14 11

I disapprove of the death penalty.
Regardless of your perspective the fact that we do not apply the death pentality equally across demographics is enough reason by itself to discontinue such a final punishment.


Myah 6 June 11

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I'm all for it in the cases where there is zero question as to whom the culprit is.....e.g. caught during the crime.
I would also argue that it needs to be employed more quickly.
20 years on death row is bullsh*t.


Just take a look at who the like minded countries are on the death penalty. Does the US want to be aligned with that lot?


I think I'm not going to read the article and just use the topic to spit out whatever talking points I heard someone else make about the topic. Thinking is hard!

JeffB Level 6 June 11, 2018

There are far too many people on death row that have been exhonorated years or decades after the conviction.

LEPeff Level 8 June 11, 2018

plenty of reasons not to go there. Life in prison without parole is far worse if someone is seeking revenge

btroje Level 9 June 11, 2018

The thought of that sentence ,'life without parole' would drive me to suicide.

@buzz13 that is frequently what happens


A dog that steps out of line is put down, no hesitation. Same with any otehr animal. In cases where these is zero doubt, I have no problem with it. We have 2 in Oz that shoudl have been done years ago. I do not regard humans as special. I know it is our species and all but if we take a step back, not much difference.

I also don't think human life is special in the larger since of things and don't trust the government with the right to decide who lives and who dies. But neither your point, not mine addresses the posters question.

Well, we can have harsh punishments for offenses thereby creating a cruel and barbaric world or we human beings can transcend our baser nature and make a kinder, gentler world for us all to live in.

@JeffB True, my way of taking away discrimination would be to look at why some get it easier.

@JeffB, @dare2dream I don't look at it as punishment, but rather removing those who prove a risk to the rest of society.

@Rugglesby ok, what if it ends up being that's it's actually hard to prove these cases and a good portion of them are going to find innocent people guilty of the crime. If that was true, would it change your stance?

@JeffB Only looking at cases wheer there is no doubt, our biggest mass shooting, there is no doubt whatsoever the guy did it, so he shoudl be compost. Someone who runs after little girls and shoots them. Seriously, I think it is a sick society that doesn't just shut the book on this guy. Not revenge.

@Rugglesby it seems impossible that you put that too in the hands of government, that they would use it the way you want. You reading that situation differently?

@JeffB agree, the government twists anything.


You say it isn't a deterent . We have mass murders , we have serial killers . Even these go through a very lengthy process , before they reach an execution stage . So bear in mind , if they have the opportunity , they will kill again . Being dead , ends that opportunity . Being alive , means people like Ted Bundy , Manson , and the others , will have the opportunity to kill again . What are you saving them for . Why do you feel we should support them for multiple decades ?

The death penalty is pretty expensive with all the years of appeals. I am not going to dig around but it seems i have read that life without parole ends up being cheaper

Being locked away in a prison within a prison forever insurers they will never kill again. Besides, are we to execute people for crimes they might commit in the future?

@dare2dream It's not a matter of executing them for crimes they might commit in the future , it's a matter of executing people who have already been found guilty of committing crimes , and additionally , preventing them from repeating it again . Sometimes , prisoners do escape .

@Cast1es : I see. You want to kill them to prevent them from repeating crimes. As I said, you want to kill them for crimes they MIGHT do in the future.

@dare2dream Your intentional second mis-interrupteration , of what I wrote , is just as wrong the second time you wrote it , as it was the first time . Their punishment , is for the multiple crimes , they have already committed . Period . Even if they remain in prison , for the rest of their lives , they will still be around guards , other prisoners , workers who would be required for jobs prisoners are not allowed to do , lawyers , visitors , therapists , medical personnel , etc ., who , I might add , except for the guards , are all unarmed .


Totally agree-the system is racist, and too many innocents have been eecuted.


I admit there are times when I read about a crime, and think that the bastard who could do that should be executed.

But that's a damned good reason to abolish it. Revenge is not justice, and killing someone to allow society to feel vindicated is barbaric.

I still cannot feel bad about Ted Bundy though.

JimG Level 8 June 11, 2018

I too am 100% opposed to it, for three reasons: 1, the system that holds the power to carry it out is open to corruption and institutional racism, and the individuals given the power to demand such a sentence are only human; 2, there's too much potential for miscarriages of justice leading to innocent people being put to death, which can also increase the likelihood of the guilty person never being caught; 3, it's far better to study people who have carried out terrible crimes to find out why they did them and what can be done to prevent others doing the same.

Jnei Level 8 June 11, 2018

good points


I agree. In addition to it's uneven application, as you pointed out, it's never been proven to be much of a deterrent at all and is our justice system going to be just about punishment? Are we going to allow for the possibility of any kind of redemption?


So would propose a federal mandate for death penalty cases? Where every state and province had specific guidelines to which they had to abide by. My mom has a different take on murderer sentences. She thinks the victim's families should have the ultimate say in convicts welfare. Including the option to put them into slavery.

azzow2 Level 9 June 11, 2018

The problem with victim families deciding is that it would make punishments for the same crime carry wildly.

It also has potential for people to get away with things from social pressure on the victim. Like how abused spouses often won’t prosecute their abuser.


Awwww.... why? Its just showing others that this is what happens when you rape and kill. I figure people have plenty of time to talk themselves out of hurting another person. If they come in my house... I'm going to shoot them and it might kill them..... so don't try to come in my house because I now fear my life and my family's life. I'm sorry is not an answer. I don't forgive if you hurt me of my family.... think about the worst thing that could happen to you or your family..... you still want them to live after they did that worst thing?

Your last question seems to assume that I have not thought this out. But yes, I did go through that thought experiment and still came to the conclusion that the death penalty is not something that I want our society to perpetuate.
The death penalty does not somehow undo the damage that has been done.

@Myah ok ... I get it... thank you.

Once a killer is caught and behind bars then what happens is no longer about him. It is about us and who we are and what kind of people we are. I refuse to stoop to the same level as the killer.

@dare2dream thats cool and i hear you. I just can't allow these people to continue. Heck... death is the cowards way out anyway. I would put them in a cage of monkey's. They would wish they were dead.


The systems to corrupt for such a final punishment ...besides keeping some people alive is a far worse punishment

Simon1 Level 7 June 11, 2018

Yes, THIS was what I was trying to say. It is not equally applied even if you think it could be justified.

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