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Do you have to lead a structured life ?

Wildgreens 8 June 12

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Structured lives make us feel safe, but they are also stultifying.


I have to, because I'm so scatterbrained and live inside my head so much, that I need structure to keep me grounded.


A clean, organized home calms and pleases me.

I plan ahead. Never rush off scatterbrained, driving until running out of gas with no money, like a man I met.

Routines: Volunteer college mentor. Hiking twice/week. Weightlifting. Running. Stretching.

Spray Sawyer Permrethrin insect repellent on my hiking clothes, hat and gear. It lasts through six washings. This odorless spray kills and repels ticks, mosquitoes and 33 other biting/stinging insects.

Keep my hiking boots waterproofed. Also polish and waterproof leather boots and shoes. This makes them last longer and look sharp.

As an organized, high energy person, I get a lot done.

Welcome to the club of the boring and disciplined (those are not my words but is how some people see us).

My life is fun! Not boring.

@LiterateHiker Kathleen, you don't have to convince me. I feel the same about being organized. That's why I said "how SOME people see US".

Kathleen, This was my comment to this posting: Without structure I could not cope. Planned meal times and some activities (like being on this site). There is some room for non-planned activities but I even have a time set aside for this. Unpredictability tends to stress me. I have been called boring but really couldn't care.


As a single, 80 year old retiree, living alone, definitely not.


Not really. It is one of a few reasons l chose a life in music. ☺


I assume I have to, if no other reason than I am a high school science teacher. I live by bells and schedules. It used drive my ex- nuts and I can't say I blame her. She liked unplanned spontaneity (sorry, redundant) and my structured lifestyle contrasted with that. I am a softer style of Type-A personality. If I am not at my appointment 5 min. early, Im already late (for example).

t1nick Level 8 June 12, 2018

I can understand that. ?


What do you mean by "a structured life"? Sticking to an organized schedule or routine? Living by others' rules? Not being too spontaneous?

I live cautiously, even conservatively in a lot of ways, but I'm far from being conformist in my behavior, e.g.:

  • non-theistic (negative atheist)
  • vegetarian (sometimes fully plant-based diet)
  • anti-natalist
  • uncoupled & sexually abstinent for many years
  • almost never drink alcohol, and never to excess
  • have been known to drive 57 in a 55 mph zone

No SEX??

@BucketlistBob ’Tis overrated.

@resserts - you're doing it wrong, lol


I'm a business owner, so yes, there is necessary weekly structure in my work routines, but as far as life in general, sometimes yes but then I always embrace spontaneity and chaos.

The only exception I guess would be my daily coffee rituals......


Without structure I could not cope. Planned meal times and some activities (like being on this site). There is some room for non-planned activities but I even have a time set aside for this. Unpredictability tends to stress me.


I hope not! I abhor structure for the most part, but understand that for society to function, there needs to be some synchronization. Rushing to meet arbitrarily set deadlines is the bain of my existence.

Zster Level 8 June 13, 2018

I much prefer structure, but am just not very good at it!

StJohn Level 6 June 13, 2018

'everybody needs a routine of some sort', don't they? Most teach it to their children despite something here called 'free range kids', which suggests to me, it will be forced on you by wrong choices, accidents etc.


Yeah, kinda have to on work days. If I don't set aside time for personal study, exercise, meditation then it will never happen on workdays.

Days off aren't very structured though.


Not if I can help it.


Hell no !   I am retired damnit !

No need for structure. ?

Thats right, no need for it and don't think I ever aporoved of it either ?


Not since I retired the military but a living in partner changes all that.

Thank you for your service, sir!

@TheGreatShadow You welcome. Best decision I ever made.


Nope... you can pick up and leave anytime you want if your rich and famous like me..... yeah right?. Or you can be structured and plan everything down to the last detail.

There are no rules in how to go about this. ???


No one told me to. Not that it would matter if they did...




I have a very structured life but I leave room for adventure.


With some things, yes. With other things, no.


I feel as though my life is mostly chaos with small anchor points of structure.
I would probably do better with more structure, and yet, I keep thinking that I need to be more spontaneous.
Hmmm - this is a harder question to answer than I thought.

scurry Level 9 June 13, 2018

Structure yes, imprisoned by routine no.


No you don't be who you are!! As long as you don't hurt anyone!!


Not really. I no longer work. Waiting for ssd. Feed cats check mail, but hope to have some in a few weeks

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