branded, and they do in 1 session what I'll do more gently in 5. Working on someone, I learn all about them, where they hold their stress and tension.

It's really not technically message, since I don't work with muscles, but I do add some because it flushes the lymphatic system and just plain feels good.

And, it's always a great bonding experience. I always want to try doing it better.

What I want to try is to bring my partner to greater pleasures and feeling better than ever in their life.

I have some CBD balm, and I use it at bedtime to give myself a foot massage. I do this in hopes that I will actually sleep, sometimes it works. But it has been fascinating to concentrate on the structure of the foot, and how when I press on some areas I feel it in other areas. I always took my feet for granted, but they're really very supportive.

@LetzGetReal I don't have any physical problems, but i love giving and receiving sensual massages. I'll be right over 😉

@LetzGetReal Unfortunately the trains no longer depart from here. I'll have to get creative. I'm sure I'll need a good massage when I arrive!


Standing 69 looks interesting, but maybe impractical, with the blood rushing to the head effect.

@LetzGetReal Pretty sure you can't escape that easily.

There was a young lady of Norway,
Who hung by her heels from the doorway.
She said to her man
Get off that Divan
I think I've discovered one more way.


declutter. When 6 additional people moved in my house to help pay bills I gave up my bedroom and moved into my office. Its crowded in there with 6 bureaus.

bureaus or bureaux? I've never bothered to look it up, I just spell it in French.




Marine Level 8 June 11, 2018

A wall mounted, voice controlled computer connected to this site. But it's a double bed and the other occupant would object!

Petter Level 9 June 11, 2018

@LetzGetReal Can't get rid of her. Over 50 years ago I made her a proposition and she took it to mean a proposal. 😉 😉

@Petter Awww! That made me smile 🙂

@Jnei It was meant to. I love the humour that can be achieved with words. Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

@LetzGetReal ... and unlucky she !


Clean and declutter!!

dkp93 Level 8 June 17, 2018


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