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I find it useful to save well written posts that I make on Facebook so that I can copy and paste them when debating the same topics over and over again. I have a whole stock of responses when people ask questions like “if there’s no god then where did the universe come from” or “if there’s no god then where did life come from.”

I would recommend that everyone do this so that we can share wisdom with knowledge with anyone who asks for it without having to tediously type out the same responses over and over again

UltimateMike 5 June 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Reasonable idea because all of the questions they ask are always the same. I've found that a lot of this is because nobody wants to die and believers also want to have all the answers. It's impossible. Nobody has all the answers.


I did that for a time, but it just became an annoyance. It was just all the same arguments for the millionth time. No one was listening. No one was compromising. No one was changing their minds. So I changed my approach.

Now I just start right off with the name-calling. Thats where it is going anyway and I am tired.

I used to be a Christian. The conversations I had with atheists who were polite and respectful were a big part of why I eventually became an atheist myself. Try to be patient. No one is going to change their mind about religion over the course of a conversation. It takes time. People were very surprised when I became an atheist. You don’t always know what seeds will grow


It's a good idea; I already do that.

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